• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Dominion NES

Which is convinent because neither are the Abysian! Hooray lavapeople.
Once this game gets going we should talk about some neighbour problems we've been having... You see, the zulu asked to "borrow" our lawnmower and thats the last we saw of it; we're thinking of trying to go get it back. Meanwhile the egyptian lizard-creatures keep us up all hours with their 'death metal' noise (i won't call it music)... They too will need a little visit.

Yeah, we'll send a representative to see if you and we can work something out :hammer:

Temple Carved From The Volcano of Sagra

The Abysians were not always a civilized, unified people. Once we existed as the Children of Fire, a collection of constantly warring tribes who dwelled in the deserts of Akkad. Each Abysian held fealty to their tribal lord and every lord sought to defeat the others to claim the right to dwell within the mighty volcano that thrust up from the centre of the desert. Such was the life of the Abysian for centuries, but this changed when Sagra took charge of the clan Rhuax. Strengthened by the dangerous magics of the Flame Cult her army grew exponentially till she alone dominated the heartland of Akkad and victoriously she climbed to the top of the desert’s volcano and cast herself into its fiery maw.

What happened next was unexplainable and still remains a mystery today. Sagra did not burst forth from the volcano like the mythic phoenixes of old; in fact the volcano began to die rapidly, distressing Sarga’s subjects. Chaos surely would have ensued were it not for the gradual appearance of a large glyph upon the southern face of the volcano. Far from its full power the glyph began to pacify the anxious Abysians with calm warmth and a voice permeated the minds of every lava-person within Akkad.

“Hear me, my people,” said the mighty voice, “for I come to lead the Abysian to a new era of peace and prosperity, a time when our fiery homeland will stretch across all the known world and you may dwell freely amongst your without worry or wanting. All I ask is for your aid to usher this new age and with your tremendous strength I have no doubt that such a time will come to pass.”

The glyph upon the volcano-turned-temple currently only radiates a marginal heat and power, but who can say what will become of it in the future?
Can I start near C'tis please?
How about Pangaea or Caelum, those are both nearby.
Actually I think that the game is closed to you, Abbadon- you are not on the list of players and ldi said he will not be taking any more players.
Has anyone already called "dibs" on that area?
No, Ci'tis are an NPC, but LDi (as I said above) already has said he has all the players he can handle.
Ok. Well LDi, best of luck, and if you think you can handle more after a few updates, please consider me!
Now, I can't seem to decide between a master of air, or master of Astral magic. What does Astral magic do anyways?
I have a more detailed table of magic and its effects, but can't get it formatted correctly on the forum.
I would also like to leave some details on the exact effects of each path veiled till you research the corresponding level, so it'll seem cooler when you find out.

Air is about lightning, winds, illusions. It's mostly effective in Enchantment, Evocation and Alteration and has many summons.
Astral is about mind and star magic. It can provide luck and etherealness to warriors, cause mind duels or enslaving mind, teleport and curses. Strong in thaumaturgy, alteration and enchantment. It is also the path that allows dispelling global enchantments.
Blood is about demons and direct damage.
Death is about undead and causing fear, disease, and shadows and darkness. It's strong in conjuration, enchantment and also thaumaturgy.
Earth is about rocks and metals, boosting arms and armors. It's strong in construction and alteration, and has some nice evocations.
Fire is about fire, heat. Evocation is very powerful.
Nature is about plants, animals and charm. It's got some nice alterations and enchantments.
Water is about water, cold and quickness. It's strong in evocations and alteration and in conjuration.
Contrary to the computer game, underwater provinces will not be inhabited, but water and to a lesser extent air magic will be useful if you have ships and naval battles.

There are also a few special effects when you have access to different schools. For instance water + fire open up acid spells, while astral + blood let you call horrible things from Beyond.
About Astral: Can we use it to teleport? I know you are deviating from the computer game, but I would love to know >.>
just take a picture and upload the picture... save a powerpoint slide as a .jpeg and use that?
The PMs, the pictures don't work -_-
just take a picture and upload the picture... save a powerpoint slide as a .jpeg and use that?
Yeah, that would work but be ugly. I prefer to send you details as you uncover magic yourself actually. Particularly considering that many summons and a few other spells will be nation-specific.

About Astral: Can we use it to teleport?
Yes but you'll need research. Thaumaturgy 3 for lone wizards, and Thaumaturgy 5 for armies. - Thaumaturgy school level 5 is listed as having 'Travel, Control' effect, which means it allows for some charm, master enslave spells (control of opponents, mostly astral and nature, death for undead ...) and Travel means instant mass travel. That's teleportation for astral, travel through hell (Stygian Paths) for death for instance. Not all paths can instantly mass travel, but astral has the easiest/safest way to do it.

Regarding magic, if you have specific goals, just tell me and I'll tell you what to research. That way, if someone thinks of something funny noone else thought of, it won't be listed plainly in bold letters in an ugly excel/powerpoint feature :D

Any answer to me?

Any answer to me?

Sorry, no I'm not taking any more players.
I'll put a few NPC nations though, and if I manage to handle that many players or if some quit I'll try to take you (and others who expressed interest) in.
Any specific time this might start, Caesar?
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