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End of Empires - N3S III

To: Moti
From: Krato

Good! Thank you for your most excellent gifts. If our exploration of the southern jungles give us access to anything valueable, Krato will gladly share our profits and resources with Moti.
From: The High Princedom of the Satar
To: Oscadia, Katdhi

We will accept your homage and a tribute of gold. We do not WISH to delay our ride across the world to exterminate your pathetic kingdoms, but if we are not supplied with what we require, we shall BATHE IN YOUR BLOOD.
From: Union of Aya'se, Republic of Seshweay, Republic of Styr, and All Faithful of the Ancestors
To: Farou, Neruss, all the faithful

Let us liberate the slaves of the tyrant, forwards for the light of liberty, lead them to the fire of justice, teach them of the virtue of freedom, and show them the goodness and strength of freeman.

The Union of Aya'se calls on all the faithful to take up arms against the perfidious Hu'ut, let not the tyrant breathe, suffer not the cruel yoke of slavery, abhor the invaders of Aya'se's people, seek vengeance for ill inflicted. Remember Bahn!

Fatherland, Faith, Unity and Union!

OOC: You've just kicked the religious hornets nest.. you better leave LJ, or face some really pissed of Democrats :p

OOC: You know, you guys would be dead this turn if the bloody Farou hadn't interfered. :p And how the heck did everybody in this world end up becoming libertarian before Jesus was born? It's not possible at this point of civilization...
OOC: I agree that the whole "liberate the slaves" thing is nonsense. Then again, they have an actively proselytising religion (which alone is a bit weird, especially given its basic nature, but ah well) combined with a freeman civilisation, so I guess it is not that much of a stretch as long as they also want to conquer the world.
OOC: @NK: On all the maps but the political and economic maps there is an island south of former Annua, what happened to it?

Can I blame the aliens? Or it just was never there;)

Blame the mapmakers. They can be pretty stupid at times. There is indeed an island there, basically a couple of rocks with some pretty trees on them.

to: Astrii
From: Empire of the Trilui
Contain those pirates, or we will do it ourselves.

To: Trilui
From: Tadon

We are doing the best we can, but we are one city amongst several.

Nice to see the map expanding like this. The Satarai are just crying for some bigger and meaner people to come out of the steppe and destroy them if Earth history is any indication. ;)


I think you mean west and western. :p

Yes, sorry.

North King, what is up with this Order of One thing, anyway? ;)

It's like the Templars or Assassins, just more secretive. Ask Vertinari.

Ummm... What the heck is going on? Krato isn't ruled by an Emperor, it's still ruled by the Council of chiefs. Sure, that council is getting smaller, but there still isn't one man with all of the power yet. Also, a lack of an emperor would make Krato not an empire, right? ;)

This was a section written at 4:30 AM. Do not blame me. :p

To: Piatrata, Jiphia, Isara, and Moti
From: Krato
For the safety of of our region and for the sake of stability and peace, Krato would like to extend a hand of friendship and alliance to each of your countries. We propose a defensive alliance, one that will ensure that the countries of the south never fall to foriegn invasion. As the north becomes increasingly unstable we must band together to prevent such an event to happen to us.

To: Krato
From: Piatrata, Jipha

We agree.

To: Krato
From: Isara

Let us sign a pact of cordiality instead, for we do not wish to be entangled in a full-scale alliance, but wish no conflict between us, either.

@NK, what program you used to draw a map? How do you get 'eroded' edges of a map?

@Azale - Can I get your avatar pic in higher resolution? ;)

OOC: @ North King, can you make Elite Forces in the Unit Table? Only a maximum of 10% of Professionals can see enough combat to become the Elite fighters of a Kingdom.. and where ever they show up their skill is legendary. (a whole lot of money to upgrade) (or maybe make them free after a battle? They last 50 year updates by tradition)

Can you just assume that they're a small part of the professionals? Splitting up units into smaller and smaller increments is not something I look forward to.

From: The High Princedom of the Satar
To: Oscadia, Katdhi

We will accept your homage and a tribute of gold. We do not WISH to delay our ride across the world to exterminate your pathetic kingdoms, but if we are not supplied with what we require, we shall BATHE IN YOUR BLOOD.

To: Satar
From: Oscadia

We are but a poor nation, and can only offer 100 gold; please accept this gift.

OOC: You know, you guys would be dead this turn if the bloody Farou hadn't interfered. :p And how the heck did everybody in this world end up becoming libertarian before Jesus was born? It's not possible at this point of civilization...

