End of the Beginning of the End

Spoiler :
The humans must be met with suspicion. While the humans themselves have done nothing to earn the wrath of the dwarves, troubling rumors of a human airship make their way through the dwarven halls. King Bolin Tintrue issues a proclamation. The humans shall be dealt with cordially and with courtesy, but no human shall be allowed access to the dwarven hold. Additionally, a warning is given to the dwarves that any direct action against the humans without the authority of the crown will be treated as treason. Any dealings with the humans must be kept to the holdings topside. While one must not turn away potential allies in such dark times, Bolin reasons that it is equally likely that these humans are no different than the human mages that brought the sundering upon his people in the first place. Either way, the humans will be the ones to make the first move, but Bolin will not be caught unawares.

Spoiler :
Buy 50 footmen for 2500 gold, 500 ore, and 50 swords.
-25 swords as gifts from Diplomatic Orders post.

Spoiler :
50 dwarves are tasked with farming on the surface, in an attempt to increase overall crop yield.
50 dwarves are ordered to begin excavation of some of the blocked tunnels. They will advance slowly and carefully. With so few survivors, completing the excavation without incident is a top priority.
100 dwarves begin harvesting the forest nearby for lumber, and are given 10 footmen and 10 musketeer as a patrolling guard.

Spoiler :
20 dwarves are sent to Wissenschaft to parley and broker trade. They bring with them 25 swords as a gift in order to show the quality of their craftsmanship and to promote a healthy trade based relationship with the humans. They bring 10 footmen and 10 musketeers as guards.
20 dwarves are sent to Wooden Landing to meet with the locals. They seek a relationship of trade, their crafts for the raw materials of the local populace. They bring 20 footmen as guards.

Spoiler :
@EQ, when I had them clear cut the nearby forest I assumed they would be gathering the wood they cut. Do you want me to specify on later instances? Also, I figured that they wouldn't be mining while excavating the tunnels, this post is more of an attempt to expand underground territory.
@Calgori, if you want to name the zone first, I'm fine with that. You technically did more exploring and alerted my guys to the Wooden Landing, so I figured you would have a better lay of the land. P.S., don't kill me :D
I'll be away from home and without internet access until Tuesday so I won't be able to get orders in until then.
Yet another reminder that I will begin updating tomorrow. You have been warned once more.
Dawnbringer Cult Orders:

Spoiler :
Dawnbringer Cult: bestshot9
Leader: Archmage Kayul Darrono (Mage)
Race: Humans
Faction Trait: Militaristic
Capital: Thurysius College (Mage Tower; Zone 84)
Structures: None
Population: 300
Education: Basic
Gold: 0
Food: 600 (+0)
Water: 600 (+0)
Lumber: 0
Ore: 0
Magicka: 0
Weapons: 200 Swords, 100 Spears
Animals and Transports: None
Soldiers: 45 Mages


Send out exploration teams to scout the farmlands surrounding Darrono Tower (the name of our capital). These teams will consist of rotating teams of 20 mages out at a time, with only one team out at any given time. They will look for settlements and survivors, resources, and weapons.

Zone 84 will now be named Neo Thurysius, in honor of the Dawnbringers' lost homeland.
From: The Shu Sate
To: Followers of Orbaes

We kindly request that your missionaries cease proselytizing activities in the Shu State. We respect your religion and your traditions and we ask you to respect our religion and traditions too. We hope that you shall not send any more missionaries to our people. Any missionaries found inside the town will be treated as criminals and be expelled from the town. Our punishment to missionaries, expelling instead of killing them, shows that we do not wish to create tensions between our two peoples. But if you continue sending missionaries, we may be forced to revise our policy.

From: Followers of Orbaes
To: The Shu State

We are sorry if our preaching disrupt your government order and will cease further preaching but if the Shu citizens come over to want to learn about Orbaes we will not dissuade them from learning about our Beloved God. So be warn that we will not take any action if they come to us.
Spoiler :
Maig'ir zalin ra'si: Terran Empress
Leader: Ya'ra'si Zanna'isha (Mage)
Race: Elves
Faction Trait: Militaristic
Capital: Hold of the Magi (Elven Enclave; Zone 29)
Structures: School
Population: 303
Education: General
Gold: 300
Food: 1,264 (+200)
Water: 1,264 (+200)
Lumber: 250
Ore: 0
Magicka: 374
Weapons: 200 Swords, 120 Spears
Animals and Transports: None
Soldiers: 47 Archers, 15 Mages

Spoiler :
Magicka is no object to us, our people generate magicka extremely easily, it will deplete our stores for a few years, but in the long run by "domesticating" these will be far more useful for us, simply because of how much magicka we can generate. Spend the Magicka to "tame" the Steppe Snakes.

Spoiler :

train 3 archers for 300 gold to replace the ones lost

Send an expedition of zone 28 to explore and bring back supplies, consisting of 30 Archers and 5 mages

Spoiler :
sell 32 food for 1472 gold and 32 water for 192 gold
1)On my last turn I lost 510 lumber from building a lookout tower and some signs. As I am innovative, shouldn’t I only lose 250 lumber from producing this (half cost?)? Or did the signs I built cost 260 lumber?

Spoiler :
A light evening wind passes through the wooded hills, up Unkurra's towering ramparts and softly rustle's Merowid's golden locks.
"I hear them weep, you know." She says, staring out towards the forests.
"Who?" Kynwal gruffly replies, looking up at his beautiful Elven queen. Behind them, the Words of Peace glow dimly. Kynwal and a few other elves spent the past week enchanting the wooden constructs. A beacon of hope, the words levitate above Unkurra - the only light for hundreds of miles.
"The trees," Merowid sighs. "It is not only us who have had our families and homes torn apart."
"You speak to them?"
"Trees do not speak, they sing. Their songs, back in Blackwood - they used to be beautiful." She frowns, and looks down upon the forest. "No. They are still beautiful. Just sad."
Kynwal grimaces, as he always does when thinking. Merowid may see beauty, but Kynwal only sees opportunity.
"Can you sing back?”


Spoiler :
“These humans are hungry, lost, and vulnerable. They want for nought but protection behind the high walls of Unkurra and a warm meal. They are desperate for safety from the chaos of the broken world… not unlike we were, before Kynwal took us in.”
She pauses, and looks down upon her kin. Stronger, braver than they were - but broken, not long ago.
“We will welcome these men as our brethren. For that is what they are.”
Quietly, Kynwal allows for the ragged men to enter Unkurra, and enforces a close watch upon them, constantly gaurded by other Elves. Of the many skeptics and dissenting Elves, Kynwal takes several of their leaders and ensures that they, too, participate in the watch. As soon as we believe these humans are not dangerous to us, we make them contribute to the ongoing efforts in Unkurra, taking part in the watch and construction efforts. They are kept under constant watch, and Kynwal ensures that one of the more constructive of the dissenters is kept close to Kynwal, as an advisor, but also so that he can watch and ensure that the men contribute to Unkurra.


