• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Dominion NES

Good.... thanks for asking. I hope you are well too.

Have you been following this thread since your absence? Your nation is kicking some serious ass (and are on my border now :( )
I am good too.

Not all that much, honestly. I just reread the updates of FFH NES II, and I miss that game alot. :(
Orders Sent.
Yay, all orders have taken flight! Fly my little birdies, FLY!!!
To answer a question about mages and naval battles:
Mages are not very useful in naval battles. They can only provide minor support. Really efficient mage support for naval combat is possible but noone has reached the prerequisites/levels for that yet.
Thanks Thomas; thats nice of you to say.

DiamondEye: Why do you say that? Think i'm going to attack them?
I think he wasteyin to say thhat he was funding them
Oh... haha... so they had to find a new sugar daddy now: you!
Seeing as how all orders are in now, i am going to publish my story. If you feel you have to change your orders, please don't metagame and let this story affect your orders.

As the massive structure was rolled into the sea the swell of the waves crashed, for the first time, upon the massive ship's bow. It was the first of its kind and it was truly an epic creation. She was the 'Chrysalis Shard' and she was the world's first galleon, a truly epic vessel; she was the flagship for a new type of navy.

For generations Mictlan, indeed the entire world, had relied upon rows and rows of strong oarsmen to guide and power their ships. A single mast provided a sail that could be used exclusively when winds were optimum.

But now, the Mictlanese had applied their best minds and unimaginable labor; tens of thousands of craftsmen of every sort including carpenters, pictch-melters, blacksmiths, coopers, shipwrights and of course priests trained in mathematics, geometry, materials and engineering... and all for what? So that Mictlan would might never fear for its coasts, so that the invasion of the Marignon upon the Mictlanese capital would never be repeated. For a titan upon the waves.

The Chrysalis Shard gently rolled into the waters; its six huge masts rising high into the sky (the flagship having two more masts then the other galleons being launched) and settled slowly into the deep-water harbor built specifically for the new type of Mictlanese ship. Its makers stared proudly at the mighty emblem of naval dominance. They had been a massive investment in man-power and money, the single greatest single expenditure of the entire Mictlanese history and that investment was about to come to fruition.

After years and years of experimentation and design, the forecastle has been lowered and the hull elongated providing much greater stability in the water and reducing wind resistance at the front, leading to a sleeker, faster, more manueverable vessel. Despite its sleek structure, each vessel displaced almost 500 tons, though the 'Chrysalis Shard' the fleet's flag ship, displaced almost 4 times that volume at a mighty 1800 tons.

Of course, the most obvious difference was the lack of rowers. The sails were a complicated series of rope the shipwrights and newly trained sailors called rigging and cross-braces each of which could be independently manuevered to allow the ships to sail in any direction, even very nearly against the very winds themselves. The sails required much less man-power then did oar-banks. Instead of men armed with oars, each of the galleons were equipped with steely-eyed warriors wielding javelins and shields. For centuries the clash of navies was dependent upon the freshness of the oarsmen, their nutritional maintenance, their stamina, their endurance. Now the mictlanese could sail from distant seas, and, upon sighting their enemy, instead of resting their oarsmen prior to striking, set upon their quarry immediately with fresh and rested javelin-men ready to fire their volley at the much-exposed smaller vessels flitting about below them.

But that was not the end of the changes brought about in naval warfare. A larger base and open space liberated by no longer requiring oarsmen in every free foot of space allowed new weapons. Instead of a mighty ram, the galleons were bristling with miniature catapults that shot solid balls of smelted copper to great distances. Indeed many of the ammunition was composed of a single clay bowl pre-packed with 4-5 pairs of copper spheres linked by copper chain. When fired at the test targets, these 'giant bolas' would spread out and spin in mid air, strike a target, and quickly pull the second sphere of the bola in a spinning motion back towards the target. Against ships, especially the masts or rigging thereof, it was a potent and deadly weapon. Rows of these small catapults firing in volleys, each firing either 8-12 solid 3lbs. copper spheres or the 7lbs bolas could stop any vessel way before it closed to javelin range and much, much, much before it closed to ramming range.

