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Dr.NES - The DOOM Project: The Sapphire of the Sea

@mod - Have myself and Rita escorted the detained gentleman to the medical bay, or are we still located where we captured him?

@detained gentleman

"Monsieur, we mean you no 'arm, we only 'ave questions for you".

Mia's voice was soft and gentle; she felt that this was the best way to approach his seemingly fragile state of mind.

"We can 'elp you find your daughter, but we need to know what 'appened on zee ship."
@mod: So, Treat the patients as well as possible... and then interrogate them as to what is going on on the ship. (why the man was running up, what happened on the ship, etc)

The crew member's head injury is not severe and he will certainly be fine. You examine the other patient and notice no major injuries or wounds, but he seems to be suffering from mental exhaustion. His heart rate is above normal, though it starts to lower when you bring him to safety.

If you want to question him, now would be the time, though I'd need specific questions in order to answer them fully. :)

@ Aetius.

We have tried to access secuirty files, but it was deleted before we were able to access it. We will just have to do without.

In addition, there seems to be passengers walking about the ship, although they do not seem to be armed. We have captured one such passenger, and will begin interrogation soon.

Team Echo and Foxtrot, meanwhile, is planning an assault on the Engineering Deck, where prisoners are thought to be held. Will contact you on the results of that.

Acknowledged. It's good to hear that some of the passengers are still alive and well. Report in after the assault on Engineering. Out.

@mod - Have myself and Rita escorted the detained gentleman to the medical bay, or are we still located where we captured him?

@detained gentleman

"Monsieur, we mean you no 'arm, we only 'ave questions for you".

Mia's voice was soft and gentle; she felt that this was the best way to approach his seemingly fragile state of mind.

"We can 'elp you find your daughter, but we need to know what 'appened on zee ship."

You are now in the medical bay with the man.

He takes a few deep breaths before speaking. "The men. Downstairs. They're armed, with guns. They split up families and took hostages. We couldn't do anything, there were a lot of them. Too many."

"To all teams, if any of you want to join the party, we will begin our assault on the lower decks in exactly one hour. I repeat all team members have exactly one hour to report to the infirmary if they wish to join the assault."

Ulysses turns to survey the assault team assembled in the infirmary.

"We have three ex-Spetsnaz operatives, a former Serbian guerrilla fighter, a former Navy Seal, an ex-US marine, a former SAS and intelligence operative and an Irish barman. Between us we have three assault rifles, one designated marksman rifle, two machine guns, one shotgun, one personal defense weapon, one grenade launcher, five pistols, one revolver, six fragmentation grenades, three smoke grenades, four flashbang grenades, four C4 charges, eight claymores, one smoke grenade clip, two thermobaric grenade clips. I think that's all the weaponry. Overall that's a pretty good spread of weaponry, though the machine guns are going to be slightly problematic as they are more of a defensive weapon and certainly not a weapon you engage in a CQC assault with. We have eight men so I recommend we function as a British army section would do, with two four man fireteams, Charlie fireteam and Delta fireteam.

I would recommend that we leave our current teams as they are except that Youriy and Yuri swap. This would roughly balance out long-range and short-range firepower in both teams. Now we need to decide fireteam leaders and the overall leader of the mission. Once that is done we can plan the assault. I would put myself forward as a candidate for overall command of the mission and command of Charlie fireteam."

Ulysses turns to the traumatised man.

"I realise you have had an extremely traumatic experience sir. However I can tell you that my colleagues have seen a little girl and are actively working to find her and bring her here to safety. With any luck she will be your little girl sir. However at the moment I need you to focus on anything and everything you can remember about the attack and the hours and days before the attack. Did you notice anything strange before the attack? Roughly how many men there were? That sort of thing sir. Also anything you could tell me about where your fellow passengers and the crew might be would be of vital importance. We are going to assault the lower decks to bring your attackers to justice and to save your fellow passengers and the crew of this vessel. Absolutely anything you tell us could make the difference between life and death for my colleagues and I sir."
@man in the medical bay: Did they make any demands? Try to remember as much as you can about what they said.

"For money? Not to us, but they ordered us to the lower decks. They threatened to shoot us if we didn't listen. There was so much chaos..."


"'ave you noticed anyzeeng out of zee ordinairy apart from zee armed gentlemen?"

"I saw them take one man away, dragging him away as he tried to resist. I don't know what happened to him; he's probably dead now."

Ulysses turns to the traumatised man.

"I realise you have had an extremely traumatic experience sir. However I can tell you that my colleagues have seen a little girl and are actively working to find her and bring her here to safety. With any luck she will be your little girl sir. However at the moment I need you to focus on anything and everything you can remember about the attack and the hours and days before the attack. Did you notice anything strange before the attack? Roughly how many men there were? That sort of thing sir. Also anything you could tell me about where your fellow passengers and the crew might be would be of vital importance. We are going to assault the lower decks to bring your attackers to justice and to save your fellow passengers and the crew of this vessel. Absolutely anything you tell us could make the difference between life and death for my colleagues and I sir."