Spoiler :

-Rename region to the “Weeping Hills”.
-Instruct all elves to sing calming songs to trees prior to cutting them down, much as one would soothe a beast prior to slaughtering it.
-Use a small amount of magicka to cause the Words of Peace to levitate and glow during the night time. If this is a costly process, any sort of illusion to replicate the effect is acceptable.

-Send 100 elves to collect lumber from regions very near Unkurra. Give them 25 crossbows to protect themselves. Collect as much lumber as possible during this time, but ensure that the trees are treated with respect.
-100 elves + 2 mages are to distribute whatever Magicka they can amongst themselves and do their best to bond and sing with the trees. In particular, the elves hope that the trees will sing the same songs, and pass our songs amongst each other, allowing us to communicate with trees far from Unkurra. The goals of this are:
Asking the trees to watch for an inform of us of any refugees, beasts, elementals or approaching enemies in the vicinity.
Asking the trees for the location of the most fertile soil, for farming.
-10 elves man the lookout posts, taking regular shifts to ensure someone is always watching. They are to:
Look towards lumber-collecting elves to ensure they do not get ambushed, and will have sufficient warning to equip and defend themselves with crossbows if they do.
Look farther into the hills wary of approaching enemies.
Look into the woodlands, seeking any geographical points of interest, or any signs of potential refugees.
-50 elves remain in Unkurra. They retain 25 crossbows to defend the walls, and keep a close watch upon the humans. Kynwal will keep watch and ensure these are built efficiently and cleanly. Those who are not currently on watch:
-Build a lumber mill (150 ore, 300 lumber)
-Build farming equipment (125 ore, 125 lumber)
-Build a well (100 ore, 200 lumber) --- (do this only if I am correct in my assumption that my first look-out tower was overcosted, otherwise ignore)
-Final 63 elves go with all remaining swords, soldiers and weapons. They split into two groups and do their best to slowly investigate the mines, searching for both valuable ores to scavenge and eventually mine. They will also do their best to investigate the source of the elementals and any information they can discover about them, how to combat them, and whether they are susceptible to any sort of magicka control or manipulation (and utilize minimum magicka when doing so).

Spoiler :

None for now.
Spoiler :
Spend 30 magicka to lure the mammoths near to the tower, with plenty of soldiers and peasants to help. Then use a small magical spell to attempt to communicate with a few of the herd leaders and attempt to train them. These trained mammoths can then relay the instructions to the other mammoths. Since they're animals, make it simple: they get Food for helping us.

Continue to gather wood from the surrounding area. Sell enough that we harvest to purchase to buy 600 units of water (or as much as we can)

Continue to harvest water from the local snow melts

Have some of out people begin fishing from the shore to augment our food intake.

If we have spare people, send them out under guard to look into salvaging anything useful from near the tower.
Challenge: Our supplies, already short when we crashed, are about to run out! The discovery of the Karaz Holdouts and the town of Wooden Landing have led some of our advisors to proclaim that the only salvation will be the seizure of other communities’ supplies. They insist that a swift attack to eliminate any foes will allow us to seize food and water supplies without too many casualties. How do we respond to this pressure?

Spoiler :
We will not attack Wooden Landing. Instead, we will send "ambassadors" explaining why we are fighting for. The point will be to convince the settlement to join our cause and submit under Lucanor's control for the greater wood. We don't want the settlement to fear us but to fear a second apocalypse.

Spoiler :
We will name the place where we are as Newdawn Forest. We will move our camp to the shore near to Wooden Landing, and our men will have orders to fish, hunt and farm some food.

Ask to our neighbours from Wooden Landing for water in exchange of some labour or favors.

Continue collecting lumber

Send 10 footmen with swords, 5 archers with crossbows and 1 musketman with musket to continue exploring

Maintain diplomatic relations with Karaz Holdouts

From: Wissenschaft
To: Karaz Holdouts

Will it be possible to arrange a meeting between His Majesty King Bolin Tintrue and our leader Lucanor Giovanni? We'd like to present our respects to his majesty.

Spoiler :
@Koro: Don't worry I'd be totally unable to harm anyone named "Bolin" xD
Starborn Walkers
Spoiler :
Leader: Captain Aelfwine (Adventurer)
Race: Human
Faction Trait: Agrarian
Capital: Starborn Walkers (Dungeon; Zone 19)
Structures: Well, Farming Equipment, Fortifications, Forge
Population: 320
Education: Basic
Gold: 0
Food: 750 (+160)
Water: 510 (+140)
Lumber: 80
Ore: 410
Magicka: 90
Weapons: 20 Longswords, 20 Crossbows
Animals and Transports: 30 Horses, 1 Longboat
Soldiers: 10 Knights, 30 Mages

Spoiler :
Some people have begun to complain about the forge we have recently constructed. There are concerns that ventilation in this old dungeon is not what it could be, and that the air quality is rapidly declining. It is not possible to simply move the forge, and we would have to build a new one outside of the caves should we decide to shut this one down. How do we respond to these complaints?

Spoiler :
Devote 20 magicka per turn towards transforming waste products into useful products (Water or food)

Spoiler :
Devote 40 Magicka towards a “Death Curse” to be activated upon the death of the last starborn walker. This hex will affect ALL those who have sought us harm, and curse them to live an eternity of pain and suffering. Their food will turn to ash in their mouths, their water to salt, and their air to smoke, And never will they feel the warmth of the sun on their skin, nor the soft touch of love. Never shall their skin heal, nor broken bones knit. They will not truly belong to this world, but not be able to move on to the next. Forever, shall they linger, Man, Woman, and child, unable to die but unable to live, faded until such time as they redeem themselves.

Devote 20 magicka to ward the Dungeon from vile influences, both supernatural and mundane. Those inside the Dungeon, here-to-for called Stargarth, will be able to weather all manner of dangers inside it’s sealed walls.

Send a large scavenging expedition, consisting of 7 Knights on 7 horses, 3 mages on 3 horses, 10 Longswords, 10 Crossbows, and 20 more people, led aboard the Longboat Blizzard in Summer will be commanded by Husjarl Sigrid Itilstor(Mage) to zone 22, hugging the coast. This expedition will sail past zone 48 to zone 47, and determine what it’s like. On the Ground, the captain will determine whether it’s more worthwhile to scavenge it or zone 48, and do so, to recover essential resources. IF we find a dungeon, determine what goes on in it, and if necessary to remove a threat, plunge into it’s depths.

Start to ration food and water.
Just stating that I started work on the update hours ago, and forgot to mention it. We're on course for a late Tuesday/early Wednesday update.
Blame Khanadha it spoke in his mind.

