
So, uh, how important are stories to this NES? Because if it is at all possible I would rather write more direct things, like miniature essays presenting my society as straightforward as possible. Full-blown narratives I do not have the time for, though.

Stories are welcome. I can use them adjust some effects, tweak random events in some directions, and they can be used to help get some heroes.
However, I don't have a mechanism for rewarding stories per se. There may be some kind of boost for someone who wrote several good stories, but it will be rather small and uncommon.
Also, I like society presentations/descriptions a lot.
History of Patalnila

The CHAOS is not kind. But at least those who lived there didn't understand kindness to realize the lack of it. Ignorance of its locals is indeed a bliss, for what was real one moment is all too often unreal the next. The CHAOS is just there.

When the Pancreator brought ORDER, and SENTIENCE, and shaped the life of the land, the WORLD began to form. And those who wandered from the WORLD into the CHAOS suddenly realized the danger of the CHAOS, and either sought to flee it to return to the World, dominate it and maintain it with strength, or ignore it and hope -not pray, but hope- that nothing bad will happen.

And so it was when several wandering tribes, banding together after some ancient war, their own lives ancient compared to the present, decided to brave the CHAOS. Long before the Pancreator sacraficed herself, the border between the world and the CHAOS constantly SHIFTEDed, and its through this that the Patalnilan men sought their fortune.

And Fortune did indeed smile upon them. For several generations, they farmed near a rapidly SHIFTing river from the safety of a stoney outcropping. The mere size of the outcropping prevented their entire people from disappearing at once... or so they believe. While a city slowly grew on the growing mounts, tribes spread out, chasing the SHIFTing river for their crops and hoping- not praying, but hoping- that they will not be caught in the CHAOS of the SHIFT.

And so, in antiquity did one of the many successful settlers in the CHAOS managed to unify their people, managed to form an loose confederacy, and later a kingdom in the CHAOS, based on the great Mountain City of Vanas and the SHIFTing river of Kadex.

And so, the People of Patalnila survived, through trials and through death, in the CHAOS.

The Unstable Geography-Common Patterns

The Patalnilans know that at any time, the land might shift, or even they themselves might shift. Such is the power of the CHAOS. Kadex might suddenly be a week's march from home, or disappear for a year or so from the known lands. Vanas might suddenly be swallowed by the ever growing mountains, or find the land disappear beneath it as the land shifts away, and the entire edifice plummets to its doom.

Such is the power of the CHAOS.

However, the Patalnilans are stubborn, and they will rebuild their houses the same way, if they would just follow the river, and they will rebuild Vanas with the same roads and walls, if only on a different foundation. Such is the power of the ORDER. Always, when a river appears they will build farms and thus name it KADEX. Always, when their city of VANAS is destroyed, they will find the twin peaks of VANALAYA and rebuild. It is the way of people to seek out patterns, and to follow them to the end.

Such is the power of ORDER.

It is only rarely that a CHAOmancer appears to stabilize the land. Once, perhaps, long ago an Angel (or a Dragon) took refuge in Vanalaya as the World is expanding once more and used CHAOmancy to stabilize the land in preparation for assimilation. Population grew without constant catastrophes, and Patalnilans, with new time on their hands, developed their culture and technology. As suddenly as stability came, it left.

Such is the power of CHAOS.

However, a new age has arrived again as another CHAOmancer, summoned by their cries, now resides on the slopes of the Vanalaya. And as the land stops SHIFTing, once more, the people are prosperous. Now, the Kadex has stabilized flowing past verdent fields of crops. Now, Vanas stood balmy and humid on the valley between the twin mountains of Vanalaya. Now, the Vanalayas found life as trees grew on the stable slopes and the snow dusted its twin peaks.

Such is the power of ORDER.


Lycantrophy is a word that describes many conditions. However, in Patalnila, it is used to refer those who are blessed-or sometimes, cursed-by the CHAOS.. SHIFTing occurs CHAOticly, and sometimes, a sentient being is caught in the perfect balanced between CHAOS and ORDER that something fundamentally changes.

Lycanthrophy is hereditary, but so far as they know, its transmutable property is minimal. Lycanthropes in Patalnila are not mindless beings at certain times of the month, nor is the condition perfectly controlled. The best thing to say is that Lycanthropes are SENTIENT beings caught by a SHIFT, and can now themselves SHIFT between their former form and their animal form, or anything in between. Their mind also changes during such shifts, and those Lycanthropes who do become wild often due to them falling to primal urges in their bestial form, with the fact of knowing of their atrocities they had committed would break them when they return to full sentience.

