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Dominion NES

And now everything changes.

Wow, Kyzarc, you're devious. Nice going! (which was not sarcasm)

Now it would seem everyone hates Arshnoc. And as corollary, me.
I strongly deny all that, I have no need to have help with the giants due to my other allies and that kind of spy operation against Ulm and the giants would be horrendously expensive, costing somewhere in the 30 g range for something that is extremely likely to fail. I was going to pay the emperor but I saw how well he was doing on his own and I had more important things to spend my money on then an npc at the other side of my large neighbor. Mictlan is also really far away from me and that was near the beginning of the game, I was more worried about building an army and taking territory than annoying a player who is far away, the cost of any spy thingy that far away would be horrendous for an early game economy and wouldn't have any real benefits that out way the risk of getting caught.
If I were to do sneaky things it'd be against you or T_F because you two are the only threats to me, not Ulm or Mictlan.
Not meaning any offence, but was the resource captured by Jotenheim in Ural last Turn Stupidium? I mean, invading Arshanoc, that might of made sense due to their war with Lanka. But also attacking Shinuyama? Pure Stupidium (or maybe Insanium)
They took my coal, I miss that coal...
I think they realized that any attack on me would bring about our combined retaliation and they were trying to preempt T_F's attack. I was hoping that they'd attack 13, not Bogarus but :shrug:, they'll just die next turn anyways.
I strongly deny all that, I have no need to have help with the giants due to my other allies and that kind of spy operation against Ulm and the giants would be horrendously expensive, costing somewhere in the 30 g range for something that is extremely likely to fail. I was going to pay the emperor but I saw how well he was doing on his own and I had more important things to spend my money on then an npc at the other side of my large neighbor. Mictlan is also really far away from me and that was near the beginning of the game, I was more worried about building an army and taking territory than annoying a player who is far away, the cost of any spy thingy that far away would be horrendous for an early game economy and wouldn't have any real benefits that out way the risk of getting caught.
If I were to do sneaky things it'd be against you or T_F because you two are the only threats to me, not Ulm or Mictlan.

First of all, I never said that you sent spies to Mictlan, but rather, you sent gold. In the same PM, you also told me your intention to pay the Ermor Emperor, which I refused because I was still miffed about them sacrificing my believers to the Emperor. Voila, it turns out that someone WAS paying the Ermor. Who do you think paid it?

As for spies in Ulm, you have 8 provinces gaining you Celes knows what gold per turn. You would have no problem funding it.

Anyways, orange. I say that I had nothing whatsoever to do with harming your nation.

Oh, and kyzarc, congratulations on saying that you would do sneaky things to your ALLY in the public thread.
Why would I fund Ermor and fund faux spies?

Besides, How the hell did I do it while building two forts in a row? The story suggests that at least 100 golds have been used. The cost of building forts and paying for my trooops already take out a significant part of our economy. I have no means to pay 100 golds to Ermor, use 200 golds to build a fort, pay more than 150 to pay off my troops, and THEN pay 30 golds or so to send spies.
I consider myself a friend of Ulm and them a friend of me. Don't make me change my mind with ridiculous accusations without proof and insults.
I've been spending all my money rebuilding after losing ~8 wizard-priests in Lanka, not to mention all the infantry and navies. Wizard-priests are very expensive and my upkeep on them alone is over 100 gpt. Because I have negative order scales and have death scales I don't get all that much gpt or increase in pop in the provinces I have so I'm getting less gpt per province on average than most of you. My military is having to grow rapidly to counter Jotunheim and fight Lanka (expensive) so I don't have the money to afford espionage. And in case you didn't notice a province with a good income and one of my best resources was captured two turns back so I had even less money to spend. Temples in every province don't come cheap either

I was just stating the fact that the best choice for espionage would have been you or T_F, I haven't done any espionage to either of you because of my focus on getting a functional military and I don't like betraying allies. T_F has been a close ally since Lanka and I intend to keep it that way, not destroying our alliance with pointless espionage

You could be using faux spies and helping Ermor to weaken Ulm with needless fighting and costly wars.
Ok, I know that I didn't send the spies or pay the Emperor. (Swear to god, orange. Read the PM I sent you).

