Feud: A New Interactive AAR


♫We got the guillotine♫
Mar 31, 2008


Jolly gee whiz, another RP? Hold on Billy, this isn't your average RP. This is FEUD! What is Feud?

One of the most challenging variations of Realpolitick I think exist for Civ4. It's a game where it isn't about trying to advance your country (though it helps) but advancing your standing in the world. There is no goal but bragging rights of saying your House ruled Egypt or China for 4000 years or something like that.

But this game isn't just about holding onto power. You can try to hold onto absolute power forever but at some point you have to ask whether you want to risk everything for it. Do you want your entire House wiped out in the violent winds of Revolution or will you cede power to the opposition to save your skin?

Maybe you don't want to be in the seat of power. Maybe you just want to be destructive? Then don't be surprised if you find your House exiled. In this game, there's not just "Administration" versus "Opposition". It's "Administration" versus "House" versus "House" and so on.

Your House will be the key to success. Will you form a political alliance through intermarriage? Will you try to claim the throne if there's a King? Or will you decide that one tile of farmland is enough to be competive?

Your starting plot (if you get one) is important because how you use it will affect the rest of the game for you.

Finally, you will have to realize that there is a world beyond your country and being a land baron in a small, weak nation that was made weak by internal bickering won't benefit you. So, if you have to pay a small tax (or even big one), what can you do besides take it for now? Depending on the government, you can get a plot of land for a cost or for free but you will be taxed and building an improvement can cost you money.

If you have holdings in a far-flung province, you're going to have to make deals or else you'll find that you're not connected to a city and unable to trade.

Some concepts and rules:

1. A "generation" is 50 turns.

2. A "tunrset" is 10 turns.

3. There are three generations active at any given time. How does this affect you? At the transition of a generation, I will check the population. So, let's say Generation I has a population of 10,000. I will decide their viewpoints and other fancy stuff. Generally, this generation is most resistant to change.

4. You will have to pay taxes at some point. Don't get too upset about it though. Please.

5. Players can buy and sell land. For balance purposes, only members of government can actually collect taxes.

6. Rules are subject to change.

7. THIS IS VERY VERY IMPORTANT. If you own a plot of land, you better hope that you're connected to a city nearby because if you don't, you'll lose half that plot's "yield". Problem with that? You still have to pay taxes.

8. Even though the game speed is slow, please notice that new civics WILL change how the game is played. Houses are very powerful at the beginning of the game is some ways but as power centralizes and the government becomes more democratic and centralized, the government may decide that it wants to establish government ran railroads and such.

9. We will not discuss how communist civics will affect land ownership until later. Much….much later.

10. Keep off-topic stuff to a minimum. And roleplay!

11. Here's something I've learned in the England RP. People need to keep track of foreign relations!

12. (This is a later thing). Once forts are enabled, forts must be built before a city can be built. Since there's ZoC, you do claim the tiles around the fort when its placed so you got that going for you.

13. Funding and buying buildings is super important. The Mayor/Government can make money off of people building buildings and could even tax the building. Houses can increase their influence with the people of the city and reserve specialist slots.

14. Negotiate often and through PMs. Especially with other players. Feel free to start your or Chatango page.

15. House feuds can be mutually destructive.

16. All units are useful in some way

17. This game can last forever. Players don't need to play the mod or have the game to play after all.

18. Ruthless AI is enabled so they'll be looking for easy pickings.

19. Oh, rules subject to change and I get final say and yadayadayada

20. I will start NPC organizations and such to further advance the game and by advance, I mean shake things up a bit. And by shake things up a bit.

Questions and Answers 1

Spoiler :
Celticfury said:
Sonereal said:
Celticfury said:
1. When someone starts a house option (Purge a City, City Feud, ect...) how will you determine the outcome?

Random number generator.
2a. Do you plan on creating a new system to handle the purchasing of unclaimed territories after we expand, or will you just continue with the current one?

Unclaimed territories as in "public lands" (official term for land inside borders but not privately owned)? The system will be that a player request land from the government and the government can either sell it or give it away. Players can also sell land to each other.
2b. I had an idea for a new system. The concept is that every unclaimed tile has a price. In order to acquire these tiles, you must therefore actually buy them. Tiles with resources on them will have a much higher price than regular tile. In addition, the prices should be rather high, so to force the players into serious consideration as to whether they want to buy new land or focus their money on building projects.

I seriously thought about that but it takes too much power away from governments and forces it onto me. That's' why I put a set price on buildings/units though so things remain somewhat balance but land costs and is subject so supply/demand/greed.
3. How exactly will a coup d'etat work?

The House launching the coup must have a lot of influence and will PM me when a coup is to be launched. I'll then decide (and with an RNG) which parts of the military may switch loyalties to that House and for the coup to suceed, the pro-government military must surrender.
4. You said that levying troops and "buying" buildings depend on the stance of the mayor. How will this be simulated?