There are Lycanthropes of wolves, bears and lions, and also ravens, rats and eagles in Patalnila. The exact "Opposite" form of a Lycanthrope is affected, but not completely defined by, that of its parents. In Sentient form, Lycanthropes can be found by excess fur and features that are slighty... off. In Bestial form, Lycanthropes retain the spark of intelligence in their eyes and, unless completely shifted, the ability to use a thumb on their limbs.

In Patalnila, Lycanthropes soon became the leaders of the desparate people. They are seen by the others as being blessed by the CHAOS, for Lycanthropy often gave increased senses and strength even in Sentient form. Lycanthropes became chiefs, nobles, and eventually... Kings and Priests.


The people of Patalnila are mostly human, with a large minority of Lycantropes. A large variation can be seen here, due to both the shifting of the CHAOS and the cultural acceptance of any who managed to survive the "Welcoming Disease". The affects of the CHAOS can be openly seen on many of the people; skin is discolored, or even shifts between two gradiants. Two eyes of different tints; the Lycantropes themselves!


Of the agricultural society, not much need to be said. Therefore, we go onto the middle and upper classes of Patalnilan society. There are not much trade to Vanas outside of Patalnila, and the city demands much of the food produced in this nation. The CHAOS brings many dangers; dragons, orcs, demons... and over the generations Lycantropic heros rose to the challenge. Their versitility, and additional strength gave them the edge in survival, and soon a Lycantropic upper class forms in Vanas. Warriors, Nobles, Priests.
Update brewing. To anyone who hasn't sent requested feedback, this feedback will be ignored for update 0.
For those who'd like to join beyond this point: You'll have to either pick an NPC nation or start in chaos and won't be in before update 1.
The kingdom that Taurus lords over is nothing remarkable. Its lands are not littered with riches of any kinds; it sports no ancient history of mighty heroes and terrible villains; its peoples are plain and content to bask in the glory that is Taurus. It's sole 'claim to fame' is the large population it sports and mongrel mash of humans that fall to the mesmerizing might of Taurus and his Minotaur.

Taurus has no single throne, as he loves to let his people bask in his image, though if there is one city that he favors more than others it would be Toro. Toro is a sacred city to the followers of Taurus, for it is the first place that he gathered the Minotaur and taught them how to speak. There in that city the Bison-sons and Bull-sons were united as one magnificent tribe. It may not be a nexus of trade or arts or war, but its people are utterly devout in their worship of Taurus.

Toro is situated in the middle of the plains-land and once was little more than the seasonal meeting place for the pastoral humans that lived in the region. When Taurus rose to godhood he sought out a place perfect to gather not just his savage kind, but the humans he had known to be the keepers of civilization. Tales of the strange, beast-god spread throughout the region and the peoples gathered to see Taurus raise the first of his kind to true sentience. Many feared him at that moment, but they grew to love him for the stability he brought to the plains.

Trade swelled and the meeting place soon had a few permanent human residents, and not long after a herd of Minotaur made it known that they would be the protectors of this place. Under their protection Toro grew from an outpost to a town to a city, and once Taurus returned from his travels around the land he let Toro's citizens know just how much he swelled with pride to see them living as one united peoples.

‹The Bovoj›
The success of Toro lay in the interaction between the Minotaur and human populations. Former enemies became allies once the few Minotaur who grasped Taurus' teachings made it known that they would strive to make up for the barbarous pasts by becoming the sworn protectors of Toro's first settlers. Initially the humans were wary of the noble-hearted Minotaur, but after countless displays of fierce loyalty even at the cost of their own lives the humans warmed to their bovine neighbors.

The relationship between the Bovoj & humans soon took an even stranger, more complex turn. Minotaur are born of a single gender: male. Prior to their enlightenment the Minotaur replenished their numbers through rapacious attacks on human settlements for the sole purpose of taking back females to mate with. Those Minotaur that made up the Bovoj still understood this primal need was an important one, but were fettered by the grace and culture that Taurus had given them. So the Bovoj simply asked the humans that resided with them to provide fertile daughters for the sole purpose of producing offspring.

Of course most of the humans refused, and this angered the Bovoj. Peace, momentarily, was broken and a bloody war ensued that saw the Bovoj of Toro best their former allies. However, the teachings of Taurus prevailed, and despite overwhelming victory the Bovoj were kind conquerors. They understood that should they take the next step and forcibly get human women with Minotaur-child as they had done in their savage past what little civilization the Bovoj had would be lost. So instead they presented the humans with political incentives.

A major part of the resolution after the Bovoj-Human war was the establishment of the Minotaur warriors as more than protectors, but as lords of Toro. However, rather than subjugate the bruised and battered human population the Bovoj decided to raise certain human families above others to rule over Toro's human masses while the Bovoj ruled over the human governors. How were these families chosen? By their willingness to wed their daughters to the Bovoj minotaur.