Tlachinolli glanced furitively at the archway to the temple to confirm he was alone.

“Why?” He knew the imp could just read his mind if he projected is thoughts at it but he preferred to give it as little access to his thoughts as he could and so, when it was safe, he spoke aloud.

The people will want someone to blame for the water shortages and right now, you’re looking like the one to blame. The imp was a demonic familiar; ostensibly it ‘served’ Tlachinolli but Tlachinolli, for all his bloody-handed loyalty, knew that in reality it served only Prince Illearth. It was the corrupted godling’s spy and mouthpiece. And it had its own personality as well, mischievous and cruel, it would lounge invisibly amongst the dwarves and subtly sow the seeds of conflict and strife even amongst those it ‘served’. Tlachinolli was learning to always second-guess its advice.

It was true though. The cisterns were empty and there was precious little rain. The streambeds at the base of the valleys were guarded by the bone-worms and the rains of the western marshlands were all too distant. The dwarves had already embraced sacrifice and cruelty, had proven they valued survival more highly than loyalty or honor. They were desperate before and look where they had come too. If they were desperate now… there was no knowing what they would do. “A scapegoat?”

Precisely. A quill suddenly began to move on the desk and Tlachinolli knew the invisible imp was using it to draw crude and violent scribbles. He didn’t bother to investigate. The margins of all his inventories and prayer-books were filled with quick sketches of Mictl soldiers with their eyes plucked out or hands cut off, of animals with their entrails looped around their necks, worse. He had long ago ceased to care; his books were private and those that did see them were most loyal not only to Tlachinolli but to the new demonic masters and so did not look askew to such imagery.

“Why Khanadha?”

He could challenge you. He is strong and a capable speaker. He holds the von Eicknach name. And he is not dedicated to the master as you are.

“So this is an opportunity?”

Precisely. He is the one who was supposed to meet with the merchants. Tell the people he was not careful, that he did not follow your instructions and as a result we suffered the thirst of the dry bones.

“Whats that about dry bones?”

The imp ignored the question. Act quickly. We can provide false evidence, show that he had been ordered not to sell as much water as he did. I can even plant evidence in his warren of collusion with the merchants.

Was it possible that the imp had engineered the thirst? He spoke with reverence of the 'thirst of dry bones' and certainly a lethal thirst fit with the ideology of Prince Illearth. The mountain ridges were white and raw, dry like brittle bones in the sun. The reagent said nothing regarding his suspicions, instead, “It makes sense. We will do as you say imp. Plant your evidence and I shall make the appropriate changes to the books. Indeed…

“Blame Khanadha.”

Spoiler :
Blackfist Orders:
Spoiler :
Clan Blackfist: Nailix
Leader: Oren Blackfist (Warrior)
Race: Dwarves
Faction Trait: Innovative
Capital: Blackfist Hold (Dwarf Fortress; Zone 120)
Structures: None
Population: 286
Education: Basic
Gold: 26,000
Food: 1,262 (+0)
Water: 1,262 (+0)
Lumber: 0
Ore: 750 (+250)
Magicka: 0
Weapons: 200 Swords, 50 Crossbows, 25 Muskets
Animals and Transports: None
Soldiers: 46 Footmen

100 swords for 2,800 gold.

Send 10 footmen with Vinya Falas to scout the humans camp at the mine, if they see an opportunity to retrieve any of the stolen goods without getting into a fight then take them, otherwise just follow the elves lead on the scouting.
Spoiler :
Windgard: Shadowbound
Leader: Toruviel, Mistress of the Mountain (Politician)
Race: Elves
Faction Trait: Adventurous
Capital: Windguard (Elven Enclave; Zone 96)
Structures: School, Fortifications, Lookout Tower, Well, Farming Equipment, Lumber Mill, Forge
Population: 598
Education: General
Gold: 9,700
Food: 919 (+325)
Water: 729 (+230)
Lumber: 0 (+50)
Ore: 0
Magicka: 690
Weapons: 80 Spears
Animals and Transports: None
Soldiers: 52 Archers, 15 Mages

Trade Orders

Buy 4000 Ore for 4000 gold BUY LOW SELL HIGH YO

Sell 340 of our newly smithed swords for 8500 gold ADDED VALUE YO

Production Orders

Train fifteen clerics to stop our precious population from dying for 3,750 gold.

Train five mages to kill Dryads for 1,500 gold.

Smith 400 swords with 2000 ore.

Train 60 footmen with 60 swords, 600 ore, and 3000 gold.

Reinforce our fortifications with 500 ore.

Convert 400 magicka into 400 lumber, then spend 400 lumber and 400 ore on two new sets of farming equipment.

Exploration/Defence Orders

So, we just raised an army of elves. And we're going to war with the forest. The blood of elvenkind is on their roots, and they're going to pay for it.

Our new, reinforced defences will protect our settlement while we go hunting and a war party of 35 footmen, 20 archers, 10 mages, and 10 clerics will aggressively hunt out the dryads and drive them away from the areas of the forest in which we live, either by killing their corporeal manifestations or destroying the old growth that they are attached to. Mages should remember: only they can start forest fires. Invite the humans to join our war party, too.

At home, remaining population and defenders will resume lumbering operations.
Pelgia orders:

Buy 2000 water
Send 30 footmen and 10 archers to the zone south of us to explore
Have 36 people hunting in the local area, have the rest of the popukation gathering wood
Remaining soldiers protect them
Put an official hold on population and encourage non traditional methods of enjoyment
Imortan Seventeen Brotherhood Orders

Population assignment

Spoiler :
- Send 100 people with 15 mages , 25 spears and 90 swords to scavenge resources in our region. The priorities are:
1. Ore
2. Water/food
3. Lumber
4. Everything else
Treat any hostile locals weaker than us with extreme prejudice (I.E., kill), and offer Kassandra's protection to friendly locals. ]
- 75 people will clear forest surrounding our fortress to produce wood
- 75 people are tasked with setting up farming on the surface
- 25 will start mining operations below our fortress

We no longer know where we are, and the world has changed dramatically from what it had been. Our people are on the verge of panic and look towards the leadership for answers. What do we tell them has happened?
Thirty of the Imortan's partisans were gathered before the Seventeen's inner sanctum. They were fearful, for their leaders had been in there for what seemed like days - no way to know when you were underground-. If they were waiting here, it was that there was no choice. The fortresse's entry was sealed by a spell only Kassandra could break, and anyhow, last time one of them ventured out, the outside was too dangerous for anyone but an Imortan.

