Empire of Nicea - Dynamic naming problem


Apr 15, 2012
So this is a small quibble with an otherwise amazing mod, but whenever i see the byzantine empire dynamically named "The Empire of Nicea" I get a little frustrated because often times it happens when they get pushed out of anatolia.
The empire of Nicea was one of the successor states of the byzantines during the latin empire, when constantinople was captured by latins (latins being catholics. Venetians I think. As seen here

I know that usually when the byzantines lose constantinople they ususally collapse anyway, but I feel like this dynamic name should only be used in that situation. So yeah, hopefully you can throw this in for 1.9, or at least point me in the direction of how to do it myself. Thanks for reading!
That's a general problem that's not limited to this dynamic name, though: if England is pushed out of England proper, is it then really the Kingdom of England? And so on. It's hard to avoid that because you can't possibly prepare a dynamic name for every area where a civ can be expelled to.

"Empire of Nicea" is simply the dynamic name for Byzantium if they don't control Constantinople, no matter what else they control.
Wait so you're saying that its already programmed to be called the empire of nicea only if they've lost constantinople? In that case this may be a bug report because I have definitely seen them with that name while still holding the city. I'll try to get a screenshot of the situation when I see it, but I'm very positive of this occuring. I'm not playing with the svn version so dunno how that may effect things.
Depending on how they ended up as Empire of Nicaea and then got Constantinople back (I assume they lost it at some point or there's really something wrong), it might take a few turns until this affects their name. Not all criteria immediately affect the name so you might have to wait until Byzantium's name is periodically checked the next time.
I can confirm that Byzantium's dynamic name remains "Empire of Nicea" for ever (for 50 turns at least) if they loose Constantinople, even after they retake the city (and the Palace is auto-relocated back there).

I also get a message "Empire of Nicea is descending into civil war!" every few turns (or was it every one turn?), but of course Byzantium does not collapse because they've recaptured Constantinople.

But that seemed a minor problem (which doesn't affect balance or realism IMO) and didn't bother me much, so I forgot to report it.
Yes, they can.
Assyrian Empire? Empire of Brazil? Selucid Empire?
Btw Greece still always stays as "Kingdom of Macedonia" regardless whether it only controls Athenai and Sparte for the whole game.
So ...?
Leoreth, what do you think about this (and I hope is possible too)

If there's only 1 city left,
-In Europe : Free City of X
Example : France reduced to Paris only > Free City of Paris

If there's only few cities left, all outside that civ's normal areas,
-Kingdom of X or Republic of X

Kingdom of Nieuw Amsterdam
^ It could be a problem as you could freely change city names in RFC, but not your dynamic civ name.

Otherwise I'd be Free City of Wannahockaloogie if I'm ever reduced to 1 city.
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