A kind of human 'nobility' emerged from these dealings, and the few families who gave up their daughters jealously guard the right to present fertile young women to the Bovoj lords. Of course, the Bovoj are hardly limited to a single human mate, and occasionally a Bovoj will seek out a particularly beautiful 'common' human woman to join his harem, creating a small window of social mobility for those below the nobles.

It did not take long for this model of Minotaur-human relationships to spread to the other cities within the plains, and once Taurus ceased his wanderings and took his position as Bœuf's leader he codified the model as law.

@LDi: Toro is the name of Bœuf's capital.
Sacrifice of a Goddess​

She had been born of Chaos, as everything else and everybody else had before Her.
She had known a world of everchanging landscapes, a universe of people who were never certain of what tomorrow would be like.
She had lived in times when time itself wouldn't follow any rule, when it would flow backwards or flow faster depending on the places she visited.
She had gotten tired, no, despaired even, of seeing all the marvels spawned by Chaos bloom only to rot and become corrupted within moments.
Therefore, She had used Her powers to turn a part of Chaos into a stable place. She had turned a land of moving sands into firm rock. She had erected mountains, carved valleys for rivers to flow, and forced the water of the rivers to always flow downwards toward her seas, and submit to Her laws.
She had used Her mighty power to create the World we live in.
But She did even more. From the denizens of Chaos, She chose some, and brought them to Her place. There, She created new races, and had these beings settle Her lands. And these beings, the lucky creatures we are descended from, would thank Her and worship Her.
Alas, despite all Her might, She knew no peace. She struggled and had to keep struggling, for Chaos would send tendrils of change into Her lands, Chaos would try to rain change upon Her creation, and not a moment passed without Her spending some of Her power to keep the World safe and stable.
Until She had enough.
Until She decided that Her creation was more important than She was, that we merited Her sacrifice.
She gave Her life to work a spell like no other. She bound Chaos out of the World She had created. Thanks to Her ultimate gift, we no longer need fear that either time or water will flow backwards, that stones will fall upwards, that babies will age and wrinkle and die of senility before the sun sets on the day that saw their birth.
Thanks to Her, we live in a stable place, a world of Order and laws.
But we are orphans.
She was there, to give us birth and safety and courage. She has protected us from Chaos, but not from the beings who dwell there or that Chaos spawns.
Who will help us? Who can we put our Faith in in order to help us survive in this world on the border of Chaos?

Diary of Cuthbert, Monk of the Order of the Demiurge.

Spoiler :

The Orderly World is a large place. For centuries, the Pantocrator has protected it, and nations have grown and prospered under her benevolent gaze.

In the center of the World is the kingdom of Heldenthal. It is a beautiful place ruled by King Alrich, heir of a long tradition of chivalrous sovereigns. It's a place of generous rivers, rich fields and lush forests. With the fall of the Pantocrator, some of her former priests had grown out of control, abusing their power and influence, until Walaruna arrived. She was a woman so beautiful she couldn't be human. She had to be some kind of dream instead, but she was a dream come true. Some of those who haven't seen her say she bewtiched the king. Those who did see her say she can only be a new goddess sent by fate to save Heldenthal.
In the city of Oberklingenbach, there is a poet who has obviously not seen her. He has sung a satire against the king and his dismissal of his lady in favor of this unknown woman. The poet is skilled, and his song is starting to sow dissent around the city.

North of Heldenthal is a huge cliff. On the vast semi-desertic plateau above this cliff is the land of Erynini. This realm extends from the arid wastes of the north to the fertile plains of the south. In this place, a colossal Pyre burns for ever since the Pantocrator lit it, and the denizens of Erynini have recently turned to it in their quest for guidance. It is, much like Heldenthal, a place of lofty knights, but it's also quite different. It is a much warmer place, but this year, after the Sacrifice, it's become even hotter. Some people wonder whether this is due to the natural variation in temperatures. Most people, however, see this as a sign of change, a sign that new times are coming, and will be placed under the warm embrace of the Eternal Pyre.

The land east of Erynini is its almost total opposite. Beyond a stretch of desert, the Orderly world ends and leaves place to a place of Chaos. As much as Erynini is flat, the land of Ulm is rugged. As much as the former is hot, the latter is cold. And as much as Erynini is orderly, Ulm is chaotic. These plains, foothills and mountains are the cold home of proud barbarians. They don't have an organised kingdom, but live in tribes. their greatest heroes are not mounted warriors, but stealthy footmen and strong smiths. In this land of Chaos, a strange Anvil spreads its power, seeking a human vessel that would be deemed worthy to become Its prophet in the times to come.
The mountains northeast of Ulm:

Beyond a large river to the southeast, the World of the Pantocrator sprawls again. Firland is a vast realm of firy beings. In its north, the capital city of Firuun lies in the crater of an extinct volcano. This city is inhabited by elves of dark complexion and firy hair, who form the majority of the population in the whole country. In the middle of the realm, near the rivers and around their city of Heren's Ford, live humans. To the south, dwarves live in the hills. Other races share the country, mostly giants and some sentient creatures of magma and fire. Upon the death of the Pantocrator, they turned toward their ruler, a strange creature known as the Phoenix, who currently looks like a human, but has had many different shapes in his previous incarnations.

