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Ethiopia: The Land of Wonder

Yeah me too :lol: I even post in school :mischief:
The Unraveling: 1220-1225
With the recent success of the previous attacks on Yeha, Matthias felt invincible. He felt he could take the city right then and there. The general then ordered for his thousands of troops to charge the city. What he didn't expect was a valiant effort by the rebels. Against all odds they were able to repel the enormous wave of invaders. They fought bravely and viciously, although many of them died. Most rebels knew they would soon fall, but they would not give up without a fight.
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It seemed as though there was another African nation. They came from a land far West of Ethiopia. These people had darker skin, and were much more acquainted with a very strange form of Islam. Nevertheless, these Malis were welcomed wholly into Ethiopia. These people lacked the knowledge of even the most basic forms of fishing or culture, but they made up for that in extreme advancements in the political and governmental field. They did not want to trade away their secrets but were willing to show the Caliph what their world looked like. They were also friendly and agreed to open borders and this seemed to be the beginning of a new friendship.
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Fighting had been going on in Yeha for years. The rebels had been able to rebel the attacks for a very long time. They were outnumbered significantly, yet they still defended their home land. The end was inevitable. Matthias and his army were swarming around the city and finally, the defenses broke. Ethiopian soldiers flooded the cobbled streets. Rebels ran as they were cut down by the soldiers. Citizens ran to their houses and the few brave enough to be martyrs were smitten by the heavy hand of Ethiopia. The general had at first ordered for there to be a search for "Overlord", but the search ended almost immediately. There stood a man, who looked as if from the farther East, resembling the Chola. It was Overlord. He knew fleeing was bad and fighting was worse. The only way for his requests to be respected was to give himself up. He knelt down. Matthias walked up to him and said "you used to be respected, now look at you. Tie him up and send him to the capital!" Soldiers began tying his wrists behind his back, then his legs. They carried him to the boat they would take to Jabuuti. Yeha had fallen, and so had the rebellion
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Meanwhile, the rebellion tactics in the North had absolutely collapsed. The espionage master, Basileus, was caught in the act of relinquishing more funds to the Christian rebels. He did manage to get the money to the enemy, but he was then arrested and detained in the royal prison. With Yeha gone, the rebels had no more support. They immediately began dispersing. The ones near Mombasa were in a seriously bad situation. The local military was able to capture and arrest nearly 3,000 rebels. The rebels near Meroe were luckier. They were farther away and thus able to escape. Many ended up fleeing to France. When the king heard about the failure, he was absolutely furious. Furious that his money and troops had been wasted. He proclaimed Ethiopia an empire of Satan. Under cover of night, Ethiopian guards had sneaked to France. They had a secret mission of extreme importance. With the French giving no more support to the rebels, Vigilante would no longer be under the protection of French soldiers. Once the operatives were able to find the traitor's location, it was a cake walk. They broke in late at night and subdued the criminal. They then transported him home to the royal prison, along with his co-leaders. The rebellion was over.
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During these times of turmoil. It had appeared that Arabia had gotten an idea. Some had forgotten the reason Ethiopia burned Egypt, and the Arabic nation then decided to resettle Egypt. This angered the Ethiopians as the point was to keep Arabia as far away geographically as possible. Soldiers from Meroe were ordered to explore this new Arabic colony.
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Ethiopia was now reunited under one ruler. The people were at peace and the rebellion was over. Talks would begin between the rebels and the Caliph about the punishment and possible concessions. There was also a new ally to the West. They might prove useful in later years. Ethiopia could now grow as an Empire once more.
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So the rebel leaders, Lord Bigfoot, and I will discuss terms of punishment and of peace.
We failed terribly and nothing will change. :( Called it!
DKVM we still need you at the peace talks. Adhiraj can you send another request to him? This will be a "live" discussion. Nothing will change if you let nothing change. You just gave up, with how hard the fighting was the Caliph is willing to make concessions.
Exactly! CK, that's why I left the group. Because you said if we are crushed, you would just execute us and nothing would change. By all interpretations of the word crushed, this certainly qualifies.
Well first of all, this Caliph is a master diplomat and he feels more can be accomplished by talking, and, we don't want to re-anger Christians. You weren't crushed. I lost alot of troops in the taking of Yeha.
Dude, I believe with how great you're saying the Caliph is, you're turning him into an OP character or some God on Earth.
Well why would the caliph say bad things about himself? :D Browder loved Browder and all the things he did :p All (or most) royal rulers are a bit big-headed and this caliph is no different.
I give up.why didn't you use barbarians instead?it's all nyoiur fualt
I give up.why didn't you use barbarians instead?it's all nyoiur fualt