It isn't that unusual in either a) highly efficient agricultural societies (like Farou), or b) trade-based societies, like the Seshweay and Neruss. Nor is it impossible for any society; there have been democracies of sorts at nearly every level of civilization even on Earth. Moreover, N3S III is set on a different world, so generalizations from Earth don't apply.
It isn't that unusual in either a) highly efficient agricultural societies (like Farou), or b) trade-based societies, like the Seshweay and Neruss. Nor is it impossible for any society; there have been democracies of sorts at nearly every level of civilization even on Earth. Moreover, N3S III is set on a different world, so generalizations from Earth don't apply.

There is a difference between internal social organisation/ideology and ideology as applied to other peoples, though. The Greeks might've had all kinds of ideas about freedom, but they were never in a hurry to free the Persians (they cared more about freeing their treasury). Mind you, between the international trade and the evolution of Sesh ideology over the centuries, something like this could come into being, but it still feels somewhat... unveritable, even though I suppose there are no reasons it absolutely can't exist as a fluke.
Ninja the Order has been in your lands since I left and has only helped you. We manned guards around your borders keeping vigil day and night. We served in your armies and no doubt had other effects which only NK can illuminate on. We seek to help nations resolve matters peacefully, encourge trade, help the natins of the South to survive and if need be destory anything that threatens to overwhelm and destory civiliastion. So yeah we are good guys. I have just assumed control now rather than NK. My stats are secert due to an agreement between NK and myself ( NK I still don't have my stats in my inbox. Why not?).
;) Thanks. Not even photoshop?

Nope. :)

Are they going to end up having any stats? Or are they like a mini-rebellion that could potentially come back to haunt me if I don't destroy right away?

Stats: maybe eventually. Otherwise: no comment. :p

There is a difference between internal social organisation/ideology and ideology as applied to other peoples, though. The Greeks might've had all kinds of ideas about freedom, but they were never in a hurry to free the Persians (they cared more about freeing their treasury). Mind you, between the international trade and the evolution of Sesh ideology over the centuries, something like this could come into being, but it still feels somewhat... unveritable, even though I suppose there are no reasons it absolutely can't exist as a fluke.

You'd have to ask Masada about his government's motives. :p Anyway, this discussion should probably be moved elsewhere.
The west wind blew into chief Kesh’s ear. It whispered strange words he could not understand. As he turned to the west he heard thunder and shouting as the sky turned red. Then he saw them, men upon many horses, all shouting and swinging their swords in the air. For a moment Kesh stands still, immobilized by sheer terror as the horsemen ride with incredible speed towards him. Kesh finally manages to lift his feet and starts to run away. However, his old age has made him slow and he barely manages to get a few yards away before falling to the ground. As he lies on the ground trembling he feels the wind sweep past him as the horsemen ride by him, the horses’ hooves narrowly hitting him. Eventually, almost all of the horsemen have passed him, but one still remains. He’s wearing a mask and is carrying a spear. Kesh watches the figure slowly ride up and get off of his mighty steed.

“Who are you?” Kesh asks.

But the masked man does not answer. He simply laughs madly before thrusting his spear at Kesh.


Kesh awakens from the nightmare, breathing heavily and covered with sweat. It’s morning and the sun is rising, shining rays of golden light through the window. After Kesh gets ready to begin the day and gets on his elephant, his mahout driving the elephant to the Chamber of Chiefs. As he rode through the streets, Kesh observed all of the families moving through the streets. Children and adults alike lived their lives in this land, always under the watchful protection of the Chiefs. The farmers, merchants, fishers, and builders depended on the Chiefs for guidance and protection. Kesh couldn’t imagine a Krato without the Chiefs. Even the Low Chiefs were important, managing taxes and trade.

But the Council is changing. Kesh knew this. More and more often the old Chiefs were giving their sons the title of Chief, even if there were much more capable relatives they could have given power to. Families weren’t even families any more. They were becoming their own little states, gobbling up smaller families and caring more about power than about their relatives. But today was the one day this could change. There was to be a meeting that would decide once and for all if the title of Chief was to be passed on to one’s son, or if a family would collectively decide who the next Chief would be.

Kesh walked into the council room, his wooden walking stick tapping on the floor as he approached the table. All of the other Chiefs had been seated, and were now waiting for Kesh to take his seat.

“Welcome Kesh, oldest and wisest of the Chiefs!” a voice called out. It was Hipto, an avid supporter of a law that would make the title Chief go to the eldest son of the previous Chief. For this reason he was very popular among many chiefs and had many supporters.

“Greetings Hipto,” Kesh said. “I see your world are still as sweet as ever.”

“Thank you elder Kesh.”

“Sadly, they are also as empty as ever.”