A rumble. The adamant door moved. A figure emerged. An androgynous figure, maybe slightly feminine, marble white skin and black eyes. And dressed in Kassandra's garnments.
'This is no human', said someone.
The figure seemed to ignore this.
'I am Kassandra Imortan, leader of our Brotherhood.'
' You might ask, my brothers, about my newfound appearance. The Shattering consumed our bodies, how or why I cannot tell you, and I was forced to move my soul to one of my Dolls to survive. Only I had the time to do so.. the others suffered a worse fate.. I was only able to save their spirits by placing them in these sixteen coins... there was time for nothing more..'
If artificial bodies could cry she'd be doing so right there.
'What I have forseen you can now see with your own eyes.'
Her voice rose and fell. As if she didn't have full control of it yet.
'I once said the world would die. But now I tell you that it is reborn from its ashes.'
The figure paused.
'We saw the world shatter by our own eyes, our own magic. Once, magic such as our own was used to destroy Gensin. But today, we can use it to rule over the new Gensin.
The world outside is weak, and we, even with a fraction of our former power, can subjugate it. You will be the founders of an Empire.´
Update 3: Year 3

The mountains creak, the forge is cold,
The hearth is bleak, no longer gold,
No hammer falls, no fortress grows,
Kamin's voice no dwarrow knows,
Dush lays claim to dwarrow souls,
The Iron Bells begin to toll.
-In Kamin’s Day, a dwarven song​

Inter-Faction Reports​

WAR IN THE HIGHLANDS. Far in the north of Gensin, in the Highlands, a new war has broken out, even as most still remember the Great War that had scarred the world. The Shu State has attacked the Followers of Orbaes, using knights and footmen to surprise the unprepared town and set it ablaze. Despite the element of surprise and the superior training of their forces, the Shu State’s force was eventually overwhelmed by superior numbers and took heavy losses. The Followers of Orbaes were badly mauled and nearly broken, but have attributed their victory to the rise of a heroic nun who shattered the last Shu charge. The defeat of the Shu State’s raiding party leads some to believe that the area may now be in a state of a more protracted conflict.

ISLAND PROTECTED UNDER NEW DEFENSIVE AGREEMENT. The elves of Vinya Falas and the dwarves of the Blackfist Clan have been brought together in a new alliance to protect the island they call home. Human merchants have been warned to avoid the western parts of the island, as the elves are known to be hostile towards humankind, but have stated that trade with the dwarves is mostly safe. The new alliance seems likely to serve as a foundation for the dwarves and elves to recover from the disaster of the Great War and perhaps carve out a new way of life from the wreckage of the old world. Other merchants hope that with this new alliance, the feared bandits of Deepdrill Mine will finally be destroyed after plaguing caravans for several eyars now.

Faction Reports​

Anmari Collective
Spoiler :

The Anmari Collective has continued to do its best to survive in a harsh and unyielding environment. Efforts have successfully continued in local woodcutting, ice melting, and fishing, bringing in plenty of supplies for the people. It still has not been enough to be sustainable long-term, but it has proven to be a good start. An ambitious plan was devised to capture and tame the local mammoth herds, but unfortunately things went very wrong. The magical diversion to lure them closer succeeded, but one of the spells backfired, leading to the beasts becoming started and trampling through a crowd of people. The herd was eventually slain and stopped from their rampage, bringing a limited amount of food in, but many died in the slaughter. Mages have advised that future efforts to tame large animals may need to be approached differently to be effective.

Turn Stat Changes
Spoiler :

-6,600 Gold, +1,100 Water from market purchases
-22 Population, +10 Food, -30 Magicka from mammoth stampede
+103 Lumber from local area woodcutting
+51 Water from ice melting
+203 Food from fishing
+15 Population from natural growth
-520 Food, -480 Water from consumption
+16 Magicka from generation

Challenge: Two large families in our community have become divided by a game involving the fictional purchase of properties in a large city. The game is known to be popular among the boring months of the darkest winter. Accusations of cheating have been thrown about, leading to occasional violence and a new feud between the two clans. Some believe that our leaders should step in and help resolve the issue, others believe we should let the two families handle it themselves. How do we respond to this issue?

Blackwood Elves of Unkurra
Spoiler :

The Blackwood Elves have welcomed a large group of humans into their midst, as they were found delirious and starving in an old mine. The humans have integrated into the society, helping to build new structures and buildings for the betterment of all. A new lumber mill, farms, and a well have all acted to help provide the vital resources for the development of the community. The elves have led the way on woodcutting, being very gentle and even singing old songs to help ease the trees into their demise. Unfortunately the peace and harmony of Unkurra was disturbed when a group of iron elementals attacked the community, leading to a number of deaths of both elves and humans. Thankfully the fortress’s mages were enough to disperse the beings.

Many of the mysteries of the Weeping Hills were resolved when two mages attempted to commune with the forests that scattered the region. Using magicka they found that the forests could not only be contacted, but were very eager to talk with the elves. They even experienced a magicka feedback that has helped grow the stockpiles of the faction. The trees have agreed to act as an early warning system for invasion or attack, helping protect Unkurra and the Weeping Hills as whole. As part of this arrangement they have provided knowledge of the region to the mages who contacted them. Among this knowledge was the presence of a large number of aggressive bears and a massive tower built of iron. The creatively named Iron Tower stands in a valley in the hills, and is the source of the area’s iron elementals. It apparently is an active mage tower and could possess all sorts of valuables within.

Turn Stat Changes
Spoiler :

+100 Population from accepting human refugees
+100 Lumber from woodcutting in Weeping Hills
-10 Population, -10 Magicka from elemental attack on Unkurra losses
-5 Magicka from illumination of words of peace
+50 Magicka from attunement with the forest (Zone Automatically 100% Explored)
-625 Lumber, -375 Ore from construction
+63 Ore from mining in Weeping Hills
+7 Population from natural growth
-380 Food, -350 Water from consumption
+150 Lumber, +250 Ore from surplus production
+168 Magicka from generation

Challenge: Several elven women have turned up violated and murdered in the bowels of the fortress. No witnesses were seen to their demise and we have no idea who committed the crimes. A part of our elven population has blamed the humans for the deaths, and the humans have just as vehemently denied any involvement. Tensions between the two races are quickly escalating. How do we respond to this issue?

Bone Ridge Covenant
Spoiler :

The Bone Ridge Covenant faced unrest after last year’s water shortage. An immediate and absolute response was had to the threat of revolt as massive recruitment was undertaken to establish a standing army, of footmen, archers, and spellcasters. Clerics and mages alike have been recruited, helping to provide the support a modern army requires. In addition, a scapegoat was selected from the leadership to fault for the water shortage, and he was ritually sacrificed in a brutal display. The Covenant has continued major trading with passing caravans, but was taken for suckers by merchant who paid for most of the food with false gold that disappeared shortly after the trade was complete. Some of the gold had already been reused in the purchase of new water supplies and lumber, but this was still a major loss. To pile upon these problems, much of the ore purchased with the gold that remained turned out to be too soft for construction, and the merchants refused to offer a refund and quickly departed, stating that they had run out of all of the more useful materials and chose to sell subpar items rather than lose the massive contract.