Now, now VGL. Don't be a sore loser! We would have lost no matter what had happened because CK wouldn't want to change back to Monarchy so soon.
I couldn't have. It would have been physically impossible :p
It's perfectly fine. :D
It was a sad and lonely night on the streets of Jabuuti. Not a soul to be seen for miles and the only chattering was from the wind. The soft mewing of a cat quickly followed by vicious barks and howls of angry hounds. The city seemed to be dead and quiet, at peace. The same could not be said about the palace. Servants and workers ran about as they prepared the war hall for the arrival of the Caliph. They cleaned the floors, washed the table, dusted the ornaments, and readied the entrance-way. The servants filed out in perfect order once the job was done. The large chandelier in the middle of the room illuminated it very well, bringing light upon every nook and cranny. The large wooden doors swung open as two large, muscular men opened it. They then stood on either side of the doorway as a middle aged man walked in. He was mildly overweight and had a long, graying beard. He had many wrinkles about his face, giving him the complexion of someone much older, but in reality it was just stress. His royal clothes adorning him swayed in magnificence as he took his seat at the head of the table. Following suit was another well-dressed man. This was one seemed much younger and also less ornate than the Caliph. He took a seat in a slightly smaller chair next to Ethiopia's ruler. Awkward silence filled the room as the Caliph stared intensely at his battered hands. Several minutes later there arrived several more men, but in a much less glorious fashion. Three people, each one struggling violently against his captors and restraints, were brought in to the glorious room. They were tied, blinded, and gagged so as to make the transportation as easy as possible. Each one was lead to a rather plain chair and forcibly sat down. The guards then violently removed the gags and blindfolds of them. There sat the two end of the spectrum, the Caliph and an Ulema, and the rebel leaders.

"Nice to see you two again. I never would have expected you to commit such treason. I guess that just shows that you can't trust everyone," the Caliph had broken the silence, but when he finished talking the quiet continued once more, "I don't believe we have met. You are the famous Vigilante, who tried to bring Ethiopia's worst enemy into the fray. I'm glad that the French are weak, because they would have done anything to see us fall."

Basileus spoke up, "why didn't you just kill us? You won, we lost, that should be the end of that."

"You don't seem to understand politics my friend, one does not simply gloat over their victory if they are a true leader. We did defeat you, yes, but we took your plight into account. We are not here to discuss your punishment, as that has been decided, but the concessions to Christians. I thought that maybe you three should begin."

The three of them looked at each other and Overlord, being the most vocal of the trio, began. "We demand that the rights of citizens be given to Christian subjects as well as Muslims. We want the jizya gone, repression in their ability to have governmental to end, and amnesty to Christian subjects who were a part of the rebellion."

The Caliph looked at the Ulema of Domestic Affairs, clearly asking for his opinion. He stood up and spoke. "First of all, you will not demand anything from us. It is foolish for you to demand something from your captors. Second, we will not offer amnesty to any rebels as they committed high treason and are enemies of the state, they will be dealt with accordingly. Lastly, we will offer all the concessions you listed to the Christian subjects." He stopped for a moment and saw there was no opposition to his terms. "Now that that is over, let us begin the punishment talks."

The Caliph nodded and pulled a scroll out from under the table. "It has been hereby declared by the Ulema of the mighty Ethiopian Empire that the three rebel leaders shall be exiled to the Mali lands. They will be worked in the following: Overlord in the mines, Basileus in the cotton plantations, and Vigilante in the Ivory collection area. These punishments will not be repealed or argued upon. Furthermore, their family shall be closely watched for several generations as it is hereby declared that no family member of the three criminals shall be minister or even provincial ruler for 100 years." The Caliph put down the scroll and sat down.

Immediately Overlord sprung up, "you can't do this! This isn't fair! We demand a fair trial that doesn't include your Muslim cronies and we refuse to go to Mali!" He attempted to lunge at the ruler but was restrained and forced back in his seat. The Ulema offered a quick rebuttal.

"Did you give the citizens of Yeha a choice?? Did you give the workers near Mombasa a choice?? No you did not! You forced thousands into a situation where they knew they would end up dead in the crossfire. You are all enemies of the state and will be treated likewise. Guards, take them away and have them prepared for immediate deportation to Mali. Tell their ruler of the criminals' arrival." The guard nodded and then reblinded and gagged the three. They had lost their fight, but before they left, Overlord managed to spit out his gag. "You may think you won and were triumphant, but we got what we wanted, now we are at peace."

The three were finally removed from the building and on their way to another for preparation for the long travel to the West African nation. The Caliph and Ulema looked at each other solemnly. Both had lost much in the war, mostly sleep, but also a piece of their sanity. They silence was once again broken by the Caliph saying, "I hope they like sand."

OOC: This means that DKVM, adhiraj, and VGL are banned for 20 turns at being minister. Once those turns are up they will be allowed back into office.
In case you hadn't noticed, I'm not joining this story anymore nor will I join a nation that I wish to rebel against. That's why I left the both the rebel group AND the regular Ethiopia Ministry Group.

Goodbye Ethiopia, Brazil, Germany, Colonial America, etc.
I'm purposely avoiding names :p That's why I just say the Caliph. Will you rejoin at any other moment, also, those are all my stories... Is that aimed specifically at me? Just curious.
Si amigo! That message was indeed aimed at you. Your stories make me too stressed and angry so I will not be participating and likely not reading.
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