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Dr.NES - The DOOM Project: The Sapphire of the Sea

@ mod: Ulysses ditches his two longer, accurized barrels (Recon and Sniper). He also ditches the flare, glowstick, first aid kit, 2 pistol clips and 1 rifle clip. He leaves all this in his bergan in a conner of the infirmary. This should, if my maths is decent, bring his weight down to 14 which is his maximum carrying limit with the assault vest/supply belt.

Noted, thanks.


I'll drop my laptop, hacker kit and two clips of my SCAR, (Willhiem: HEY!) I certainly won't use that piece of junk. Dump the backpack and supply vest too, giving me one slot for any extras we wish to bring.

Will do, thanks.

@ mod
Alexandrov will pick up a first aid kit from the infirmary, will prolly need that.

Also, doesn't the bow side stairs also lead to 4th level?

I think you are at full inventory already. And yes, you can reach the lower level from the bow area.

It is nearing that time again, players. If you could, please formulate a specific plan of action for this turn's timeframe. Any specifics -- Team allocation, movements, assault plans, etc -- would be invaluable. Thanks in advance.

"Someone remind me why the stairs in the infirmary are set to blow? Seems to me that holing up in a room with only one exit is a bad idea. If no one disagrees, I'll remove the charges and replace them with a claymore or two. That way, we deny access but still allow egress."

OOC: I recall someone placing charges on the infirmary stairs, please correct me if I'm wrong.
You are right... I asked for that to be done when we weren't sure what the danger was. If you want, you can remove them.

(OOC: The blood stain made me think zombies, and so, I wanted to make life more difficult for any trying to get to us, should that have been the issue.)
Jarkko will continue to man the bridge with Sarge and Birch. He will continue to watch from his fore mentioned vantage point and occasionally check up on the two men in the bridge...especially the one who isn't the captain.
Finn will remove the C4 from the infirmary stairs and replace it with 2 claymores. He will inform everyone that the stairs are now mined and off limits. Also, he will close and lock any doors or bulkheads at the far entrances to the stairs to prevent civilians from tripping the traps.

He will then chat with the injured crew member, nothing interrogative, just friendly banter. He's a bartender - he knows how to put people at ease.
Team Delta shall begin searching Deck 6.

@Teams assembled in the infirmary:

"Okay guys, one more time, what is the plan for the assault on the engineering bay? We must figure this out quickly...the sooner we complete the mission, the sooner we can get out of this freezing boat, and get some vodka in us, eh?" *He grins playfully at the last comment.*
Finn will remove the C4 from the infirmary stairs and replace it with 2 claymores. He will inform everyone that the stairs are now mined and off limits. Also, he will close and lock any doors or bulkheads at the far entrances to the stairs to prevent civilians from tripping the traps.

He will then chat with the injured crew member, nothing interrogative, just friendly banter. He's a bartender - he knows how to put people at ease.

Ummm, does this mean you moved my C4? Since I'm staying in the infirmary, I can just sit here and manually trigger the C4 if an enemy comes in. Claymores just make it difficult to retreat back to the infirmary if the assault goes wrong.

"Yeah I agree leaving the C4 there might have been a better idea."

@ Mod: I will begin reading through the spanish speaking new employee's profiles, see if there is anything that strikes me as odd in them. I will also be looking out for similarities between the profiles, with the hope that clear connections between some crew members will give a clearer estimate of the number of hostiles that might be in Engineering.
Hmm, I just looked at the floorplan again and realized that I was confused. I'll leave the C4, and instead mine each lift, in case the hostiles activate and use them against us.
@mod - Mia will regroup with the rest of Delta and proceed to ensure that Deck 6 is secure.

Spoiler :
Been a little busy lately with job interviews and such; sincerest apologies. :3
I think you are at full inventory already. And yes, you can reach the lower level from the bow area.
Considering this; Alexandrov will take one of the motion detectors from the infirmary stairs and place it to the bow stairs. Also, place my the camera at the bow stairs so that when the motion detector first alerts (assuming person is moving up), it's possible within few seconds to change to the camera view to see who is moving in the stairs.

Cautious advance towards the bow stairs, check the surroundings while moving there. If anyone is willing, pick someone to cover my back.

ooc: I did drop 2 motion detectors at the stairs, so I thought I could pick up a first aid kit (cost 2 slots) to fill the remaining space. Although now I'm moving the detectors so I won't have the space. Or do 2 motion detectors only cost 1 space unit?

ps. This post was written while intoxicated. Apologies for all typos.
Considering this; Alexandrov will take one of the motion detectors from the infirmary stairs and place it to the bow stairs. Also, place my the camera at the bow stairs so that when the motion detector first alerts (assuming person is moving up), it's possible within few seconds to change to the camera view to see who is moving in the stairs.

Cautious advance towards the bow stairs, check the surroundings while moving there. If anyone is willing, pick someone to cover my back.

ooc: I did drop 2 motion detectors at the stairs, so I thought I could pick up a first aid kit (cost 2 slots) to fill the remaining space. Although now I'm moving the detectors so I won't have the space. Or do 2 motion detectors only cost 1 space unit?

ps. This post was written while intoxicated. Apologies for all typos.