A small group of longboats were built at the mountain citadel of the Covenant, to be hauled overland to the coast for launching. Most of the army of the Covenant was sent out to explore islands that had been sighted to the southeast, hoping to find anything of value. They found only ice in the new lands, as they were apparently covered with glaciers and only the most scrawny and most determined trees jutting out of the landscape. What trees could be collected were, along with driftwood on the beaches, to be used for future construction. Some of the native wildlife was discovered while leaving, as one of the longboats spotted a large group of apparently harmless penguins heading towards them. These odd looking birds that fly underwater proceeding to use razor sharp beaks to actually bore through the wooden hulls of the longboat, creating numerous holes and then viciously attacking the crew. The crew was unable to fight off the creatures and seal the holes at once, and soon the whole vessel went under with all hands while the other three longboats watched in disbelief. The unlucky crew was either devoured by the “deathguins” or drowned in the surf.

Turn Stat Changes
Spoiler :

+115,549 Gold, -4,037 Food, +713 Water, +2,500 Lumber, -1,255 Crossbows from market trading
-1,500 Gold, -2,500 Lumber, +4 Longboats from construction
-215 Population, -41,250 Gold, -500 Ore, -50 Swords, -50 Crossbows, +15 Clerics, +100 Mages, +50 Footmen, +50 Archers from recruitment and training
-1 Population, +10 Magicka from ritual sacrifice
-60,000 Gold from false gold
-12,799 Gold, +12,799 Ore from post-false gold trading
-7,000 Ore from unusable metals
-1 Archer from bone worm observation failure
+42 Lumber from Zone 118 woodcutting
-21 Population, -12 Footmen, -12 Archers, -3 Clerics, -16 Swords, -4 Crossbows, -1 Longboat from Zone 118 exploration losses
+5 Population from natural growth
-255 Food and Water from consumption
+100 Magicka from generation

Challenge: An elderly human mage has been found wandering through the mountains, seemingly undisturbed by the bone worms or any other threats. When confronted by our scouts, he appears senile and incoherent, but very happy. Our own mages sense great power in him, and would like to either ritual sacrifice him or try to learn from him. Others believe that the last thing we need is a senile old human consuming our resources and think we should send him on his way. How do we respond to this situation?

Caran Tincaewen
Spoiler :

The elves of Caran Tincaewen have been focused upon magical endeavors before most other affairs. Most of the people have continued to be used in the scouring of local ruins for any supplies, and have come away with a large amount of lumber for future development. They have stripped old buildings and fortifications of their wooding siding, helping more with development. Beyond these manual activities, the mages have remained highly active. Five mages were in fact killed when attempting to defuse a mana bomb discovered near the town, as it had been teleported away to a location further away but still in Carpal. The bomb went off, instantly killing the mages and unleashing fearsome mana wraiths into the zone. Other mages have been focused upon scouting areas surrounding Carpal and scrying them magically to see their contents.

To the west, in a land now named Metacarpal, they found the entire area to be a lush farmland, filled with ruined towns and plentiful crops. They also witnessed the roaming locust swarms, which consumed everything both flora and fauna when they amassed. To the north, the scryers witnessed a new land of open steppes and plains, with a few scattered farms and ruins throughout, but little in the way of lumber or minerals. They saw the powerful elementals that blew across the land, using the powers of the wind to kill the unwary. These discoveries come in additional to further efforts in Carpal to scout out the land, discovering the large amounts of giant rats that populate many of the ruins.

Turn Stat Changes
Spoiler :

-400 Lumber, -200 Ore from construction
+10,000 Gold, -200 Lumber, +2,800 Ore from market trading
-100 Magicka, -5 Mages from failure to defuse bomb
-100 Magicka from Carpal area scrying
-100 Magicka from Metacarpal area scrying
-100 Magicka from Zone 74 area scrying
+600 Lumber from Carpal area salvage
+6 Population from natural growth
-467 Food, -437 Water from consumption
+338 Magicka from generation

Challenge:The detonation of the mana bomb could have new, unforeseen effects upon both our people and the local wildlife. Some have suggested that we task our mages to studying the mana bomb area and send laborers to collect samples of any plants or small creatures that reside in the explosive radius. On the other hand, anyone who we send into or near the contaminated zone could be at risk to all sorts of effects from magical exposure. How do we respond to this suggestion?

Clan Blackfist
Spoiler :

Clan Blackfist faces a new, bitter feud with the bandits encamped at Deepdrill Mine. They joined the elves of Vinya Falas in launching a cooperative survey of the mines, as the elves cast invisibility upon all of them. They were able to scout some of the exterior defenses of the mine, but were unable to find any secondary entrance beyond the heavily guarded front door. The limited access and cramped interior of the Mine prevented any scouts from infiltrating further and the elves and dwarves ultimately had to pull back. Unfortunately, one must have left a clue to the scouts’ origins, and a major bandit assault took Blackfist Hold by surprise, killing the guards in the dead of night and anyone unlucky enough to encounter them in the halls. They made off with nearly a third of the treasury and it is unsure whether the dwarves managed to kill any of them in defense of their gold.

Turn Stat Changes
Spoiler :

-100 Swords, +2,800 Gold from market trading
-28 Population, -9,100 Gold, -9 Footmen from bandit attack on stronghold
+5 Population from natural growth
-300 Food, -300 Water from consumption
+250 Ore from surplus production

Challenge: The failure to retrieve any stolen goods and the lack of preparation for the bandit attack has left a portion of the clan embittered against the leadership. Some advisors have stated that this disgruntled faction could be planning on overthrowing our leaders! This could all be rumor or speculation, but the fact is that morale in the stronghold is at an all-time low. How do we respond to this situation?

Conclave of Alim
Spoiler :

The Conclave of Alim received a gift of swords from a mysterious benefactor and saw the opportunity to accomplish more for themselves. Plenty of forces continued to remain focused on salvaging efforts, finding plenty of gold and retrieving it for themselves from old stores and banks. The more discussed effort was an attempt by militia and mages to raid the feared Mall of the Damned, hoping for good loot. The raid performed better than many expected, with less than a dozen deaths, and the mages being able to hold the abominations at bay, while the militia dispatched them. Plenty of treasure and coin were found throughout the ruins, along with numerous valuable artifacts. Surprisingly, a stable with numerous horses was also found, and these poor animals have somehow survived throughout the years in the chaos, ignored by the abominations. The horses were led out of the Mall and to makeshift stables at the tower.