Hipto’s face turned red with frustration as Kesh finally sat down. The other Chiefs reacted differently to the situation. Some of them tried to stop themselves from laughing, while others seemed just as made as Hipto. But eventually the silence broke as Chief Cronto announced the topic of discussion, the title of Chief and who shall get it.

“It obviously should go to the previous Chief’s eldest son,” Hepto proclaimed. “That way we will already know who will be Chief ahead of time. It would eliminate these stupid meetings in which we select the next Chief. In times of war that wastes valuable time and energy, while my idea would make it much simpler and easier for a new Chief to take his position.”

Many nodded in agreement, and some even verbally expressed support. But most of the Chiefs waited for Kesh to give his response. Kesh saw that all eyes were on him, and that he held the fate of Krato within his hands.

“Hepto is simply incorrect,” Kesh began. “His method would increase the corruption and abuse of power already threatening the stability of Krato. With my method of the families electing their Chiefs, capable and fair Chiefs can assume power. Just look at Covo. That madman was given power just because his father was Chief. He then proceeded to jeopardize our expeditions to the south before we finally executed him. If incidents like that continue to occur, we’re going to have more to worry about then foreign invasion. We’ll have to deal with civil wars and petty power struggles.”

The Chiefs applauded the response while Hepto tried to talk. But it was useless. His voice was drowned in a sea of cheers and yells. He had made one fatal error: letting Kesh continue talking unhindered. All day Kesh ranted about all the corruption in Krato, shouting at the top of his lungs about everything from the blunders of the colonies to the high prices of food. He said it all, not allowing Hepto to get a word in. By midnight Kesh was finally done. The Chiefs voted and in a landslide the vote was 23-7 in favor of voting for new Chiefs.

As the men in favor of the new policy feasted and shouted in celebration, many of those who opposed the new law were quiet and sad. But Hepto remained proud and angry. And he yelled:

“This shall not hinder me or my family, for I, Hepto, Chief of the Grutin family, will not rest for this injustice. Opporia gives us the right to rule, not mortal men. Those who share my views will join me. I will now venture to the northwest into unknown lands. I shall carve an empire of my own, where Opporia is truly accepted and Istria does not control everything.”

And so Hepto left Krato, bring with him a few hundred followers. Currently no one knows where he is, but many think he is either dead or powerless. For what is there to the northwest but barbarians and empty lands? But Kesh still was uneasy about this news, and even suggested a military expedition to capture Hepto and bring him back to Krato. But this suggestion was rejected, as no one but Kesh himself thought that Hepto could pose a significant threat.

OOC: Basically, I’ve finally made a solid system on how the Chiefs are selected. First, you must be a member of one of the major families in power. Then, the members of that family over the age of 15 will vote on who they think the next Chief should be. Whoever gets the most votes serves as Chief for life. So one way it involves being born into the right family like a monarchy. But you are elected, so it’s kind of democratic.

Ninja the Order has been in your lands since I left and has only helped you. We manned guards around your borders keeping vigil day and night. We served in your armies and no doubt had other effects which only NK can illuminate on. We seek to help nations resolve matters peacefully, encourge trade, help the natins of the South to survive and if need be destory anything that threatens to overwhelm and destory civiliastion. So yeah we are good guys. I have just assumed control now rather than NK. My stats are secert due to an agreement between NK and myself ( NK I still don't have my stats in my inbox. Why not?).

But they must have a seperate motive then just aiding Krato, or else they'd just be citizens of Krato. However, it said in the update that they oppose the spread of Iralliam. Why is this? Are they members of a different religion?
Hints in the name and the fact they are Duroc to the last man, woman and child. Yes they may have other motives but the main reason I took control of them is that I did not see them making a difference much to the game. If you still can't guess what religion they follow I will PM it to you. Also are intentions for now are in the South but we intent to spread around the world. I have probablly said too much already but I don't want to get killed. For now everyone view this as OOC info.
To: Isara
From: Krato
Perhaps you are interested in a one-way defensive pact? Krato will still defend you in the event that you get attacked, but if Krato is attacked you do not need to assist us.
To: Isara
From: Krato
Perhaps you are interested in a one-way defensive pact? Krato will still defend you in the event that you get attacked, but if Krato is attacked you do not need to assist us.

We would of course appreciate assistance if we were attacked.
Spoiler :

You could have warned me about the Chinas NK before I joined there :(. Nice except for that annoying part.

Edit: A small note- the "Ahm Tain" (with a 'h' instead of a 'v') is the river 'Ittocuto" (not sure about the spelling), the one that runs into the sea by Ritti and Vitti. The one labeled the "Avm Taim" is called the "Ahm Enthur".
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