Sorry, I got the motion sensors and C-4 stuff mixed up. You're fine, I'll give you a First Aide Kit.

"Right so the assault team is currently just a merger of teams Echo and Foxtrot, with Wilhelm if he wishes to join us. The assault team is now team Echo, though the designation Foxtrot is reserved for assault team use, in case the two teams need to separate out again.

Echo team will operate with two fire teams, designated Charlie fireteam and Delta. These are standard designations you should all be familiar with. The fireteams will be pretty much Echo and Foxtrot as they are now. However, Youriy and Yuri will switch around to try and balance up medium and short range firepower between the teams. The fireteams will be this then:

Charlie fireteam
The Bear

Delta fireteam
The Grin

These fireteams will operate semi-independently in combat, particularly in the assault, under standard section battle attack principles of fire and manoeuvre (Dreadnought if you need more clarification on this just say). This is the end of information for those partaking in the assault at this time, apart from to say that Delta fireteam will be allowed to choose its own leader who will be the 2IC of Echo team. The remaining information is for those partaking in the recon mission to scout the ground and put an end to our rampant speculation, hopefully. The Delta fireteam leader will have overall command of the assault team while I am on this mission and will be responsible for bailing us out if we get in too much trouble.

The recon team, Team Golf, currently consists of "THE BEAR" INDRIMINGO, ILYA KOPRONKO, WILHIEM/BILL and myself. Speak now or forever hold your peace if you either wish to join or leave. The recon team, has the following objectives:

-To assess the enemy's strength, morale, equipment, concentration, patterns to any patrols etc.
-To map out decks three and two for future reference.
-To locate, if possible, where the hostages are being held, their status, how they are guarded etc.

The recon team will have to move with the utmost care and attention to detail to ensure accurate intelligence and to ensure we are not discovered. This is not a time to get cocky or impatient. It will take at least three hours, probably more, for the recon team to properly scout the lower decks without being discovered. The use of an unsuppressed weapon is strictly forbidden. Even ruby-tackling an assailant to the ground is preferable to using an unsuppressed weapon. Verbal communication is to be kept to the minimum necessary to facilitate accurate communication, if it has to be used at all. The patrol will mostly be led by hand-signs, which I will go over at the end of this brief to ensure we using hand-signals we are comfortable with. All discoveries will be radioed in when it is possible to do so. We will first have to move through decks 3 and 2, as I have no detailed plans for these decks, I cannot specify an exact path to take. We will scout both these levels carefully to see if the enemy has occupied them and, if so, to what extent. It is vital to accurately assess the enemy's strength, concentrations, patrol patterns and timings, morale, equipment and a dozen other things that you have all be carefully trained to assess. When I say vital, I mean it in the literal sense, we could kill ourselves or our team members with a single mistaken piece of intelligence. Do not mess up. Do not drop your guard for a second. Once decks three and two have been scouted, deck one, Engineering, will have to be scouted as well. We know, almost for certain, the enemy will have a presence here, probably a strong one, with possible hostages. If you thought scouting decks three and two sounded tough, deck one will be tougher. I believe we must pass the control room, in order to view the main floor of Engineering. None of us have remote cameras so we will have to carefully peep into the control room ourselves through the door or windows. If the control room is alertly and strongly guarded, we will withdraw, in case the walkways are the same. However, if the control room only has a weak presence or sloppy guards, we will advance to the walkways. We will remain on the first walkway and, if it appears safe, will take an overview of each turbine hall from the first walkway. Depending on the conditions down there, the upper walkway may be explored. However, that course of action would be dangerous, as we have no means of assessing the upper walkways, without exposing ourselves to them. Thus I would recommend we plan to stay out of view of the upper walkways. No grenades will be used, except smoke grenades to cover a retreat under heavy fire, and no lights will be turned on or off. Areas of darkness will be explored using night-vision goggles. The Bear will have to borrow a pair off someone in Echo team.

Are there any questions or suggestions from anyone before we conclude the briefing?"

OOC: One can assume that all of this was said over the radio so comments from everyone are welcome. I hope I wasn't too over the top with the highlighting. It can be toned down or removed in the future if you want. Also my second weapon should be the compact PP229 not the AI Magnum sniper rifle, though, if that now only takes up one inventory slot, I might bring it along.:p

@mod: when on recon, leave my belt with the grenades/explosives in the infirmiry. I need to be stealthy and agile for this. Use P90 with silencer and use the Glock only in emergencies. If the spacing doesn't work out, leave behind the glock clips , making sure that there is already a clip in the glock itself. Pick up the build for the assault only if necisary(if not enough space for the grandaes and C4)

"Make sure that Glock is only used in the most dire of emergencies. A suppressed firearm will produce more than enough noise in such enclosed spaces, yet alone an unsuppressed one. On that note, silent takedowns are preferred over suppressed weapons fire, if they can practically be achieved."

"I assure you that I will will not use my Glock. But if I get conered and they rush at me, I will not sacrifice myself for the success and stealth of this operation. We are mercinaries, not nationalists."