Turn Stat Changes
Spoiler :

+100 Swords from gift from honest businessman
+500 Gold from Thedas area salvaging
-11 Population, -40 Magicka from Mall of the Damned raid losses
+4,000 Gold, +30 Horses from Mall of the Damned raid loot
+10 Population from natural growth
-334 Food, -364 Water from consumption
+100 Magicka from generation

Challenge: We have reached a critical shortage of food and water. We cannot buy both from the open market, and as it stands, most of our faction, if not all of our faction will be dead by the end of this year. We can buy enough of either food or water to survive, but not both, and so solutions have been offered to solve either problem. To provide food, some of our people have suggested a combination of fishing on the coast and eating the constantly dying abominations that wander out of the mall. The largest ones are big enough to theoretically feed the entire faction for a whole day by themselves. Alternatively, if we buy enough food, but need water, we can drink from the old cisterns around the tower. Neither of these choices are likely to provide us with enough food to last beyond this year, and may not even manage that. They could also have unfortunate consequences for us due to magical exposure on both sources, but either we take one of these options or we die. The choice is yours.

Crimson Dragons
The group of mutated humans known as the Crimson Dragons have collapsed into anarchy, as the leader disappears into reclusion and water runs out. The entire group quickly dissolved into a number of smaller groups, seeking out any sustenance throughout the region known as Tranquility. Some order was preserved among these smaller family units, and most had success in raiding merchant caravans for needed water and supplies. Still, the order has collapsed completely and the centaurs have dispersed throughout the countryside, forming a new race and new hazard to passing merchants. Disgusted with the fate of his people, the lone hero, Itil Valei, has left the region and journeyed out in search of new adventures.

Das Großoccitanian Reich
Spoiler :

The dwarves of the Reich have isolated themselves from further exploration and expansion, hoping to develop their future military power. They assigned their best engineers to create a new wonder of dwarven technology, a weapon that can throw flames without the use of magic. Guards have patrolled vigilantly around the keep, and new guards have been recruited from the population, both as front-line infantry and archers. Crossbows had to be bought from merchants to arm the ranged soldiers of the Reich, and it is hoped that with future advancements, the Reich will reign supreme in new Gensin.

Turn Stat Changes
Spoiler :

-10,000 Gold from thief
+19,560 Gold, -450 Food, +20 Crossbows from market trading
-55 Population, -3,750 Gold, -350 Ore, -55 Swords, -20 Crossbows, +35 Footmen, +20 Archers from recruitment and training
+6 Population from natural growth
-157 Water from consumption
+203 Food, +550 Lumber from surplus production

Challenge: After carefully reviewing the options and problems in creating the planned Flammenwerfer, our engineers have determined that it is possible, but we need a very specialized piece of equipment for production. The only way to obtain this piece is by purchasing it from merchants at an outrageous price of 30,000 Gold. Should we buy the construction piece we need or abandon this project?

Dawnbringer Cult
Spoiler :

The Dawnbringer Cult has taken its first steps into the larger world. They have sought to scout out the apparently fertile farmlands surrounding their new home, hoping to carve out a new future for themselves. The fields appear to be ripe with crops and food, in ample amounts should anyone simply go out and collect it. More importantly, a large town of human refugees was discovered in the center of the fields, built in old barns and shacks, likely survivors of the Great War. Friendly contact was made as the mages represented themselves as fellow survivors, before moving on. Nothing else of particular note was found in the region before they returned home.

Turn Stat Changes
Spoiler :

+10 Population from natural growth
-355 Food and Water from consumption
+100 Magicka from generation

Challenge: The discovery of the town of Goldenshire has led to a number of our mages becoming rather enthusiastic towards the idea of taking the settlement by war. They argue that we are short on both food and water while they have plenty of each. Similarly, every one of them we kill in the capture of the town is one less that will have to be fed. How do we respond to this pressure?

Followers of Orbaes
Spoiler :

The Followers of Orbaes began the year as they have previous ones, attempting to survive despite the odds and elements. A large metal ship was spotted off the coast, and the Followers hoped to retrieve it for anything of value or salvage. Horses were lashed up and swimmers attached long ropes to what parts of the ship they could. Unfortunately, the ship floated further out to sea, and several horses were killed before they could be untied. Still, business otherwise continued as usual for most of the year. Ample goods were traded on the market to help the blacksmith begin the construction of new weapons for the defense of the town. As it turned out, the construction of these weapons may well have saved the town.

In the dark of the autumn night, armored warriors, both mounted and on foot, took the town completely by surprise, burning the outlying fields and buildings and slaughtering indiscriminately. Dozens were slain before the town militia at last managed to rally with any able-bodied people they could muster. They met in the center of town as the village burned around them, and sought to repulse the attack. For a moment it looked as though the line would break and everything the Followers had worked for would be lost, but a young nun from mysterious origins stepped up and using only a never seen before ability for the martial arts, disabled and killed five of the mounted enemy warriors. This display of heroism allowed the defenders to rally and send the raiders from the Shu State fleeing into the darkness.

Turn Stat Changes
Spoiler :

+8,400 Gold, -600 Food, +300 Lumber from market trading
-140 Lumber, -100 Ore, +40 Clubs, +20 Swords, +20 Longbows
-172 Population, -400 Food, -600 Water from attack by the Shu State losses
+Namalri (Level 1 Monk), +9 Swords, +3 Horses from spoils of Shu State attack
-6 Horses from failed attempt to bring in metal ship
+12 Population from natural growth
-90 Food and Water from consumption

Challenge: The outbreak of war with the Shu State has led to a debate among the clergy. Some believe that we should take the fight to the enemy, and bring them to justice for their slaughter of our people. Others state that war is not the answer, and that we should hunker down until the wisdom of peace and light of Orbaes inevitably shines down upon the Shu. How do we respond to this debate?
Free Reach of Zlatokraina
Spoiler :

The Free Reach has managed to avoid any disasters or catastrophe for another year, leaving out a peaceful existence of plenty. They enjoy far better standards of living than most in Gensin these days, and they have no problem drinking beers and enjoying treats that most other factions can only dream about. Some are concerned that the days of plenty may not last forever, but at least today the times are good.

Turn Stat Changes
Spoiler :

+9 Population from natural growth
+12 Food, +62 Water from surplus production
+20 Magicka from generation

Challenge: N/A

Imortan Seventeen Brotherhood:
Spoiler :

The Brotherhood has begun making what efforts they can to survive in a hostile world with limited supplies and resources. A large force was sent out to find any ruins and salvage them for supplies. They were unable to find any major ruins or usable resources, but they were fortunate to find a buried old safe in one wrecked house containing a goodly amount of gold. Other laborers were productively assigned to tasks like digging, woodcutting, and gathering of food, though farming has been incredibly limited to date. Scouts located a town on the coast of the hills, which calls itself Slope. The townspeople have been mostly friendly but extremely wary of the mages present with the scouting scavengers.