The rivers that flow from Ulm, Firland and Heldenthal all merge into a single huge lake, called the Tear by the people who live near its shores. Most are human fishermen, not organised in any kingdom, and at a loss with the disappearance of their Goddess. On the south bank, however, is a vast kingdom of lizardmen. This country is named C'tis, and is a realm ruled by Ssussaapi, the priest-king. Ssussaapi, when he understood the sacrifice of his deity, decided that his kingdom and the whole world needed a new protector. He walked to an ancient pyramid that stood on the banks of the Tillit river. Ssussaapi ordered his honor guard to wait for him, and he entered accompanied only by his favorite concubine, the beautiful Nefersife. The king moved onwards, entering the corridors of the royal tomb. Nefersife shivered, her cold blood resenting the temperature in the pyramid, but she moved on, pressed by her lover. Eventually, the pair reached the central chamber, where Skenaton, founder of the kingdom of C'tis, was buried.
"Push the lid", ordered Ssussaapi. Startled, Nefersife obeyed, pushing with all her meager strength the stone lid. It moved, slowly, so slowly. While the royal concubine pushed the coffin open, Ssussaapi silently drew his blade. He moved swiftly, and struck a blow. Nefersife cried, and fell. She grasped her left shoulder with her right arm. The left arm was severed. Blood spilled the stone floor. Her eyes were quickly turning opaque. Her blood gushed quickly at first, and then the beats of her heart grew weaker, until finally she lay still, the blood flow a mere trickle. Ssussaapi watched her suffer all this time, saying nothing. His lizard eyes couldn't shed tears, but this was of little comfort to him as he saw his love die a painful death, not understanding why he wa killing her. He didn't answer her silent question, because it would have been somewhat less painful to tell her why, to tell her it was necessary...
As life finally left Nefersife, the lid of the stone coffin moved again, and soon Ssussaapi looked at the mummified corpse of Skenaton, standing out of his grave. He bowed and fell to his knees.
"Rise, king. I understand why you woke me. I can feel She is gone, beyond any hope of ever coming back. The people will need me. You did well. Lead me, now. It's been a long time since I last saw the sun, and there is much to do."
As the mummified founder of C'tis emerged from his pyramid, following his king, a curious stench followed him. A smell the lizardmen barely noticed, but a smell that warm-blooded beings would soon realise was unhealthy to them.

Southwest of C'tis is an old realm of Chaotic lands. This used to be a great kingdom, but the inhabitants barely remember its name. Its most important city is a small one, called Myrde. This place has recently turned into a land of madness. Some people still tend to crops, some still hunt game. The cattle still eats the grass and the fox keep hunting chickens. But many men and women in the realm are afflicted by a terrible affliction. Some eat the floor without cooking it. Some boil water to make a soup and drink the boiling water, burning themselves. Yet others then eat them who burnt their throats. The people in this land have gone mad. Even the skies are turning crazy, as ponds and rivers have been moving around in the southeast part of the land. A traveller from Boeuf who escaped Myrde would say that surely the death of the Pantocrator had also affected the lands of Chaos, making them ever more insane. He reports that he saw men eating each other, and ponds turning into three-legged watery giants who would walk over a ridge and settle in a nearby valley, turning in a normal-looking pond once again. When his lord Taurus had him drink enough to loosen his tongue, the traveller would even admit helping a trout who was trying to catch the walking pond. The fish had called him by his name and asked him to throw it into the pond for it couldn't follow without legs...

What will king Taurus, lord of the realm of Boeuf on the northwestern border of Myrde, do with these news is anyone's guess. Taurus is a minotaur blessed in his days by the Pantocrator. Taurus had united under his yoke minotaurs and humans, carving himself a vast realm to the south of the great forest. As the traveller brought back news from the south, he learnt that Taurus, already worshipped like a saint by his subjects, would don the mantle of true godhood in order to protect his people. Thus the king of Boeuf would become his god and guard the realm from the dangers once held at bay by the Goddess.