Basically, if the Mayor (or government) says that a building can't be built, it can't be built. Some for units. I'll be surprised if the government allows anti-government Houses to raise troops except to build "trust".
5. Will improvements be created normally (built by workers)?


6. Will there be a limit on the number of workers available?


Ok, thanks. I think you might want to edit the front page to include points 1, 2a, 3, and 4 so tat everyone can know how things will work. This is going to make picking a chieftain interesting.

Your House is important. This post lists all the Houses in-game and alliances. View the bottom for some House-House and normal options available.

House of Iturbide-Mechaerik
Goals: Strive to Power. Keep down the Peasants. Defend the Aristocracy.

House of Aysee -Aysee
Slightly authoritarian, believes in the advancement of our nation above all things

House Kaprise -Whosit
Our goals are mysterious, but we probably seek power. We will use any means necessary to achieve our goals . . . if we feel like it. Well fight for just causes . . . if we feel like it. We'll remain consistent . . . if we feel like it!

House of Green -West India Man
t will make the peasants happy and obedient, heavily support decentralization, and support uniting houses against common enemies.

House of the Black Prince - Arya

House of McNair - CelticFury
This house is a house of merchants. Economic growth and dominance are imperative, and as such, everything is considered to have a price.

House of Uther - Cull
We do what no one else does, and we enjoy it. Others see a dagger and run, we take the dagger, shove it up some noses, and laugh, grab a few beers, and have a good time while getting paid. Our loyalty is to the House, and to the highest bidder, in that order. We are the House of Uther, and we're proud of it.

House of Salamurhaaja
- Omega
We are a family of elitie Assassins. You want someone dead, and have the money, and by 72 Hours, they will have their last breath taken, garunteed or your money back. To us, killing isn't a job, its an art.

House of Nal'drim - Lighthearter
We believe in honor and justice above all. We follow our codes and never deviate from them, perhaps to a stupid degree. If you make an enemy of us we are implacable and will destroy you, but if you make of us an ally then we shall always stand by your side.


Normal Options:

Hire Mercenaries: Pretty straightfoward. You hire a mercenary unit available for hire. Hiring mercs from inside your country costs half than it would cost to hire foreign mercs but if the foreigners have better weapons then you could have an advantage! However, mercs can't be upgraded and their contracts must be renewed every 30 turns. Please PM me when you want do this.

Raise Troops: You can ask the ruler of a city to raise troops for you. This option might cost you less or even be free but its up to the ruler. The advantage? Those units last forever and can be upgraded. Some units can only be raised. Such as settlers.

Fund building: The House can fund the building (with permission of the Mayor) of a building. How does this help you? If the building gives a specialist slot (or slots), you control those specialist slots.

House Options:

Political Marriage: This option is like a permanent alliance in-game. A lot of thought should be put into arranging these marriages for they basically combine the two Houses and all their resources are pooled. This alliance lasts two generations so think wisely. Divorce of death can lead to nasty….nasty things happening.

Spread Rumors: Another PM power. You can spread rumors about another House and weaken their standing in a single city or across the country. There's a small chance you'll be caught. This costs gold.

City Feud: When two feuding Houses have specialists in a city, a side can declare an attack. Think Capulets versus Montagues from Romeo and Juliet. The loser of the feud loses one building. There's a 10% chance the building is destroyed. The loser's standing in the city will be weakened as well.

Purge City: A powerful enough House can purge another House from a city they share. There are several different possible outcomes for this. Depending on the power differences, the weaker House is purged. There's a 30% chance for each of that House's buildings being destroyed. If the purger doesn't have enough power however, the battle will end in a draw with a 10% chance of buildings being destroyed. This is an advanced option.

Seize Control of City: Very expensive and requires military muscle to back up. Basically, you march your army into a city and claim it. Of course, this doesn't work if the city has a garrison and doing this can lead to civil war.

Levy Taxes: The ruling House can set taxes. Maybe even against just a single group (such as just farmers or merchants). High taxes could lead to interesting problems.

Coup d`etat: Overthrow the ruling House! You better have the influence and strength to do this. You could simply demand the House out as well.

Exile: The ruling House can strip a House of all its holdings and basically kick them out for 50 turns. This can cause major backlash if the House is popular. The exiled can challenge this by not leaving which would force the government to have to send troops to strip the House of property.

Other options: There are a ton more. Just PM me if you have ideas. I can't limit imagination. ;)


Available Units/Buildings+Effects+Costs


Warrior. 2 strength. 1 movement. (Can be bought as a mercenary unit for 25 gold every generation or trained in cities)
Worker (Can only be trained in cities)
Workboat (Can only be built in cities, government sets price)
Settler (Can only be trained in cities)

(Note: These buildings can be built in the cities but for players to gain House benefits for these buildings, they must buy them. The government can restrict building rights).