Turn Stat Changes
Spoiler :

+400 Gold from Zone 46 salvaging
+75 Lumber from Zone 46 woodcutting
+37 Food from Zone 46 food gathering
+25 Ore from Zone 46 digging
+10 Population from natural growth
-345 Food and Water from consumption
+67 Magicka from generation

Challenge: Our resources are low, and while we could use our magicka and gold to make up the food and water we need, some of our advisors suggest we should just take the food and water of Slope. How do we respond to this proposal?

Institute of the Arcane:
Spoiler :

The Institute of the Arcane has continued to thrive in the fertile Wizardlands. The infection of food stocks by the corn elementals has unwittingly provided the tower with a new group of guardians. They have witnessed these beings tearing apart others of their kind that pose a threat to the tower’s inhabitants. Scouts continued to range across the Wizardlands, looking to explore and find anything of value that could be retrieved. They did not find much of interest that wizards could haul back, but they did make contact with a town called Nede further up the coast. The town seems to be thriving, despite the apocalypse and were less than pleased to make an acquaintance of wizards. They disbarred the wizards from camping or resting in the town, sending them back on their way.

Another party was sent east into the Ursine Hills, cautiously avoiding known bear dens to avoid angering the creatures. Unfortunately, for several nights, members of the woodcutting parties were found savaged in the morning by unknown beasts. A mage was able to determine the culprits were large packs of wolves that roam the region looking for easy prey. Two mages actually fell victim to the dogs before the expedition moved out of their hunting area. Once in an area of relative safety, the undergraduates began cutting wood for return back to the Institute. They made it home without incident, though they lamented they could not bring back more due to the distance of the journey.

Turn Stat Changes
Spoiler :

+56 Gold, +332 Water, -32 Lumber from market trading
+125 Ore, -125 Magicka from magical transfusion
-100 Food from creation of cornbeast defenses
-125 Ore, -165 Lumber, +40 Clubs from construction and production
+50 Lumber from Ursine Hills woodcutting
-6 Population, -2 Mages, -10 Magicka from Ursine Hills losses
+9 Population from natural growth
-333 Water from consumption
+106 Magicka from generation

Challenge: Some of our mages who scouted in the Wizardlands have expressed outrage at their treatment by the people of the town of Nede. They have demanded that we make efforts to compensate them for their humiliation at the hands of peasants. How do we respond to these demands?

Karaz Holdouts
Spoiler :

The Karaz Holdouts have thankfully had a quiet year of peace and growth. Despite some alarmist fears about humans and their intentions, peaceful contact was made with the humans of the Wissenschaft. The dwarves granted them twenty-five of the finest swords produced in the stronghold as a gesture of goodwill, a move highly appreciated by the human soldiers. Similarly, friendly contact was made with the town of Wooden Landing, and the people there seemed more bemused than anything to actually meet dwarves, who had been a rarity before the Great War. With both human settlements appearing friendly and without any particular enmity towards dwarves, it is hopeful that the Karaz Holdouts will be allowed to maintain their new society in peace.

Turn Stat Changes
Spoiler :

-25 Swords from gifts to Wissenschaft
-50 Population, -2,500 Gold, -500 Ore, -50 Swords, +50 Footmen from recruitment and training
+50 Food from rudimentary farming efforts in Zone 61
+200 Lumber from woodcutting in Zone 61
+6 Population from natural growth
-202 Food, -302 Water from consumption
+250 Ore from surplus production
+10 Magicka from generation

Challenge: Some of our overseers have reported that a few people are showing the strain of everything we’ve been through in the past few years. Unlike more lazy races and factions, rather than protesting work, they’ve been compensating by throwing themselves with impressive dedication and efficiency into their work. Some of their bosses are concerned that they are only putting more strain on themselves rather than working out their issues, and could be close to a mental breakdown. On the other hand, if we continue to let them work at their frenzied pace, we may see increased output from these workers over the next year. How do we respond to this issue?

Kingdom of Celestis
Spoiler :

The Kingdom of Celestis was put into a state of fear when a hydra emerged from Godfall Lake and appeared to be aggressive and lost. They sought to at least calm the creature and send it back into the waters without harming anyone. Unfortunately, the mages messed the effort up and resulted in the creature becoming enraged and charging towards the kingdom, tearing through trees and wildlife on the way. None of the mages had any energy left to oppose the creature, and it seemed as though nothing would stop it from ripping through the best the town had to offer. One mage, Munstrum the Brown, stood up and used his own powers of fire and ice to bring the beast to an end. He slaughtered the creature and defeated it, becoming a known hero in his land.

More concerns have risen for the future as the group encamped to the north, known as the Crimson Dragons has disbanded. Their organization and unity had kept the centaurs in check and prevented any tensions. Now reports have emerged that the centaurs have dissolved into feuding and bickering clans throughout all of Tranquility. Most seem to be avoiding our people, but there have been reports of frequent skirmishes between groups of centaurs and the merchant caravans in the area. Some merchants have even expressed concern about trading with the Kingdom as the centaurs grow as a threat.

Turn Stat Changes
Spoiler :

+7,200 Gold, -200 Food, +2,000 Ore from market trading
-35 Magicka, -1 Mage, +Munstrum the Brown (Level 1 Mage) from defeat of the hydra
+50 Lumber from woodcutting in Tranquility
+10 Population from natural growth
-5 Food, -105 Water from consumption
+49 Magicka from generation

Challenge: The king’s advisors and other mages have begun warning him about the hero mage Munstrum. They claim that he is traditionally erratic and has very little respect for rules or authority. They suggest this sort of personality is likely to very quickly become a liability for our kingdom, and suggest that an effort be made to remove Munstrum from the immediate vicinity. How do we respond to these requests?

Knights of Ynys Gaer
Spoiler :

The Knights of Ynys Gaer have found that the new Gensin has been very kind to them and their efforts to build an empire. They have sought to explore the subcontinent upon which they appear to reside, looking towards future expansion and development. The largest expedition was sent out to Eden, heavily guarded, to chop down trees for construction purposes. Thankfully they avoided angering the feared ents, which left them alone while they cut down the outlying forests. Scouts from the expedition located the center of the ents’ activity, a place deemed the Entgrove. This highly forested and defended area seems to have the source of the ents’ power and growth, and likely contains powerful magical artifacts. Another source of power was found in the Arasatosi Plains, a large structure which has been deemed the Unyielding Tower. Apparently a mage tower during the Great War, it is still populated by the defenses which guarded it during the conflict. Likely the wealth and powerful artifacts of a mage still rest within.

Other scouting expeditions were sent out into the wilds, seeking to improve the faction’s knowledge of the world. Scouts in Bravehills heading to the southwest discovered yet another town in the apparently heavily settled region. This town, called Sandwatch, sits upon the border with a vast desert to the southwest. Other scouts went into this desert, finding sand dunes and parched terrain with very little life, beyond a vaguely humanoid snake-like species that appeared to be very enthusiastic to eating humans, stretching to their jaws to consume unconscious humans whole after disabling them. Scouts to the northeast, on the other hand, found something very different. They found unending acreage of fertile farmlands and crops, patrolled by autonomous magical threshers. These powerful machines are driven by unknown energies and seem to be very defensive of the crops they still tend. With spinning blades and gnashing grinding metal teeth, they are likely to be incredibly deadly to the unwary.