West of Boeuf is another great country. The empire of Ermor was once the center of the faith in the Orderly world. Eldergate, its capital, is the largest and most magnificent city known to man. Its cathedrals are famous, and its head priest, the Pontifex, was renowned for his wisdom. Today however, there are those who question that wisdom. For Pontifex Caelicius the Third accomplished a ritual that no sane mane should have tried. He opened the gates of Death, hoping to bring back that which cannot be brought back. Instead, out of the gates, came an angel, a messenger of Death. Samael accepted the worship of Caelicius and those desperate enough to believe he could still save them. But having faith in Death personified is dangerous. Right now, the glorious country of Ermor suffers strange woes. Many babies die stillborn. The slightest disease proves deadly. The slightest cut gets infected. And yet, people try to behave as if everything was normal. But how normal is it when the dead walk to their resting place instead of being carried there? And how long will they pretend to be truly dead?

West of Ermor live many tribes loosely united together. They have no king, but have time and again formed alliance between themselves to push back the legions of their eastern neighbour. The tribes of the Marverni, Carnutes, Ambibates, Eponi and Sequani live in the plains and forests, in villages and towns ruled, in theory, by kings. In reality, power lies in the hands of the druids, a caste of priests and seers who has the right to speak before the king in any meeting. The druids from all the tribes, from every city, every town, every village, every hamlet, have travelled to the sacred forest of Carnutes to hold a grand meeting and decide what to do following the terrible catastrophe that befell the World. To this day, they haven't reached a decision. Lords and peasants of Marverni alike wonder and pray, knowing not where to turn their gaze in search of salvation.

In the woods north of the Marverni tribes starts the realm of Falaxan, which stretches up to the foot of a vast mountain range in the north. United under the guidance of king Hector Alacron II, the subjects of the kingdom hope that their king will protect them from Chaos and its denizens, whom they have had ample reasons to fear and hate in the past. They believe that their king is protected by a divine patron wwho will protect him, and that he in turn will protect the kingdom. Some of them have even begun silently praying to their king, or to his protector. Most inhabitants however don't go that far. They believe they must keep their traditions firm, honor their lord as they always have, and that this secular behavior will be enough to safeguard them from chaos and danger.

North of the mountains that border Falaxan, a pocket of Order stands amid chaotic lands. This country is known as Taernsvwyn, a country of men led by the Lady, a goddess born in chaos who brought with her her people, the Vanir, a dying breed of godlike men, who live their last days amidst the lower kin of normal humans. The Taern value great deeds, and as they remember the Thundered, the last god they worshipped in their lost northern lands, they will surely remember the Pantocrator, who made the land they tread stable and gave her life for the World to remain unmarred by chaos. Now they turn once again toward the Lady and her prophet, wondering what lies for them in the future. There is some concern in the western city of Vanholm, near the mouth of the river, that some of the taxes have disappeared. There may be corruption issues in the city, but so far it's not clear who drained the money and why.
An affluent of the Lillies Flow:

The mountain range stretches to the soutwest, and chaos rules there once more as one crosses the borders of Patalnila, a country centered around Vanas, the city of Emeseran. This place is indeed chaotic. While its inhabitants looke like men, there are many who turn into animals at will. Some change into bears, lions or wolves. Some change into rats or giant badgers. Some change into even weirder shapes, like giant cockroaches. The realm of Patalnila is small, but its population is varied, and resilient. They rarely receive visitors because, although sometimes a merchant will row upward the river to reach Vanas, he seldom comes back. Most of the time, Vanas ends up being the final resting place of the adventurous merchant. Not that Patalnilans are hostile or dislike traders. No, the truth is that visitors to the land tend to fall ill and never manage to muster enough strength to go back home. Indeed the land seems afflicted with a curse of some kind, for plagues grow there like mushrooms in a hot moisty wood. A plague is currently infecting the population. Many people have died already, and they are praying Emeseran for a cure of some kind.

Southeast of Patalnila is the land of Mallitain. This country has been chosen by the angel Cassiopeia for heer return to the World. A longtime servant of the Pantocrator, Cassiopeia returns to the World in times of need, helping her champion Jack Churchill come back to his tribe and assert dominance over the city of Massad. From Massad, Jack started spreading the teachings of Cassiopeia, namely that men should try to strive and survive on their own, independently. For many in Mallitain, Cassiopeia talks about independance, and how the sacrifice of the Pantocrator was a gift much larger than what most think. She didn't only give mankind perpetual protection from chaos. She also gave mankind freedom, the liberty to worship whoever they wanted, and even nobody if they saw it fit. However, most people feel more secure if a god shelters them, and it remains to be seen how the message of the angel will be interpreted in Mallitain and the surrounding lands.

Arcoscephale is a vast country southeast of Mallitain, south of Marverni and west of Ermor. It is not a unified nation, but a group of independant city states. They, much like Marverni, only banded together to fend off Ermor imperialism in the past. Contrary to Marverni, they don't have a common caste of priests, and each city is trying to handle the situation on its own. Messengers row the river and run along the roads between the cities, exchanging messages of warning and alliances. In every city, hoplites dust their cuirasses and shields and prepare their spears for they fear that the recent changes can only bring war to their land. If that is to happen, Arcoscephale will be ready.