Toolmaker (Costs 80 gold to buy, allows faster construction of Forge, gives +1 hammers, and +2 hammers for owning obsidian resource)
Fisherman's Hut (Costs 120 gold to buy, allows faster construction of fishing port, +1 food to water tiles)


Ritualism (Allows construction of Elder Council building and Monument.)
The Wheel (Allows construction of the Cart Path improvement and Wheelwright building.)
Weaving (Reveals Sheep and Silk.)
Agriculture (Reveals cotton. Allows farm improvement)
Hunting (Reveals Pig, Deer, and Cow. Allows camp improvement. Allows Javilineer unit. Allows Scout unit. Allows Furrier building)
Mining (Reveals Gold, Silver, Gems, and Lead. Allows mine improvement.)
Current Government System: Chiefdom

The CHIEF rules with an iron fist sorta. However, when the Chief dies, the ELDER COUNCIL, can pick a new one.

ELDER COUNCIL membership requirements will be decided by players pre-game.


Also, any suggestions please post.

Current Issues

Players need to set up the requirements for the Elder Council. Once that's that done. The Elder Council needs to elect a Chief.

The Uther-Mcnair Proposal
-All Founding Houses are part of the Elder Council
-New Houses require 3/4 vote in order to join.
-Removal of House requires a 2/3 vote.
-New Houses would need to be landowners.

Aysee addon
-Houses inactive for one generation are dismissed from the Elder Council.

The Green Proposal
-Membership decided by duel.

A new issue is land claims. A screen was posted on page 2 and since then players have laid claims on single tiles or resource. So far, all the resources in the screen inside Roman territory have been taken. In the beginning, there may be some Houses with no Houses and it will be up to the Chief (once more land is available) to divy out new plots of land and which lands to leave government owned.

Generation 0

Generation 0 is the current generation that exists and has only a population of 1000. They are a "mid-tier" generation as a majority of them are adults, not children or elders. These people have lived a hard life as nomads for thousands of years and yearn to settle down and learn the secrets of civilization. This generation will be the easiest to satisfy as long as long as they're kept safe and fed. This generation will become Elders on turn 50.
I declare the--



Slightly authoritarian, believes in the advancement of our nation above all things.
Great to have ya guys aboard.

Yeah, in my attempt to balance everything in-game to a T I totally forgot to make up a procedure for adding Houses.

So, just give me a House name and goals/ideas of your House. Maybe a Coat of Arms if you want.
Against my better judgment (regarding time commitment issues), I'll join. If I have any suggestions, I'll share them. For now, I shall create:

House Kaprise

This shall be our crest (subject to change):

Our goals are mysterious, but we probably seek power. We will use any means necessary to achieve our goals . . . if we feel like it. We'll fight for just causes . . . if we feel like it. We'll remain consistent . . . if we feel like it! ;)
So does each player have their own individual house or is teh house a association that another can join...? Plus what mod is this?

It will make the peasants happy and obedient, heavily support decentralization, and support uniting houses against common enemies.
I shall establish the noble House of McNair

This house is a house of merchants. Economic growth and dominance are imperative, and as such, everything is considered to have a price.
Changed name, added viewpoints.

BTW, what country are we playing as?
COA will come eventually. But for now...

I declare the House of The Black Prince!
Good chance it'll be Rome on GEM unless anyone has a better suggestion.

Edit: I removed the Coat of Arms. I'll use them in the "hall of fame".
Sonereal, I'm a bit confused as to what you mean by setting up qualifications for the council. Are players going to be on the council, or what?

Basically, the players set up what qualifies a spot on the Elder Council and how members are selected. This is very strategic since you could always set the bar just our of reach for newer players OR make it slightly more democratic.

You can also limit the number of positions available.

Edit: I should mention, since it came up in the RP thread, that unlike in vanilla BTS, the AND archery line is great for support and defense. They can use attack support meaning this. Say that you got a melee unit and an archer unit in a stack and you send the melee unit to attack and adjacent unit. The archer will strike at the target as will with bombard. So yeah, pretty useful. They can also use archer bombard which is pretty nice.
So, I take it that AND 1.75 came out

EDIT: I liked House of Aysee better, so I changed it back.
House of Uther.

We do what no one else does, and we enjoy it. Others see a dagger and run, we take the dagger, shove it up some noses, and laugh, grab a few beers, and have a good time while getting paid. Our loyalty is to the House, and to the highest bidder, in that order. We are the House of Uther, and we're proud of it.

Players need to set up the requirements for the Elder Council. Once that's that done. The Elder Council needs to elect a Chief.

The Elder Council should be made of the head of the Major Houses, those whose power is recognized by others. The House of Uther proposes that the founding members(all players who join before Update 0/1) of our Nation be allowed in, and that a new clan can join by a 3/4 or more vote, and a clan already in can be kicked out by a 2/3 vote.
Ohhh, duels! I like that!
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