Even as a new governor has been appointed the ruler of Arasatos, an emissary was dispatched to the newly discovered town of Saved Port. They made vague warnings about the fate of Arasatos and made an offer to allow the current mayor of Saved Port to remain in charge, assuming they pledge allegiance to the knights. Faced with the stark challenge, the people of Saved Port elected to join up with the Knights rather than face a bloody battle they would surely lose. The town has been added to the growing kingdom, though they remain pleased that they have been allowed some sort of autonomy.

Turn Stat Changes
Spoiler :

-1 Footman, +1 Population from appointment of governor
-1,500 Gold, +1,500 Ore from market purchases
+100 Lumber from woodcutting in Eden
+20 Food from salvaging in Bravehills
-8 Population from exploration of Zone 133 losses
+943 Food, +943 water, +125 Lumber from annexation of Saved Port
+22 Population from natural growth
-419 Food, -359 Water from consumption

Challenge: The people of Arasatos, upon hearing of the discovery of the Unyielding Tower have been thrown into a panic. They are concerned about the nearby presence of a possibly still living and powerful mage and all of his minions. Quite a few are preparing to flee and leave to anywhere else. How do we respond to this issue?

Maig'ir zalin ra'si
Spoiler :

The Maig'ir zalin ra'si have managed to thrive this year, using magic to successfully tame a few Steppe Snakes that had been previously captured. They are unsure if they will be able to breed them any further, but they believe that they could be a valuable asset both in support and combat roles. Beyond this the higher priority has been to explore the region to the west, heading out of the steppes and into new territory. The new area discovered has been found to be substantially hotter, and consist of a few valleys and hills, but for the most part are flat lands with tall grass and the occasional patch of trees marking a river or oasis. No hostile forms of wildlife were found in the area so far, but the scouts admit there is a lot of territory still to be uncovered and mapped.

Turn Stat Changes
Spoiler :

-300 Magicka, +3 Steppe Snakes from taming process
+1,472 Gold, -32 Food from market sales
+3 Population from natural growth
-171 Food and Water from consumption
+209 Magicka from generation

Challenge: One of our citizens has locked himself in his quarters and has begun to work on building something. He has refused food or water until he has completed whatever he is working on. Many believed that the shifting of the world may have broken his mind and sanity. The question is if we should break down the door and stop whatever it is he is doing or let him remain enclosed without harassment. How do we respond to this decision?

Spoiler :

The people of Pelgia have faced a harsh crackdown at the hands of the emperor. He has decreed that no more births or population expansion will be allowed within the empire in order to preserve scarce resources. A few families have simply fled at the word of the proclamation, choosing to find new homes rather than stay under the emperor’s rule. Others have simply done what was needed to be done, in order to obey the proclamation and continue to survive. Scouts have been sent out to find any lands of value or use in the surrounding area, heading south out of the mountains of Pelgia. They found a large jungle straddling the southern coast, and were dismayed to find fierce tigers within, happily preying upon the expedition. It was sheer luck that everyone made it out of the jungle alive, returning home in one piece.

Turn Stat Changes
Spoiler :

-12,000 Gold, -2,000 Water from market purchases
+18 Food from hunting in Pelgia
-23 Population from refugees
-510 Food and Water from consumption

Challenge:The flight of refugees has begun to become a problem. The declaration against population growth has led many women to be afraid of the consequences should they become pregnant. Others have expressed concerns that this policy could lead to an aging population with no one to become our heirs. They have appealed to the emperor to end this proclamation. How do we respond to this pressure?

Spoiler :

The Prohibitionists have focused on the continued growth and prosperity of their people. Two new horses were bought from travelling merchants, as farmers considered the possibility of creating a herd. Others were recruited into the growing military guard as new footmen and warriors to protect the land. A new lumber mill was established to quickly process the few trees brought down for harvesting throughout the area. Most workers were focused on salvaging what they could from nearby ruined towns and villages, stripping them of construction materials and useful furniture. Another large party was instead focused on further mapping out Mastholme, finding every nook and cranny and attempting to identify any possible hostiles. Thankfully, the area still seems mercifully free of vicious creatures or bandits, and the people are increasingly convinced that they are in a new paradise.

Turn Stat Changes
Spoiler :

-1,112 Gold, +1,000 Ore, +2 Horses
-600 Lumber, -300 Ore from construction
-20 Population, -1,000 Gold, -500 Ore, -20 Swords, +20 Footmen from recruitment and training
+80 Lumber, +29 Ore from salvaging in Mastholme
+10 Population from natural growth
-111 Food and Water from consumption
+60 Lumber from surplus production

Challenge: A large band of refugees have emerged from the east, apparently the last survivors of a failed settlement. Their community collapsed under inferior leadership and most of their supplies and livestock are gone. They are desperately seeking any shelter and ask for refuge. How should we respond?

Shu State
Spoiler :

The Shu State prepared itself for war as it faced a new threat to its stability from the Followers of Orbaes. These worshipers of a false god threatened to disrupt the harmony and way of life of the State, and Yang Kang sought to end this threat. Ore was purchased from merchants to forge new armor for soldiers and horses. Unfortunately, some of the ore was fake, and turned out only to be clumped dirt after closer inspection. There was still enough left to outfit eighty soldiers, including powerful knights, well trained in mounted combat and heavy cavalry tactics. They trained to battle in the night, and in time marched west to the Followers’ stronghold to end this heretical faith once and for all. The attack began well enough, but they soon found themselves badly outnumbered as the militia rallied, and though most of the town was left burning, the militia managed to defeat the Shu State’s armies, sending them running. The returning soldiers blamed witchcraft and trickery for their defeat and have pledged that such a debacle will not happen a second time.

Turn Stat Changes
Spoiler :

+41,000 Gold, -1,000 Food, +5,000 Ore from market trading
-2,000 Ore from fake merchant trade scam
-80 Population, -11,750 Gold, -1,110 Ore, -80 Swords, -31 Horses, +49 Footmen, +31 Knights from recruitment and training
-500 Gold from training rewards
-23 Footmen, -19 Knights from losses from attack on Followers of Orbaes
+17 Population from natural growth
-11 Food and Water from consumption
+20 Lumber from surplus production

Challenge: Some of our civilian leadership are outraged at the failure of the knights to bring victory despite their training and equipment. They have called for the surviving knights to kill themselves, allowing their swords and horses to be passed on to new owners. Of course the knights are not enthusiastic of the idea of killing themselves, and so a debate has emerged. How do we respond to the issue?
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