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Ethiopia: The Land of Wonder

So appoint me as general!

I need to redeem me!This happened during my absense!:please: :please: :please:
Hmm. Because you have served our country I will appoint you as General of the invasion force to go into Yeha. You don't get to directly position where the troops go but you do lead them into battle. (meaning I played it through but will put you into the story :D)
Thanks, Ohh Great Caliph!

I shall lead your troops with faith on Allah and competence to crush the rebellion in your name!
Oh my gosh 17 views away from 10,000 :lol:
It won't tick over come on! Stop taunting me! :lol:
10,000 views woooo! :D :cool:
I cannot wait until democracy is available :D I'm planning to completely overhaul the ministerial position. Ministers will have more direct control and the people who aren't ministers will be members of parliament. Until then though, long live the Caliph! :D
Right now it's caliph soooo :D
Are you going to destroy Ethiopia just to smite me? :lol:
Nope.I'm going to do something when we reach for Pahlavi dynasty
Now that more effort is being put in this story will slow down a bit. It will be more interesting though :D
The Road to Repentance: 1195-1215
It had been nearly 60 years since the revolution to a theocracy and the caliph was becoming very old. He was nearing 93 years of age. It was not expected he would live much longer. The caliph promised to see to the defeat of the rebels but this may end up not happening as the rebellion was much larger and stronger than was expected. The ruler of Ethiopia may be one of its oldest citizens but he was not unhealthy. He is remarked for his eating and working habits. He has managed to lead a healthy life thus far, but his time was soon to come. His successor had already been chosen. He was a young man. Only 35 years old. Strong and well acquainted with war. He was also a master diplomat and worked with Arabia on many deals. He promised he would do Ethiopia well and both bring the rebellion down but hopefully without too much loss. The naval force under General Matthias was said to land soon on the shores of Yeha. That was where the rebellion would be won or lost. Meanwhile, near the lands of Meroe, the medjays were still causing trouble. The final groups were being hunted down. After years of searching all the marauders' dens were found and destroyed, unfortunately with losses attached.
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It seemed that simulataneously the rebels North of Gondar had begun to retreat North. They saw the massive defending forces and decided they would not stand a chance. They instead moved North to terrorize the Muslim city of Meroe. The caliph remarked this as a victory for the empire.
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The rebels near the city of Gondar began to merge together into one huge mass. They managed to fortify themselves together. Soon they would march against the city of Gondar it seemed, although the defenses were formidable. The military leaders of the city believed they simply did not have the guts to attack the city. The citizens and the soldiers would soon find out whether the rebels were cowards or not.
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The Christian rebels who decided to move North now stopped at the border of Ethiopia. They too seemed timid to enter hostile territory. Right now they were still enemies, but if Ethiopia attacked it would be an offensive. If they entered Ethiopia they have complete right to be attacked by the Ethiopian army. They decided to stop and plan their next moves.
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The rebel army South of Gondar had decided it was time to act. They geared up for war and moved towards the city. Since they were armed lightly, they could move much quicker than normal soldiers. The Christian-African army was able to take a strategic mining base near Gondar. It provided the city with many minerals and the production it needed to keep moving. Once captured, the rebels could only do one thing, destroy it. They set fire to the wooden supports and watched as the whole mine ended up collapsing under its own stress. It seemed the traitors were more strategic than previously expected.
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The caliph was now 105 and his health was failing. He was bed ridden most days and had to leave the governing to his successor. Daily doctors came in to do the best they could to keep him alive as long as possible, which wasn't much. They gave him elixirs and gave his caretakers advice. Everyone knew he was fighting a losing battle, and that the final blow was soon to come. Then, one morning, it did. The caretakers were taking herbal tea to the caliph's chambers when they noticed a lack of movement, or even less so than usual. They felt his pulse, nothing. They solemnly looked at each other, and informed both his successor, and the doctor. Ethiopia's glorious leader was taken away to be buried. They had been building his tomb for nearly three years and it was almost complete. It was made out of marble and was enormous in size. It was almost as large as the palace itself. The tomb would house all the deceased caliph's, as it had room for hundreds. Each one would be placed in a beautiful, ornate casket. The casket would then be placed in a marble structure where it would be sealed and a metal plate with the deceased caliph's biological data would be placed on the marble. The ceremony later that day was moving. Flags waved in the mild breeze as the nation cried, well, half the nation. Those who came to his funeral all paid respects to their caliph, and then prayed to Allah. Very few Christians showed up unsurprisingly. The new caliph had much work to do. He had a rebellion on his hands.

With recent discoveries in Ethiopia, they now had something of value to the Arabs. The two nations began trading ideas about many things and this lead to the increase in the effectiveness of Ethiopian government. The ways to govern became clearer and those who submitted to the caliph were remarkably happier after the exchange of ideas. Ethiopia was proving itself more useful than expected in the world.
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France had been watching the rebellion close and was not all too pleased. The king had hoped that his funding would have caused a massive rift in Ethiopia by now. The French decided to step in and demand payment from the caliph. This was supposed to be an attempt to scare the caliph, but all it did was alienate the French further. Relations were going down quickly and the caliph didn't mind.
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While France decided to be a jerk to Ethiopia, England took the opposite route. Ethiopia had decided to open up trade between the two nations and despite the English having nothing of interest to Ethiopia, they did decide to open borders. This was entirely symbolic but it brought the two nations closer and hopefully would create more Ethiopian alliances in Europe.
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Both the rebels of the North and the South had the same idea. The Gondar militants decided to set up camp to the North of Gondar. Military tacticians remarked at how beautiful this move was. It cut off any possibility of military aid from the North and also land trade. The rebels of Meroe also set up camp outside of the Ethiopian military's grasp. The reason why here though was not nearly as clear.
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"Sir, how much longer until we land? We have been afloat for a long time!"
"Not much longer my army. We shall land and bring these traitors to justice. Everyone here has come for one mission and I pray you all will see it through." The galleys were nearing their destination and the soldier's had become restless. Many began plotting to overthrow the captain. They were about to go through with their plans when one of the men yelled out "Yeha, ahead!". The soldiers eased and calmed down. The ships landed and one by one the army filed out. They eventually had all made it to land and had begun setting up camp. Some saw some of the defending soldiers but there was something different about them. A few of them had the same armor as the Ethiopian knights, but they weren't knights. They were on foot. They wielded massive spears, but different. They were, pikes.
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