FFH2 0.32 cosmetic issues

Some more corrections to the text file (patch "l"):


The phrase "and only Order nations can research Unquestioning Obedience" should be deleted, since it's out of date with the changes to the tech tree.


"prominance" should read "prominence"

EDIT: One other thing (not a text file problem) -- Council of Esus shows up in the "Info" screen under the foreign advisor next to leaders that have adopted CofE as their state religion. It also shows up in the diplomacy screen when you're negotiating with a leader. Unless something's been changed, CofE is supposed to be secret, right?
The infernals still need a good archmage model, the mage is probably okay, but the archmage hardly looks demonic.

The mage could use some tweaks for the Infernals, but otherwise looks okay.
Something in the text file (patch "l"):


"Endeavors" should read "Hammers"
No, "Hammers" should read "Endeavors." ;)

That is just a much cooler name. I'm changing all references to the Guild of Hammers back to the Guild of Endeavors in my version, and also changing Luridus to Illuminatus.
No, "Hammers" should read "Endeavors." ;)

That is just a much cooler name. I'm changing all references to the Guild of Hammers back to the Guild of Endeavors in my version, and also changing Luridus to Illuminatus.

I was actually considering offering some suggestions on some of the Latin names in the mod, including changing Luridus to something else (Illuminatus sounds right -- Kael, how about it?), but it's been a LONG time since I last took Latin, and I'd be working from a small pocket dictionary in any event.
Aren't the Illuminati (semi-pop culture source) all about secrecy and plots? Or are they an organization trying to expose all of the random conspiracies? (Never looked into the whole deal too much, just heard a lot of rants about it).
Illuminati simply means "Enlightened." It was first widely used to refer to the Bavarian Illuminati (Perfectibilists) secret society in the Enlightenment. People often accused this and other such societies of shadowy dealings and behind the scenes control of governments (anything that CoE would represent), although there is little concrete proof of anything of that nature.

The connection is usually that the Illuminati would consider themselves to possess superior enlightenment, and thus be fit to rule over everyone else. There is no reason why it couldn't refer to those who actually are Enlightened and and seek to enlighten the rest of the world though.

"Enlightened" certainly fits them better than "gruesome; horrible; revolting, glaringly vivid or sensational, shocking, terrible in intensity, fierce passion, or unrestraint, wildly or garishly red,wan, pallid, or ghastly in hue, livid," imho
Kael: Along the same lines as removing the block from letting a player promote to Blitz with units who have a base :move: of 1, the AI is currently only looking at base movement as well

CvUnitAI.cpp - int CvUnitAI::AI_promotionValue(PromotionTypes ePromotion)
	if (GC.getPromotionInfo(ePromotion).isBlitz())
		if ((AI_getUnitAIType() == UNITAI_RESERVE  && baseMoves() > 1) ||
			AI_getUnitAIType() == UNITAI_PARADROP)
			iValue += 10;

//FfH: Modified by Kael 06/28/2008
//			iValue += 2;
			iValue += 3 * baseMoves();
//FfH: End Modify


In both cases where basemoves() is used, it should instead reference the unit's current Move score, plus any additional movement from the promotion which is offering Blitz (thus a promotion offering raw Blitz is not valued as much as a promotion offering Blitz AND +1 :move:)

Interesting find:

In CvUnit.cpp - int CvUnit::getExtraSpellMove()
    int iCount = 0;
	for (int iI = 0; iI < GC.getNumPromotionInfos(); iI++)
	    if (isHasPromotion((PromotionTypes)iI))
	        if (GC.getPromotionInfo((PromotionTypes)iI).getPromotionSummonPerk() != NO_PROMOTION)
	            iCount += GC.getPromotionInfo((PromotionTypes)GC.getPromotionInfo((PromotionTypes)iI).getPromotionSummonPerk()).getMovesChange();
	return iCount;

This function could easily be used to extend the range of any spell which has a Range value. At present it is only used in AI Logic to select which spell to cast, checking if a Summoned Unit would be capable or reaching a hostile target. But by adding "+ getExtraSpellMove()" to the range value of a spell, you would make it so that anything which grants a Summon Perk with a movement bonus will also provide a range extension of the same value. (in this case, Spell Extension I & II)

In CvUnit.cpp - CvUnit::doTurn(), under the Abandon actions
            GET_TEAM(getTeam()).changeUnitClassCount(((UnitClassTypes)(m_pUnitInfo->getUnitClassType())), -1);
            GET_PLAYER(getOwnerINLINE()).changeUnitClassCount(((UnitClassTypes)(m_pUnitInfo->getUnitClassType())), -1);
            GET_PLAYER(getOwnerINLINE()).changeExtraUnitCost(m_pUnitInfo->getExtraCost() * -1);

These 3 lines are already performed by "kill(this);" 3 lines earlier. So it would actually give the player & Team a Negative count for the number of that unit they have created (since it is subtracting 2 for each Abandonment)

EDIT: Also, a reminder that you need to add some Weight values for the new fields you made in PromotionInfos sometime. The iAIWeight was a fantastic idea for testing and tweaking initially, but since you are doing AI work now it is time to upgrade to SDK weighting so that it can be based on the Unit's AI selection instead of an across-the-board weight value. iAIWeight will continue to be useful for Spell effects though since the Promotion Values are taken into account for spells which cause/remove promotions.