West of Arcoscephale is the small kingdom of Alifat. A feudal kingdom ruled from Naoot by king Surangular, Alifat has seen the building of a temple to a new god, a god of love as he is called. The cult is slowly growing, and it is not yet clear whether it will be strong enough to replace the faith in the Pantocrator. However, some of the faithful have started proselytising up to the city of Argos in Arcoscephale, where a tiny congregation of worshippers of the god of lov eis forming.

Further West is the kingdom of Machaka, sitting halfway in the World and half in Chaos. Machaka is a country of savage people organised in many tribes ruled by a single wizard king, Ungulungo. Ungulungo was never a worshipper of the Pantocrator. His throne is said to have two feet in Chaos and two feet in the World, which allows him to use his chaos magic while being protected from the bad side effects himself. Ungulungo has ordered his subjects to continue living their lives as if nothing had happened, but the people of Machaka are superstitious, and many, particularly in the Orderly part of the realm, are afraid of the future.

North of Machaka, south of the mountain range of Patalnila, also on the border between Order and Chaos, is the land of the Bhumi. It is a mixed realm of man and naga, where the naga rule from their capital in the jungles, while men tend their fields in the more orderly world. With the death of the Pantocrator, the jungle of chaotic lands has crossed the river that separates World from Chaos but the people don't fear it. They view this as a blessing of the Pavitra Bacce, the sacred child, who will take care of them now their goddess is gone.

In addition to these great countries, there are many independent cities in the World. Most of them are small feudal kingdoms which don't control much land beyond their walls. In these places, people still go to the temple, but are lost, and seek guidance, but noone so far has succoured them in their plea.
I'll be sending private stats within 2 hours.
Orders should be sent by mail at ldcdomnes at gmail dot com.
If really you can't do otherwise, use PM, but I'd really rather have mails, as it will save me hours when searching for info.

Order deadline: Wednesday February 29 23h59min59s GMT
Private stats sent.
Shout if I've forgotten you.

Some interesting (?) info for orders:

A detail regarding money:
When your stats say 50 + (34 - 12) it means you effectively have 84 gold to spend this year, but 12 should be spent to upkeep if you want to keep your armies (so 72 available). If you don't pay upkeep for units, they may disband, rebel, become mercenaries or whatever depending on the kind of army you have and good or bad luck.

A detail regarding chaos:
Those of you who start in chaos should remember to spend (or not) some of their chaomancy power to prevent chaos effects from changing the land.

A last point for first turn only:
Normally, you can't recruit units AND move them on the same turn. Exceptionally for update 0, since noone starts with units, you will be able to do this, as the units you'll be buying this turn are supposed to have been there already (and to speed things up a bit). I will however restrict attacks upon neighboring participants in order not to penalize those who would build some economy instead of armies on first update.
Well written. Excellent art choices. I intend to write more but in all honesty, I DO intend to write towards the development of a hero; do you have any guidelines for that?

Anyway, again, very well written- I will be writing you some questions via e-mail.
The best part has to be the crazy walking ponds and talking trouts chasing after aforementioned ponds.
I walk through the forests and plains. A new state here in the world before me. Arcoscephale. My love persona here is slowly growing, but far too slowly. It is not the image Arcoscephale needs, and I got enough prayers asking for their dead loved ones back... A new image must appear here.

This land is preparing for war. Constantly. Threats from all directions arrive here. War would be my new persona for Arcoscephale. A god of war. First those love priests of Argos will spread me, and next...

Who will be mine?
Well written. Excellent art choices. I intend to write more but in all honesty, I DO intend to write towards the development of a hero; do you have any guidelines for that?

Anyway, again, very well written- I will be writing you some questions via e-mail.
Writing towards the development of a hero should be just that: Describe a character who, within 3 or 4 years, will be a hero serving your pretender.
Simply consider a progression, be it learning his trade or a slow acceptation of the new faith until the desire to join the pretender is strong enough to actually go ahead and do it, or a travel back home where he can serve his nation again, for instance.
Threats from all directions arrive here.

This is true.

@Nutra: Things seem tough for ya. Trapped between me and my Death-Inducing dominion, C'tis and their Plague-inducing dominion, and Myrde and their insanity-inducing dominion XD.

If I were you, I would be quietly muttering merde under my breath.
This is true.

@Nutra: Things seem tough for ya. Trapped between me and my Death-Inducing dominion, C'tis and their Plague-inducing dominion, and Myrde and their insanity-inducing dominion XD.

If I were you, I would be quietly muttering merde under my breath.

