Fall Further 051 Bug Report Thread

I have downloaded fall further v 051, but every time i attempt to start up the program, it always crashes, saying that civ4 has stopped working. I have reinstalled Fall further completely but there is still no change. Assistance would be much appreciated
This isn't in the OP anymore (?), but gear lying around in cities still gets deleted when that city is captured. For instance, say there's a champion carrying a staff of fire affinity as the sole defender. He is destroyed, the staff drops, and the city is captured and the staff is deleted, in that order.
Not necessarily a bug in the game per se, but the download link for the mod on this site doesn't seem to be working. Can anybody provide a working download of 051 and patch C?
Okay, now I get it - I was trying to download the files from the Mac partition of my computer, which for whatever reason didn't sit well with the site. Works fine on Windows; thanks for the information.
Ok, here is an issue quite annoying:

The workers don't leave the "mana nodes" that my adepts build... every few turns I have to rebuild the nodes and few turns later the f***ing nodes are not there. The workers do mines, villages, etc.

I am not sure if the workers are supposed to do that, I think yes.

A quite good solution is programming something like an "unworking tile" where any node is placed.
I recently played my first game as Scion and i was hit by a bugged blight. One of my cities (Heri) got unhealty from blight, while the AC was at 2. All the other cities didn't have that problem. The save is attached if you want to have a look.

(I am running FF051c, on a large ErebusContinent map. Difficulty is Monarch, Epic Speed)

Spoiler :
any one who can explain why fall further and ff+ always crash then i try to start a archipilago map.
i have the latest patches. Fall from heaven don´t chrash when i try to start an archipilago map.
Potential bug in need of more testing (which I'll do at some near term point):

Decius the Conqueror ends up with a Clan city, builds a Warrens. I decide to build a Champion. The first one's an Undisciplined Orc Champ, the second is a "normal" Human Champ. It is possible that the Undisciplined promo expired "just that fast", which is why I'll test again, but the racial thing was definitely strange. Should've been two Orcs.
The alcinus respawn code does a check to see if alcinus will respawn for the scions, and if it makes that check, it then spawns an alcinus for every scion player in the game. If there is more than one scion player, it gets out of hand pretty quickly.

The problem is in three places in cvspellinterface.py:

Spoiler :
def MIT2(caster):
	if CyGame().GetWorldBuilderMode():
		return 0
	bContinue = True
	if CyGame().getSorenRandNum(100, "Alcinus death defection Check") <= 25 or (caster.isHasPromotion(gc.getInfoTypeForString('PROMOTION_ALCINUS_HOSTILE')) == True):
[b]		for iPlayer in range(gc.getMAX_CIV_PLAYERS()):
			pPlayer = gc.getPlayer(iPlayer)
			if (pPlayer.isAlive()):
				if pPlayer.getCivilizationType() == gc.getInfoTypeForString('CIVILIZATION_SCIONS'):[/b]
					pCity = pPlayer.getCapitalCity()
					newUnit = pPlayer.initUnit(gc.getInfoTypeForString('UNIT_ALCINUS_UPGRADED'), pCity.getX(), pCity.getY(), UnitAITypes.NO_UNITAI, DirectionTypes.DIRECTION_SOUTH)
					caster.setDamage(95, -1)
					bContinue = False

The easy fix is to simply copy+paste the code below it, and add an if condition:

Spoiler :
def MIT2(caster):
	if CyGame().GetWorldBuilderMode():
		return 0
	bContinue = True
	if CyGame().getSorenRandNum(100, "Alcinus death defection Check") <= 25 or (caster.isHasPromotion(gc.getInfoTypeForString('PROMOTION_ALCINUS_HOSTILE')) == True):
		listPlayers = []
		for iPlayer in range(gc.getMAX_CIV_PLAYERS()):
			pPlayer = gc.getPlayer(iPlayer)
			if (pPlayer.isAlive()):
				if pPlayer.getCivilizationType() == gc.getInfoTypeForString('CIVILIZATION_SCIONS'):
		iGift = CyGame().getSorenRandNum(len(listPlayers) * 1, "Alcinus death Gift")
		pCity = listPlayers[iGift].getCapitalCity()
		pPlayer = listPlayers[iGift]
		newUnit = pPlayer.initUnit(gc.getInfoTypeForString('UNIT_ALCINUS_UPGRADED'), pCity.getX(), pCity.getY(), UnitAITypes.NO_UNITAI, DirectionTypes.DIRECTION_SOUTH)
		caster.setDamage(90, -1)
		bContinue = False
Warrens code doesn't account for assimilation, so certainly a bug. I don't know why it is written to try and spawn a second unit using the same rules as a normal "I just built it" unit, instead of just flat out copy of the unit which was created. Maybe it is a timing thing and the new unit doesn't have all of the data finalized just yet when the warrens tries to fire off.

Amusing catch on Alcinus :)
I tested out the Warrens thing a tiny bit (within my negligible abilities), and the Unreliable business was just a fluke, it must've instantly expired on the human Champ I got. Later I built a pair of archers, the first was Orcish with the unreliable promo, the second was Human, and instantly went barbarian, standing around outside my city.

Later I also built pairs of gretchins, which maybe as a UU, kept their goblin race. That is, the second didn't happen to be human with gretchin graphics. Both were also unreliable... well, except as punching bags / fishing lures.
I'd imagine that either unreliable has a chance to expire, even immediately, or that it is MustMaintain, with a prereq of Orc. Thus the second unit, which is generated based on the PLAYER instead of the CITY, hasn't got the right race and the promo slips off.
It also is automatically removed if a unit lives long enought to reach lv4.

It's not mustmaintain at all. It's auto applied to units on creation by the warrens, and going barbarian is one of the possible effects.
the python doesn't take non orcish units into account, is why. it creates the second unit via python, the same unit type as the first, and applies citybonuses to it. it does NOT copy the first unit. units created in that manner don't inherit their civ's racial promotion, it seems.
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