While setting your own values, a lot of work needs done on the Firaxis values. Enhancements to Visibility and Movement bonuses are only available to certain AI types, and though the Vision range is of negligible use to the AI, the Mobility is quite useful and might need to be broadened a little bit. There are doubtless many more cases where their weighting choices don't work for FfH, but those are the 2 I looked at most recently.

I've started setting weight values for a few fields myself. I'll mention all of this again if I ever complete adding values for your fields and they seem balanced, just in case you'd like to start with my values and tweak to your desires from there :)
Illuminati simply means "Enlightened." It was first widely used to refer to the Bavarian Illuminati (Perfectibilists) secret society in the Enlightenment. People often accused this and other such societies of shadowy dealings and behind the scenes control of governments (anything that CoE would represent), although there is little concrete proof of anything of that nature.

The connection is usually that the Illuminati would consider themselves to possess superior enlightenment, and thus be fit to rule over everyone else. There is no reason why it couldn't refer to those who actually are Enlightened and and seek to enlighten the rest of the world though.

"Enlightened" certainly fits them better than "gruesome; horrible; revolting, glaringly vivid or sensational, shocking, terrible in intensity, fierce passion, or unrestraint, wildly or garishly red,wan, pallid, or ghastly in hue, livid," imho

Since all the other priest units in the game have English rather than Latin names, perhaps these guys' name should be Anglicized to something like Illuminator or Enlightener.
I still say that all the spell's (well, maybe not those that kill the caster, change terrain, or only grant promotions, but definitely offensive spells) need to have their effects doubled with twincast. Also, each <bTwincast> promotion needs to have its effect stack (not necessarily doubling each time, but two twincasts should at lest triple the spell eect.)
The Victory screen doesn't aggregate the information for Basium and Basium's teammate.

In my latest game I was 20 turns away from completing the Tower of Mastery for my first-ever ToM victory -- or so I thought -- when a message popped up saying "Arendel Phaedra/Basium has won a cultural victory." I was surprised, because I had checked the victory screen before starting the ToM. I checked it after the announcement, and under Cultural victory it showed two Ljosalfar cities with legendary culture, and the third far below. I went back to the game and poked around and saw that the third city with legendary culture was Basium's capital. I understand that they're a team and that's how it's supposed to work, but it would be helpful if the Victory screen somehow reflected this info, if that can be done.
I'd mentioned this in the bug thread but, maybe it's better placed here.
The World Spell button is no longer right most in the Unit Action Box.
View attachment 182729
From turn 1 you can adjust your :science: Slider. Whatever % is left over is placed as :gold:.

In FfH, there is no :culture: or :espionage: slider.

At some random Tech, the :gold: slider is revealed.

With only the Science and Gold sliders, the Gold slider is USELESS. Moving either one moves the other one as well. Please consider NOT revealing the Gold slider, ever.

EDIT: Just looked at the screenshot directly above this post. I am an idiot who needs to play the game more. He has a culture slider sitting right there. Not sure why I didn't get one when I had all the Techs, but that is my problem.

Move along folks, nothing to see here.

EDIT 2: Yeah, I am dumb AND blind. Gold slider never shows up, just Culture. Man I suck some days.
yea the micromanagement was reduced in Civ4 since they simplified the taxation thing by just having a culture and science slider and have the remaining be allocated automatically.
Culture Slider is Revealed at Drama
For a Parrot, the panel at the lower left for the active unit says "Hawk". (Lovely plumage, though.)
"Goroff sprinkled find fine sand on the ink and blew on it"
"Lita had stopped strugleing struggling and stood unmoving"

"Until C1329then we wait and we try to improve what we have been given"

On an additional note, could you please replace some of the Great People names with various names found in the Pedia for Incidental Characters? Or slip a few of the Great People into any new Pedia entries that crop up?
Cure for everybodies favorit Bug Report: Why can't I get my Incense?!?! OMG111! ;)

In CvGameTextMgr::setPlotHelp -
/**				---- Start Original Code ----					**
			if ((pPlot->getImprovementType() == NO_IMPROVEMENT) || !(GC.getImprovementInfo(pPlot->getImprovementType()).isImprovementBonusTrade(eBonus)))
/**				----  End Original Code  ----					**/
			if ((pPlot->getImprovementType() == NO_IMPROVEMENT) || !(GC.getImprovementInfo(pPlot->getImprovementType()).isImprovementBonusTrade(eBonus)) || !(GET_TEAM(GC.getGameINLINE().getActiveTeam()).isHasTech((TechTypes)GC.getBonusInfo(eBonus).getTechCityTrade())))
/**				----  End Modified Code  ----					**/
				if (!(GET_TEAM(GC.getGameINLINE().getActiveTeam()).isHasTech((TechTypes)GC.getBonusInfo(eBonus).getTechCityTrade())))
					szString.append(gDLL->getText("TXT_KEY_PLOT_RESEARCH", GC.getTechInfo((TechTypes) GC.getBonusInfo(eBonus).getTechCityTrade()).getTextKeyWide()));

/**				---- Start Original Code ----					**
				if (!pPlot->isCity())
/**				----  End Original Code  ----					**/
				if (!pPlot->isCity() && (pPlot->getImprovementType() == NO_IMPROVEMENT || !(GC.getImprovementInfo(pPlot->getImprovementType()).isImprovementBonusTrade(eBonus))))

EDIT: Changed the last line, it was causing an exception when there was no Improvement on the tile.
xienwolf, it wasn't so bad a mistake, in city view there IS a gold slider
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