To: Ermor

I am The Anvil. I will find a way to open the gates of death. Even if I have to kill, maul or enslave death and all of his followers in the progress. Even if it takes Centuries. I will find a way to get to you, Death. I WILL. I am doing it. With every day I grow stronger. With every day new armors are forged on my and on my children, new tools are made, new coins are smelted.


I REMEMBER THE DAY. I REMEMBER HIM, THE WICKED DEATH, WHO UNRIGHTFULLY TOOK MY MASTER FROM ME. I WILL HAVE MY MASTER RETURNED TO ME. FEAR ME DEATH. I can not die, I am already dead, but I was honored - as long as there is piece of me left, I live. And when that last piece falls to dust, I SHALL BE ABLE TO REJOIN MY MASTER IN HEAVEN. Fear me. Expect me. For I am the Anvil. And I shall smite you down and offer no mercy until I get what I came for.


Oh my Master, how I miss you.

To: Ezio, the Unseen Pretender

"I am just an object" - that's what the shaman said. He said that I am just a weak, enchanted object. Yet, I have this domain. Yet, I have consciousness. Yet, I See what others can not. Yet, I remember things. Yet, I remember the past. Yet, I can see the future. Of me and my Master being whole again.

I have not forgotten your deeds. Your foul crimes. Your acts of terror. Your filth. I will come for you. I shall show little mercy. You were the one who let death take my Master. Your soldiers desecrate His corpse. Made him part of death realm. I remember. I still do. I will always remember. Expect me. For I will soon have Ironed legions or demons of chaos on you. You can hide in other form. Under other name. Under new image and personality. But you are still the one. The one still alive. The one responsible. You can fake yourself. You can change your views. You may even regret your past. But you deserve no mercy.

I will have my Master returned to me.
This is true.

@Nutra: Things seem tough for ya. Trapped between me and my Death-Inducing dominion, C'tis and their Plague-inducing dominion, and Myrde and their insanity-inducing dominion XD.

If I were you, I would be quietly muttering merde under my breath.

You kidding me? Boeuf is a bastion of civilization and life compared to all the crazy deathlands around it.
From Samael
To the talking anvil

I was not the one who murdered your Master. I simply took in his soul from his body, writhing in pain, and allowed him to join whatever afterlife that awaited him. It was far better for him that way. Otherwise, the burden of misery and pain on his shoulders would surely have broken his soul and mind.

But then I continuously hear you wailing out to me at night. You, a former inanimate object that I would not even have looked twice upon. Meaningless, worthless tool that can simply be reforged from steel if broken. Why should I care about your cries more than I care about the million others who have similarly cursed my name, you insolent, selfish twerp? Just for one man, you would doom your entire people, the race that your former master belonged to, to war.

Forget him. I promise that it shall be better for you.
A message to the kingdom of Ulm:

I know nothing of what grievances you have towards Ezio, but know that his kingdom stands mighty among the land, its people strong and its land lush. If you wish peace, you need only extend your hand and we shall take it. This land is fraught with war, and an ally would be welcomed with open arms.

However, if you choose war, know that you will have made a powerful enemy. Every sword shattered we will repay in tens, every arrow fired we will repay in hundreds, and every man slain we will repay in thousands. We will not surrender to you, and we will fight to the last man against you.

-Hector John Alacron II, King of Falaxion
«Chronicle of the Horned Ones»

‹Bœuf: The Last Land of Life I›

On all sides of the Kingdom of Bœuf was death, destruction, and disease. In the dark years after the fall of the Pancreator Taurus' travels took him beyond the lands then called Bœuf and he saw and heard the terrible things emerging from the once bountiful lands. Where were the kings of old, paragons of virtue, honor, and life? They were not in the one Holy Kingdom of Ermor, where the last of the priest-kings knelt to Death itself; they were not in the strange realm of C'tis where the lizards bowed to a pestilent abomination brought back from the beyond; they were not in Myrde where the land itself slowly slid into a state of grotesque absurdity. Only the once savage lands of Bœuf remained to combat the rising tides of chaos.

The irony was not lost on Taurus. As the Minotaur, soon-to-be-God-king, made his way back to Toro he slowly came to the realization that he was the last hero left.
Prelude to something:

Sometimes, it's so easy to let it all slip away. Sometimes, it is easy to just lie down and die.

But how can we do that when we know that she's down there somewhere in the crypt and that the root of her demise is still up on the sky? She was so beautiful. She's waiting for me down there. Waiting for all of us. But we can't just give up now. Perhaps after we finished our deed, we can finally rest.
The Darkswamp
Southwest of Tayersvwyn lies chaos, and in that chaos, a strange land exists. A place of bogs and quagmires, inhabited by savage men who recognize no god or king. The only authority they recognize is the bog monster. A great serpent that comes from the darkest and deepest reaches of this swamp, this creature is like a god in this dark land. Its mysterious will controls this dark place, plotting something. The air in these dark swamps and woods is filled with mystery, death and expectation, of some evil to rise from under the shady waters...