Behind the 'Chrysalis Shard', a second vessel and a third were lined up to join the great flagship.

Indeed, the seas would soon see a new day, a day that the enemies of Mictlan would come to rue.
Damn. You beat me to the Galleon tech. Stupid warfare -_-
They're probably going to do worse now that I'm dead, though :(
Since it's clear now, your funding them helped Ermor a lot. However, hadn't you funded them, they would have attacked you that turn, so it was a good move on your part, as I changed their orders accordingly. They thought Ulm would be a tough opponent, and wanted to strike west into Marverni to avenge the first attack from Marignon upon their lands (and hopefully plunder as much as they could before getting killed). Since you gave them gold, they thought it would be stupid to strike you as they could get more gold from you later.
Now that Ulm is being attacked by Pythium, Ermor has much more breathing room and even though they are small, their army has always been quite fearful...

Oh, and expect "interesting" stuff in the upcoming update. I've already done 2 of the 11 battles that are upcoming this turn...
Eleven! Holy! I guess we won't see an update for a couple days then....

So this is good (eleven battles) and bad (takes a long time to update).
Frick, the giants are attacking Ural? That's mean of them, my army hasn't assembled yet! Argh!
So, my bets on where the invasions are oing to be are Jotunheim, nifelheim, Lanka, Ural, Somwhere near ulm (x2), some territory that seon took from Ulm, somewhere near ermor (?), and formoria.
Whats the movement of a galleon? does it have any advantages (on the strategic map) over a trireme? maybe 4 movement would be too powerful but perhaps the loading or unloading of troops (one or the other - both is too powerful also) could be considered a 'free action' and not count against the boats (or the units?) movement? anyway- something to consider...
To be more accurate. We shall see fighting in ALL OF ULM TERRITORY.
Is that your doing Seon? Did you bring in more allies? Poor Ulm :(
No military unit of either the Ermor or Mictan nation, either regular or stealthy, shall violate the sovereign territories of the other party without the express written invitation of that nation.

No military naval vessel from one signing nation shall approach the shores of the other signing nation.

Should the military or intelligence units of one nation encounter the military or intelligence units of the other nation within the lands or waters of a third nation (or neutral territory), it shall not be interfered with in any way.

Neither nation signing this pledge shall provide 3rd party assistance in the form of military units or intelligence or crafted magical items to a nation at war with the other signaturee nation (Ie: mictlan cannot sell units to Ulm to help in their war and if Mictlan were to go to war with any other nation, Ermor would be unable to provide them any military assistance either).

Neither nation shall send priests into the territory of the other for any purpose, including to preach without the specific permissoin of the other nation.

This treaty shall last <<7 turns>>.

Puxitl, high priest of Mictlan
No military unit of either the Ermor or Mictan nation, either regular or stealthy, shall violate the sovereign territories of the other party without the express written invitation of that nation.

No military naval vessel from one signing nation shall approach the shores of the other signing nation.

Should the military or intelligence units of one nation encounter the military or intelligence units of the other nation within the lands or waters of a third nation (or neutral territory), it shall not be interfered with in any way.

Neither nation signing this pledge shall provide 3rd party assistance in the form of military units or intelligence or crafted magical items to a nation at war with the other signaturee nation (Ie: mictlan cannot sell units to Ulm to help in their war and if Mictlan were to go to war with any other nation, Ermor would be unable to provide them any military assistance either).

Neither nation shall send priests into the territory of the other for any purpose, including to preach without the specific permissoin of the other nation.

This treaty shall last <<7 turns>>.
Puxitl, high priest of Mictlan

Emperor Tiberius Drusus Nero Claudius of Ermor
Whats the movement of a galleon? does it have any advantages (on the strategic map) over a trireme? maybe 4 movement would be too powerful but perhaps the loading or unloading of troops (one or the other - both is too powerful also) could be considered a 'free action' and not count against the boats (or the units?) movement? anyway- something to consider...
No. It's just stronger in combat. (But Thaumaturgy 4 allows some overland travel by magic if you really want fast movement)
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