Do people actually go to "Palm readers" or fortunetellers/psychics?


History junkie
Dec 9, 2005
Fairfax county VA, USA
Anyway where i live i see palm reader shops, and fortune teller shops in many places.

I mean who actually wastes their money on that crap?

Do they actually beileve it? How retarted. Thats just as bad as joining the church of scientology. I hope i dont know anyone who throws away thier money on that crap.
I went to one once, just out of curiosity.

She did predict that I would move to Edmonton at a time when I had no intention of moving here. Other than that I can't remember anything else she was right about.
I've never been to a fortuneteller. I value my cash.
A Psycic came to our college, and she was legit. She could rattle off the serial numbers of any paper money someone had in the room (while being blindfolded of course, and 30 meters away from the crowd), she could give the exact names of people in photos she has never seen before, she could give exact names of relatives of people in the crowd that had died, she told this one kid to pick a number between 1 and 100, and she picked the exact number before he even told her.

After seeing that show, I am a firm believer that such psycic powers exist. Not all who claim to have these powers are genuine though.
Atlas14 said:
A Psycic came to our college, and she was legit. She could rattle off the serial numbers of any paper money someone had in the room (while being blindfolded of course, and 30 meters away from the crowd), she could give the exact names of people in photos she has never seen before, she could give exact names of relatives of people in the crowd that had died, she told this one kid to pick a number between 1 and 100, and she picked the exact number before he even told her.

After seeing that show, I am a firm believer that such psycic powers exist. Not all who claim to have these powers are genuine though.

3 words. It was staged.
The number of people I know who believes, to some extent, in this sort of crap greatly reduces my faith on humanity.
I can understand kids beileving this stuff. Hell when i was young i beileved psychic powers existed.

But full grown adults should know better.
Xanikk999 said:
3 words. It was staged.

There is no way it was staged. The audience was kids from my college, kids I know. The psycic was blindfolded and could not have seen the tiny serial numbers even if she was not blindfolded.

People were pulling random photos out of their wallet, how would she have know exactly what they were wearing and the exact names of the people?

It was completely, 100% real.
Atlas14 said:
There is no way it was staged. The audience was kids from my college, kids I know. The psycic was blindfolded and could not have seen the tiny serial numbers even if she was not blindfolded.

People were pulling random photos out of their wallet, how would she have know exactly what they were wearing and the exact names of the people?

It was completely, 100% real.

It was staged before hand. And she probably has a very good memory too.
Xanikk999 said:
It was staged before hand. And she probably has a very good memory too.

What? These were college kids, my friends, who I was talking with before the show, I was with them 30 minutes before the show. There is no way it was staged. We had no part in it, we were merely the audience.

If you would have asked me before the show, I would have predicted everythign the psycic was to do would be 100% bs, but after, my jaw simply dropped. It was amazing. And the fact that she was blindfolded confirms that she did not "memorize" anything. She would have had to know which person was holding which dollar.
Atlas14 said:
What? These were college kids, my friends, who I was talking with before the show, I was with them 30 minutes before the show. There is no way it was staged. We had no part in it, we were merely the audience.

If you would have asked me before the show, I would have predicted everythign the psycic was to do would be 100% bs, but after, my jaw simply dropped. It was amazing. And the fact that she was blindfolded confirms that she did not "memorize" anything. She would have had to know which person was holding which dollar.

Ok then.. Someones probably whispering to her where nobody can see them what they are.

Or she has a microchip implant or something.
There are a lot of gypsies around here ... so you can imagine how many are palm readers. :lol:
Masquerouge said:
As long as any feminine magazine will HAVE to have an horoscop, these people will do well.
Yes, I blame it all on women. Prove me wrong.

Not to mention womens magazines always have pictures of scantily clad or sexy women. Do many women have slight lesbian tendencies or something? :confused:
Xanikk999 said:
Ok then.. Someones probably whispering to her where nobody can see them what they are.

Or she has a microchip implant or something.

In a room full of college kids, Im sure someone would have pointed out even the least suspicious thing. Nobody was wispering, she was alone on stage, with her back turned, and she was blindfoled. Pure psycic powers.
Atlas14 said:
In a room full of college kids, Im sure someone would have pointed out even the least suspicious thing. Nobody was wispering, she was alone on stage, with her back turned, and she was blindfoled. Pure psycic powers.

Ok then your lying. Or its just some trick.

These people are experts at tricks. Just like a magic show or a card trick.
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