What is the physical aspect of the pretender (is he an 10 foot tall angel, a crone, a dragon...)?:
The bog monster is a great serpent, born from chaos and taking residence here. This land is much to the taste of the dark beast, always planning, always plotting.

-Does he start in Chaos (weaker faith, better chaomancy, weaker economy) or in the World?:

-Does he have particular magic powers, and how did he acquire them?
for instance, a dragon would breath fire because he comes from Chaos, an angel might have a magic flaming sword given by the Pantocrator, a faun may have an aura that impresses all animals...:
The bog monsters breath is poisonous, as is the air around his lair, deep in the swamp. Long ago the snake was made with this ability. The foul marshland only made it stronger.

-Who is his prophet and what powers does he wield?: Sakarlaisk was a chief of the swamp savages and a powerful shaman, known for his ability to heal any ill, or to curse any being. His tribe was strongest in the swamp until one day his body was found, half sunk into a bog. The man who found it tried to pull it out, but when he did, he sank immediatly into the mud. The others left to mourn their leader. Little did they know that Sakarlaisk's death was not permanent. Several years later he returned, with a black fang and a dark cloak, He declared a message from It That Dwells Under The Mud, that all who dwell in this swamp are to follow the words of The Bog Serpent. No further command came from the great snake, but Sakarlaisk would appear in times of change to lead the swamp men, and dissapear once more into the bog when all went calm once more. His reappperance was the first sign to the people of the bog that something had gone terribly wrong on the day of the sacrifice of the goddess...

-Does he have strengths, weaknesses or limitations?:
The serpent is rarely seen, and most who see It do not tell the tales. His words are sent by the undead Sakarlaisk to the people of the relm.

-What kind of kingdom does he rule? this part is most important. Chaos pretenders will control at most a keep, a small town, with an income around of 40 gold. World pretenders will control larger realms with an income around 100 gold.:
The Darkswamp is a chaos kingdom consisting mostly of swamp tribes, with several towns and villages.

-What are the inhabitants of the kingdom?
are they human, lizardmen, a mix of several races? Are they a republic, a monarchy, do they have secular leaders or are they a theocracy directly under the power of the Pretender?:
Dark men, savages who came here long ago, likely exciled by a different relm or many relms. Each tribe has its own chief , who leads a band of 50 people. These men build structures out of wood, or non at all, for they fear few wild beasts as many of them carry poison knifes that can fell any creature that dares attack them. Some travel alone, all care little for foreign gods. These men are hostile to any civilizations who may be foolish enough to come to this forsaken place.

-What kind of armies does the pretender command?
what kind of soldiers are there in the realm? Longbowmen? Slingers? Legionaires or axe-wielding barbarians? Do they use horse, chariots or other mounts? Is this a standing army, mercenaries, conscripts? How are they paid? How are officerss chosen, what is the chain of command?:
Most of the barbarian tribes are led by chiefs, who are often strong warriors or have otherwise proven their military skill. The tribes fight when attacked, or when something carrying large amounts of gold is foolish enough to venture near the swamp. Most people carry poison knifes, or bows with poison arrows.

-What is the pretender's religion?
you must spread your faith. Who does that, and how? Are there churches, temples, sacred places, pilgrimages, taboos? Priests or druids, inquisitors? What values do you preach?:
The people of the swamp follow the bog serpent. Those who choose not to are usually found dead, fear on their face and venom in their blood. The villages that are large and permanent have totems to the serpent, wandering tribes sacrifice into deep tar pits in parts of the bog. On the occasion that a swamp tribe captures prisoners that are not immediatly sacrificed, for example, a village with a local population, the invaders usually do not worry much about spreading the faith. A friendly visit from Sakarlaisk, followed by the death of a local religious leader usually does the job.

-Does the Pretender dominion spread some kind of effect? faith in your pretender can change the land, for instance increasing fertility or warmth, or bringing bad luck and turmoil...:
The bog serpent seems to spread the swamp, turning surrounding land to marshes. It is said that the swamp was tiny before the coming of the bog serpent, but now it has grown to many miles across.

-Most importantly, where are you, what is the layout of the land?
for pretenders starting in Chaos, you are on the border of the World. For those starting in the World, are you near Chaos or deep inside the World?
is the land around you a vast forest, is your realm plains, desert, are there cities or only small towns, what about mountains, lakes, seas?:
Far west of Tayersvwyn, deep into the chaos, the land is filled with swamp. Several rivers flow into here from lands further west, feeding the bogs, but the Darkswamp does not control these waterways, nor are its borders near to eastern and southern neigboors, more integrted in the workings of the world. Yet...
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