The man looked down for a few seconds before continuing. "There were a lot of them. Much more than a handful. They came from the lower decks first, rounding up individuals. They had similar weapons, but some of them had other weapons too. They went to Engineering and shut down the boat. You need to stop them..."
"It seems like there are a lot of hostiles on boat if they can completely overwhelm it. There is also the matter of appearing out of thin air. Do NOT underestimate these men. I'm impressed that you eight are willing to go out and fight them but what we need now is intelligence, and subtlety."

"The optimal solution would be capturing a single hostile and neutralize him for interrogation without alarming anyone else. Between our lot, I'm sure we can wrest something out of him."

Did anybody search this man? Wouldn't be the first time in my experience that terrorists bug somebody, innocent or not, to listen in on the rescue force's plans.
OOC: How did Arnold (Seon) know of the security files being deleted if no-one informed him? In any case this post will inform everyone else so it doesn't really matter.


Sarge stares at Birch then the computer screen before glaring at Captain Garry. He walked across the bridge in long strides and grabbed the captain by the collar, forcing him to his feet, then slammed him into the wall, and brought out his Glock. His eyes were filled with anger and contempt for the captain, "Captain, you are not telling me the whole story. Who has access to the files on this computer? Where else on this ship can someone access these files? And do not tell me headquarters did it."

After getting an answer, Sarge stepped outside the Bridge to speak. @All Teams: Sarge here, we have accessed the computer systems, unfortunately it appears the security files were deleted just moments before we were able to infiltrate the system. We cannot tell you much at the moment, but we are searching Passenger and Crew databases for irregularities and will keep you informed. Also, I have managed to turn on the powerful lights at the bow of the ship, the ice field is growing thicker, we must have control of those engines. I encourage all teams not busy to join the proposed assault on the engine rooms. Once we get clear of the Ice Fields, we can methodically search the ship, room by room, as we sail north.

Sarge turned to Birch and Jarkko, "Search every inch of the bridge, I doubt there are bugs here but see if you can find any."

Did these blokes have recognizable accents? Did they speak any languages other than English?

Did anybody search this man? Wouldn't be the first time in my experience that terrorists bug somebody, innocent or not, to listen in on the rescue force's plans.

You search the man thoroughly and find nothing that could transmit information to the enemy.


Sarge stares at Birch then the computer screen before glaring at Captain Garry. He walked across the bridge in long strides and grabbed the captain by the collar, forcing him to his feet, then slammed him into the wall, and brought out his Glock. His eyes were filled with anger and contempt for the captain, "Captain, you are not telling me the whole story. Who has access to the files on this computer? Where else on this ship can someone access these files? And do not tell me headquarters did it."

Captain Garry is visibly perturbed as he stumbles for an answer. "You were here with us the entire time! We couldn't have deleted them. It was probably those armed men in Engineering. They could have access to the system. One of your operatives probably gave away their position. I did not do this."

Sarge turned to Birch and Jarkko, "Search every inch of the bridge, I doubt there are bugs here but see if you can find any."

After investigating the bridge (expertly, considering your experience) you do not find any sort of bugs or transmission devices.


Did these blokes have recognizable accents? Did they speak any languages other than English?

The man licks his lips. "Well, they did speak another language. Spanish would be my guess, though I really am not sure."
I guess I'll have to stop beating around the bush. Can someone just tell my character that the investigation in the infirmary happened and its results...or does Jarkko already know about that?

@ Gabriel
"Gabriel it would be nice to take a slow approach to this but we don't have time. The sea is freezing around this ship as we speak and, if we don't get to warmer waters soon, our situation and the situation of the hostages will become far worse. Also they may not have been that many hostiles. They were well-trained armed men attacking civilians with the element of surprise from within the ship. We will have to rely on training, tactics, equipment and surprise to win this. However, given the events on the bridge, we may have lost the element of surprise, our most crucial advantage."

"Jarkko the infirmary is secure at the present time. As far as the Doc can tell no combat took place in the infirmary but there was a serious medical emergency based on the scattered equipment and the amount of blood. There is one pool which had him puzzled slightly. Located on the wall near the door, this blood was splattered in a conical pattern, with the base of the cone facing away from the doorway. That blood was located on the wall above a small shelf. The contents of that shelf was strewn across the floor nearby. The shelf itself also was stained with blood, though in less quantity than the other areas of the room. That's about it."
Jarkko: Check to see if you can't find any medical instruments (like scalples), restraints, and such. I have a feeling that the infirmary could have been used for something more sinister.
@mod: First I will attempt to see if I can trace from where the security files were deleted. Once that fails or succeeds I will write a short program that will search through all of the employee and passenger entries for me to try to speed up the search through the manifest. The program will search for a few keywords in each entry that might give hints as to who the attackers are. For example through the passenger entries the program will search for Spanish, Portuguese, or French speaking origins as the man we rescued indicated the attacks may have spoken Spanish or another similar language. In the employee section the program will search for any new or disgruntled employees that may be helping the attackers out.
Any chance these guys could have come from under the ship?

@man in infirmary
How did you get free? What is your name? What floor should your daughter be on, and do you have other family or friends on board? If so, what are their names and where should they be? Do you know if any of the attackers remained on the upper decks?

@mod: (Asked in a way to bring comfort to the man and relax him)
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