@ mod: really, only in emergencies. Use the butt of the P90 of or the glock, rather than fire with the Glock. Bullets are a last resort.

"Right so the assault team is currently just a merger of teams Echo and Foxtrot, with Wilhelm if he wishes to join us. The assault team is now team Echo, though the designation Foxtrot is reserved for assault team use, in case the two teams need to separate out again.

Echo team will operate with two fire teams, designated Charlie fireteam and Delta. These are standard designations you should all be familiar with. The fireteams will be pretty much Echo and Foxtrot as they are now. However, Youriy and Yuri will switch around to try and balance up medium and short range firepower between the teams. The fireteams will be this then:

Charlie fireteam
The Bear

Delta fireteam
The Grin

These fireteams will operate semi-independently in combat, particularly in the assault, under standard section battle attack principles of fire and manoeuvre (Dreadnought if you need more clarification on this just say). This is the end of information for those partaking in the assault at this time, apart from to say that Delta fireteam will be allowed to choose its own leader who will be the 2IC of Echo team. The remaining information is for those partaking in the recon mission to scout the ground and put an end to our rampant speculation, hopefully. The Delta fireteam leader will have overall command of the assault team while I am on this mission and will be responsible for bailing us out if we get in too much trouble.

The recon team, Team Golf, currently consists of "THE BEAR" INDRIMINGO, ILYA KOPRONKO, WILHIEM/BILL and myself. Speak now or forever hold your peace if you either wish to join or leave. The recon team, has the following objectives:

-To assess the enemy's strength, morale, equipment, concentration, patterns to any patrols etc.
-To map out decks three and two for future reference.
-To locate, if possible, where the hostages are being held, their status, how they are guarded etc.

The recon team will have to move with the utmost care and attention to detail to ensure accurate intelligence and to ensure we are not discovered. This is not a time to get cocky or impatient. It will take at least three hours, probably more, for the recon team to properly scout the lower decks without being discovered. The use of an unsuppressed weapon is strictly forbidden. Even ruby-tackling an assailant to the ground is preferable to using an unsuppressed weapon. Verbal communication is to be kept to the minimum necessary to facilitate accurate communication, if it has to be used at all. The patrol will mostly be led by hand-signs, which I will go over at the end of this brief to ensure we using hand-signals we are comfortable with. All discoveries will be radioed in when it is possible to do so. We will first have to move through decks 3 and 2, as I have no detailed plans for these decks, I cannot specify an exact path to take. We will scout both these levels carefully to see if the enemy has occupied them and, if so, to what extent. It is vital to accurately assess the enemy's strength, concentrations, patrol patterns and timings, morale, equipment and a dozen other things that you have all be carefully trained to assess. When I say vital, I mean it in the literal sense, we could kill ourselves or our team members with a single mistaken piece of intelligence. Do not mess up. Do not drop your guard for a second. Once decks three and two have been scouted, deck one, Engineering, will have to be scouted as well. We know, almost for certain, the enemy will have a presence here, probably a strong one, with possible hostages. If you thought scouting decks three and two sounded tough, deck one will be tougher. I believe we must pass the control room, in order to view the main floor of Engineering. None of us have remote cameras so we will have to carefully peep into the control room ourselves through the door or windows. If the control room is alertly and strongly guarded, we will withdraw, in case the walkways are the same. However, if the control room only has a weak presence or sloppy guards, we will advance to the walkways. We will remain on the first walkway and, if it appears safe, will take an overview of each turbine hall from the first walkway. Depending on the conditions down there, the upper walkway may be explored. However, that course of action would be dangerous, as we have no means of assessing the upper walkways, without exposing ourselves to them. Thus I would recommend we plan to stay out of view of the upper walkways. No grenades will be used, except smoke grenades to cover a retreat under heavy fire, and no lights will be turned on or off. Areas of darkness will be explored using night-vision goggles. The Bear will have to borrow a pair off someone in Echo team.

Are there any questions or suggestions from anyone before we conclude the briefing?"

OOC: One can assume that all of this was said over the radio so comments from everyone are welcome. I hope I wasn't too over the top with the highlighting. It can be toned down or removed in the future if you want. Also my second weapon should be the compact PP229 not the AI Magnum sniper rifle, though, if that now only takes up one inventory slot, I might bring it along.:p

Decks 3 and 2 resemble the other living quarters of the above decks, except they are more scrunched and packed because they are merely employee rooms.


@mod: when on recon, leave my belt with the grenades/explosives in the infirmiry. I need to be stealthy and agile for this. Use P90 with silencer and use the Glock only in emergencies. If the spacing doesn't work out, leave behind the glock clips , making sure that there is already a clip in the glock itself. Pick up the build for the assault only if necisary(if not enough space for the grandaes and C4)


"I assure you that I will will not use my Glock. But if I get conered and they rush at me, I will not sacrifice myself for the success and stealth of this operation. We are mercinaries, not nationalists."

@ mod: really, only in emergencies. Use the butt of the P90 of or the glock, rather than fire with the Glock. Bullets are a last resort.

Noted, thanks.
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