Fantasy Empires

Um empryodead aint made that many units, I checked all of his units.......They are cool anyways. [I will use some of them, like the hobgoblins are embryo's orcs..]

Right now the most important things what the mod will need, are the dark elven units and undeads. [Smoking is making the undeads, I guess embryo will make dark elven units?..]
Maybe I will just use the elven gfx but with different / darker colors. Its very easy to use Flicster, I just tried it out...So a color conversion shouldnt be a problem anyways.

Talking about color conversions. Maybe I will modify the gfx of some existing units, so when you upgrade the unit [ex. researching +1 weps..] you will see slightly different units.
Im not sure yet, I will see.
I already made 2 units for dark elves... Shade and Assasin (named medieval assasin). Dark Elf cavalry on raptors and generic elven cavalry is in production too, as well as other units ie wood elves, I posted previews in my fantasy preview threads.

In my mod dark elves have 9 ground units, though high and dark elves share some units like infantry and cavalry... they are same people just with different view on things :) (they're not ad&d drow, so they have pale skin).

BTW you may say that I didn't make "that many" units, but your lists look obviously like you missed some :p
Not that many fantasy units I meant! :) You have made lot of units overall...
I think 5 or 6 basic units / fantasy races are totally enough for FE II., since I will focus on weapon/armor - unit upgrades, also on summons and on strategic resources.
If your dark elves will have pale skin, its very good as well, I can make color conversions easily.
I cannot use the shade or the assassin as a dark elven unit, simply because they dont look dark elvish to me..well maybe Dark Elves are like that in WH...

Btw very nice work with the leaderheads. Hats off! :)
If you want the dark elves to be dark you could look up the african units for some basic dark elf units.
Well, if Smoking will finish those unit, there will be a [drow?] rider already. I might just make color conversion from the existing elven units.
But of course embryo is making more WH dark elven units, so maybe those will look like FE Dark Elves. We wait, and see! :)
Kind of corny for it to be Just for the expansion pack when I ( and I know I'm not alone on this type of thing ) don't have the expansion packs and I can't afford them right at the moment because the job industry at the time SUCKS which makes it hard for me to get a job. Couldn't you just make it for the original Civ 3?
Well Neko, I sorry to hear that....well I plan to release FE II. for Conquests only, because it will have lot of new [editor] features.
Maybe you can spare some money to buy the xp, Im sure that it wont be that expensive. :) ..also it is worth to buy it, since it will contain lot of new -neat- stuff! That is why I am back to civ3 modding once more. :king:
yes well it's easyer said for those who get spoiled than done for those who are broke. -.-
I just came up with a new idea about units. Lets say all units will have more! upgrades. Example you have a basic spearman 1/2 [av/dv]. You go and research Studded Leather Armor. You will be able to train 1/3 spearman than. But! Lets say there will be a tech +1 enchanced spears. Your spearmen will be 2/2 if you research the weapon upgrade only. If you research both, you will be able to recruit 2/3 spearman.
All units should have a weapon and an armor update. [Well maybe not all of them, but most of them.] I hope you all like my idea. :) I plan to add this unit system as well.
But that will make your techs even more unlogical. The current one is strange with techs such as "axe making", "advanced axes" (giving nohting) then "axemen" giving axeman... You have probably different view on this, but I just prefer mods where advances logically appear one after another and form logical history, not just stand there to give a bonus. This way you have many techs of course, but many of them do completly nothing, except being a stop between two other advances.

If you go this way, maybe try to add some logic to it, ie. no techs such as "+1 enchanted spears" but say, mithril weapons, or later adamantium etc, which give +1/+2 attack to basic troops. my 3 cents ;)
Aye my worst nightmare is to name the techs, I wasnt very creative with them... :D [But its a tiny little part of the mod, its nothing special anyways] I will try to do my best with the reworked tech namess this time. As for our different views. Personally I love separated military techs. Why do you say they are giving nothing? You research a better weapon type, your unit will be stronger and better. You call that nothing and unlogical? I cannot agree in that. Yes they are 'very simple', but once again those are pure military techs.
I simply dont understand that why you call weapon upgrades unlogical.......
My idea will be good for players, who like to play with different military units, hence you wont be forced to research +1/+1 to to make your spearman stronger. Those will be 'bonus techs'. If you want...research them, if you dont want to..well than research other techs.
In FE I. you had to research all techs to advance to the next era. I didnt worked on that part of the mod. This will be changed in FE II. of course.

+1 enchated spear was an example btw. I dont want to add simple tech names once more.

PS. If you feel, that something was 'odd' in FE I. just post your ideas, I wont be mad. I like to hear constructive critics. :king:
[I knew that some tech names were weird :D]
When speaking of techs that give "nothing" I meant exactly that. There are plenty of them ie. "swordmaking", "pike making", "bowcrafting". They give nothing, except being a bus stop before another tech like "swordsman" or "pikeman", which give a unit. From gameplay perspective, they mostly take up space... Even if staying with the old way of naming techs... swordcrafting should be enough for making swordsmen, you do not need another "swordsman" tech.

Another thing...
In Civ3, there are 2 or 3 such techs, but they serve purpose - AI will not research them until he has no choice (AI doesn't think ahead ;) ). So 2 or 3 "empty" techs can be used to control the way AI follows research tree.
Ohhhh yes.....You are right about that. It will be changed in FE II.
There is no need to separate those techs indeed.

You mean the AI wont research them, if I add those as 'bonus techs' eg. if those wont need to advance to the next era, the AI will ignore them? Hrm....I hope that it isnt true. I will make some tests with the new expansion anyways, so if the AI will ignore all of those techs, I wont implent that system. [Well it would be awesome for multiplayer still....hrm...we will see that how the AI will work in the new xp.]
he just mean that if uput bonus tech that doesnt give anything the ai wont be so happy to research them but If they give a unit or a building he will ofocurse research it..
Ah ok...Im so out of civ games for now! :D I will start to play again when the new xp is out.
Anyways it looks like to me, that I will have to build FE II. from zero, since its pointless to change the old mod. FE II. will be very different in many I will need hella lot of time to work on it.
AFAIK AI ignores empty techs until he has no better choice, although it can still get such techs fast by tech trade.
There is a whole article about it on civfanatics articles section.
@Balrog: This is off the subject, but I was wondering if I could use the graphics for your Roads and Irrigation in my mod. I would give you the credit for them unless someone else did them? I would have to ask them. I was also wondering if there was a way to put swamps in your mod. Maybe changing the graphics of flood plains so they would still cause disease.
as far as i see most of that terrain is by Cordy or Sn00py (Check Completed Graphic Modpacks).

You do not have to ask that authors, if they released graphics on this forum. After all, the purpose of releasing them is to use them, not just look at them ;). You have to put their name in credits / readme.txt of course.

BTW @Balrog - you should do that too next time...
Thanks embryo I wasn't really sure if I needed permission. Now I am that much more knowledgable.
Ya you can use it, and ya I forgot to give credits to some modders. I wont forget to do that next time. :)
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