I don't like betraying my allies either. I have thus far considered Ulm to be our ally as friend of my friend is a friend of mine. All you have is to ask, Orange, and you would have received my help in Ermor vs Ulm war. You told me to go away after I asked if I could capture Slavia, and now you accuse me of funding them? This is one of the most ridiculous accusations I got against me, and I usually gloat after I do something. Oh woe is me, I get victimized by a third party! That is what they exactly wanted, Orange. To incite paranoia amongst ourselves. I even say woe is me! No villan will go after such a pathathic line.

No, Arshnoc and Pythium both claim that they have nothing to do with this. That leaves few other suspects. Look where there are elephants which Ermor uses as Behemoths instead of us two.
Looks like we can't possibly know for sure who was behind this mess.
(And what a mess it is! We go from general nonagression with a few exceptions to everyone hating on everyone else.)
I don't think anyone's blamed Vanheim yet so I vote it's their fault! ;)
edit: Now that I think about it I guess Ermor's continued survival is partially my fault, I've had for two turns now an open borders agreement and am trading them silk for emeralds, but that's the full extent of my dealings west of Pythium. They were the only one's to take me up on my trade offer to everyone.
By Celes this is becoming a big mess. I bet whomever paid Ermor is belly flopping right now XD.
For that matter, no one's blamed ME yet. *enh*


edit: crossposted! Indeed.
I'm looking forward to Diamond Eye's next post(s).
So am I :lol:.
Shizen sat at his desk in the temporary palace in Lanka. It was completely covered in letters - copies of public diplomatic announcements, which had intensely increased in frequency over the last week. It was chaos, realized in paper - Ulm accusing Pythium of funding the oddly tenacious Ermor, Pythium accusing Arshnoc of the same, Arshnoc's denials, Pythium claiming that Arshnoc not only funded Ermor and sent spies into Jotunheim disguised as people from Ulm, but also supported a revolt in Mictlan a while back... and that was just a sample. It didn't help that Lanka's warm, wet climate gave Shizen the occasional headache (if he was a god, why couldn't he get rid of those?). He was shuffling through the notes mindlessly when Bres entered.

'Shizen-dono? Another message.'

Shizen sighed. 'What is it this time?'

'Ulm refuses to accept Pythium's denials of their involvement in Ermor and the spy incident, and has declared war.'

'Well, there goes their neutrality. At least there's no worries of another attack on Arshnoc, but still. Thank you, by the way. But not for the contents of the message.'

As Bres turned to leave the room, Shizen, suppressing a slight smile, said, 'I think we need to start a new era this year. Have it called... Zenran.' (Zenran (全乱) means 'complete disorder'.)

'The last one went on a bit too long, ne?' laughed Bres, and he left Shizen alone with his paper chaos.
I'm looking forward to Diamond Eye's next post(s).

So am I :lol:.

Here I go:
"Well, that didn't go as I had hoped."

I mean, seriously... Immac, how many units did you have? I even spent gold to get a general picture of the city's garrison a turn or two back. Either I am hugely underestimating wizard-priests (in which case the tactic from now to eternity will be wp-spam), or the RNG messed me up real bad.
And yes, I brought lots of ships. You'll have quite the bunch of pirates to pay if my entire navy is wrecked.

Oh and to follow suit with Shinuyama: "I HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH PAYING OFF THE ERMOR. SERIOUSLY."
Maybe there is one player who is not even named as a player and whos nation is beneath the seas who's watching this, slowly building his nation and occasionally causing causing chaos on the surface so that we'll all be weakened for his inevitable invasion invasion. WE'RE DOOMED!!!
Orange, I just contacted the jotunheim and they say that they have already captured those spies and if they could find anyone else responsible, they would have found it.

Are you merely looking for an excuse to fight?

Back off. I have no means to train that hard to make them look, act, and speak like Ulm if they are caught. I don't think anyone does. Except you, of course
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