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Escape From Zombie Island 2: The Remake

EFZI2 is the only reason I still use CivIII. :)

I've downloaded Civilization III: the complete edition from Steam.

Is EFZI2 compatable with this Steam version? I can't seem to get it to work.
Hmmm, maybe you've installed it into the wrong folder? What's this compatibility problem you're having?
caesarmd... you do need to have Civ III/Conquest and PTW installed because files are used from those Games. This is called CIV Complete now.
Other than that, check that you have the Files placed in your Conquests Scenario Folder as well as that you do not have a File Folder within a File Folder for the Actual EFZI2 Files. If so, Copy and paste the total inside folder to your Conquests Scenario Folder.
Doh! yes it was the 'folder within folder' issue!

thanks so much!

Alright, I came up with this idea yesterday, and I realize it is probably too late to implement, but anyways, here it goes:

New Faction-The Mafia
Leader-The Godfather
Religious, Seafaring

Description-When the Godfather decided to buy a mansion on Paradise Island, it goes to follow that he brought organized crime with him. After setting up a succesful drug operation involving the Docks and a hidden lab on the island, business was booming when the Zombies hit. Due to the relative isolation of the mansion and narc lab from the city, the Mafia is still relatively intact.


The Mansion-The beautiful home of the Godfather.

Narc Laboratory-Dedicated to the happiness of Paradise Island's inhabitants, for a price.

The Docks-The place where all incoming goods are unloaded. Unfortunately when the Zombies hit all the transport ships were sunk apart from a small patrol boat.

Tony's Ristorante-Although a Fast Food Joint caters to regular people(who eat burgers) and zombies(who eat the aforementioned people), The Mafia prefer to have a more refined and inconspicious place to make deals. Chef Tony is willing to fight to keep this restaurant from Zombie hands until his last breath.

The Prison-What better time to stage a breakout than a Zombie uprising?

The Godfather-Located at his mansion, packs more punch than his age would suggest.

Limo-500 horsepower. Bulletproof glass. And a minibar.(I don't know if a unit has been created like this, but it be pretty cool, especially if there were gunmen shooting out the windows)

Thug-The basic ne'er do wells that can be found in the prison and around town.

Armed Robber-One was in prison that managed to get his hands on a gun from the storage. A few more were trying to rob the bank when the Zombies hit.

Contract Killer-The later units that appear when the Godfather uses his influence to bring in help from the mainland.

Chef Tony-located at his restaurant, Tony has a meat cleaver and knows how to use it.

Dr. Silvio- Head of the Narc Lab, he's sure to have some trick up his sleeve.

Bengal Tiger(hint hint)-Originally bought as a cub by the Godfather, this tiger is ready to fight tooth and claw against the hoards of zombies threatening the mansion.

-A few preplaced bodyguards in key areas, like the mansion, as well as a delivery car at the narc lab.

-A patrol boat(with mounted machine gun) produced at the docks every 15 turns.

This is probably way too much of a change that might completely throw the balance off the current design, but I just wanted to get this idea down, just in case it could work.

P.S. Police cruisers and/or motorcycle cops for the authorities:scan: would be pretty awesome.

EDIT: I'm not averse to doing some civpedia entries if needed...
Bengal Tiger... That's quite an interesting layout that would indeed make a Great New Faction.
One of the Human Factions such as the Company could be replaced with the Mafia for example but that would require far too many changes.
Would need quite a few more new units and many changes to add and develop another Faction such as this so I believe the Mafia would be better used to make another Good Scenario :)
Hi Vulcadon!
Another installation question. When I installed EFZI2 to this new computer with Windows 7, it stated that the files "Spider Eggs Strategic Resource" in the "Nasty Horror" file was too long of a name and refused to copy it.
I renamed the file to "Spider Eggs Resource" and it was allowed in.

Will this cause any problems?
caesarmd... No, it should not cause any problems because the actual resource files used in the game are shorter and do not have spaces. The "Spider Eggs Strategic Resource" is the name for the zip file and Folder that have the various files that go with that resource and are not directly used by the game.

You can look in Art\Civilopedia\Icons\Resources to see the names of all resources.
Vulcadon, besides the hints and tips for EFZI2 on the first page, is there a 'sticky' for more strategy and tips for this uber great mod?

Vulcadon, besides the hints and tips for EFZI2 on the first page, is there a 'sticky' for more strategy and tips for this uber great mod?
caesarmd... not that I am aware of other than an extrapolation from the Posts that players have made.

There are many ways to play the game so strategy is really the players choice.

In the Version I am currently working on, I wrote a guide for researching the "Capability Tree" ( = Tech Tree) for each Faction. I plan to make a general list of recommendations for the most important Game Play factors but again, The Strategy a Player wants to use is a matter of personal preference. The best way to develop a personal strategy is to note the tips and strategies others have posted but over all, play the game to understand what to expect...then you will develop your own strategy that fits you best.
besides the hints and tips for EFZI2 on the first page, is there a 'sticky' for more strategy and tips for this uber great mod?
In general, try not to engage in close i.e. 'real' combat unless you can't help it, always keep a safe distance, remember that most Zombies can and will cross buildings but your cars and trucks can't, and that any unit that can bombard without moving should do so whenever possible. Even if there's 20 zombies coming at you and you've got a car meandering about them, you can take a few of them down while they come, and those that don't die usually retreat to heal, they cost the AI upkeep (do the Zombies have to pay for upkeep? I've never played them but their hordes are always endless) AND are there to be picked off by riot cops, spunky kids, farmhands, etc.
Bengal Tiger... That's quite an interesting layout that would indeed make a Great New Faction.
One of the Human Factions such as the Company could be replaced with the Mafia for example but that would require far too many changes.
Would need quite a few more new units and many changes to add and develop another Faction such as this so I believe the Mafia would be better used to make another Good Scenario :)

Ah well. I thought it would probably be too much work. I certainly think the current factions are great anyways(although I might prefer the Mafia to the Farmers). I know that far more would be required for the civ to work, but the idea is up there for anyone to develop.

Although any chance that there will be police vehicles for the authorities?
A recolouring of the existing car units would come in handy, after all, that's how the Sheep truck and Army truck were made :).
Bengal Tiger... I have a "Municipal Car" for the Authorities in the game along with their Troop Truck.
If time permits, I might make a Police Car for them. Several things would be needed. There is not much I can do regarding all Authority Units using the various vehicles and just as it seems odd for a Marine to be transported in a Municipal Car, the same would hold true for a Police Car :)
... I really wanted a Police Car only for a few units such as the HWY Patrol and SWAT but limiting that is the problem.
But the Marines are supposed to be generated only at the Barracks up North ;). Police car/van would come in handy as a counterpart to the Survivors' Super Coupe.
Maybe just a few preplaced in the city centre controlled by the Authorities, similar to the Company Car.
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