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Do you like Norway?

The Last Conformist said:
What makes you think I think about Norway? :p

A question like this to a Swede is equivalent to handing a hot-red poker to a sadist.
The Last Conformist said:
What makes you think I think about Norway? :p
What makes you think my question was in any way directed to you in particular?:p
The only reason I even care about Norway is because of their depressing and awesome music. "Viking death metal" is one of my top 3 favorite musical styles in existence. Amon Amarth is one of my favorite bands, though, they are from Sweden. Same thing as far as I am concerned. I love Norway because of their early promising history and the equally inspirational and depressing music it has inspired.
I assumed dimmu borgir was from sweden. I do like Dimmu for their modern blast beats and profesional musisicans. I haven't heard one mayhem song; though, I have heard the name. I am just not cool enough to know what they are all about.
I've never been there but I have many Norwegian friends. They are inspiring, spirited, humorous and hard working fellows. I can respect and enjoy that and stupidly presume that I would meet many other such people if I went there. In conclusion: I have no reason to dislike Norway.

EDIT: Norwegian politics, literature, film, food and others are well received and respected by me too, inclining me more towards 'like' than 'no reason to dislike'.
Insayn said:
I assumed dimmu borgir was from sweden. I do like Dimmu for their modern blast beats and profesional musisicans. I haven't heard one mayhem song; though, I have heard the name. I am just not cool enough to know what they are all about.

Ever heard Satyricon?
luceafarul said:
By now you should know the routine. What do you think about my country?
It's not a member of the E.U -5 points
It likes to send boats out to kill whales -5000 points
Total score -5005 points:p

Basically, those 2 things make me dislike it. Other stuff about it is ok.
Reno said:
Norway is an unreplaceble part of the Nordic countries*. :D
Yes. It's irreplaceable too! :)
Never been there but I like Denmark? Is that close enough? :D

And whats with the do you like threads, do you like me to open a do you like Holland thread? ;)
LOVE IT! I'd go back in a minute, if I had enough money to get there, and pay for food and shelter for a week :crazyeye: !

It also gets bonus points in my books because it reminds me of Canada in a lot of ways, and not just the climate. I think that the national psyche of the two countries are similar, although that's difficult to explain...
Che Guava said:
LOVE IT! I'd go back in a minute, if I had enough money to get there, and pay for food and shelter for a week :crazyeye: !

It also gets bonus points in my books because it reminds me of Canada in a lot of ways, and not just the climate. I think that the national psyche of the two countries are similar, although that's difficult to explain...

May I tempt you Che?
What's the difference between the United Arab Emirates and Norway ? Both are oil selfish small countries who doesn't know what to do with their money.

Marla_Singer said:
What's the difference between the United Arab Emirates and Norway ? Both are oil selfish small countries who doesn't know what to do with their money.

:lol: Very good. :goodjob:
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