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FfH2 0.34 Bug Thread

Playing as Illian, i found some bugs.
They cannot research the religious techs, but religions can spread on other ways to their citys. So when Empyrean spreads to your cities, they CAN build the temple after researching Honor.
Furthermore, the Illians can get all religious techs via Eyes and Ears Network.
In this case, they can build ALL temples and actively spread the religions.

One last thing: When the Illians are at war, they get the war weariness from "wont fight bothers/sis of the faith", if the rivals state religon is present in the Illian's cities. That should be fixed,too.
Not sure if this is a bug or intentional but it's irritating. How does the AI determine who gets attacked? I have a stack FILLED with healthy units and a vampire comes in and attacks the one unit that is wounded, and of course it is my oldest and most experienced unit. I mean why are all my other units (Axemen and Horse Archers doing all this time? They just sit their and watch the guy get killed! I mean I thought once a unit's strength fell to a certain point, he got pushed to the read and couldn't be attacked again (accept by assassins) till more healthy units got killed.

I've had stacks of champions along with longbowmen get attacked by other champions and they attack the champions (who are stronger and have more experience) and ignore the longbowmen!?!?!?

I realize assassins by-pass 'normal' defenses, but the 'normal' defenses don't seem to be working! I mean why keep different units together if only the best unit gets attacked over and over again until it's destroyed?
totally agree with you here mate. the algorithm that chooses who to use to defend should definitely be more wise. not using high XP units if there are good chances they're gonna die comes to mind. and a number of other tweaks could be made as well...
Normally, the unit with the greatest chance of defending successfully is the on that defends. Marksman and Guardsman promotions will modify this.
Delete this post if it's a dupe, but I got to settle the same Great Engineer in my capital twice because of immortality. Had Divine Essence, built the wonder, and then settled the Engineer. NB: I'm still playing patch a.

Also, turn number not showing up in high scores.
Listing of Bugs reported and not yet included in the changelog for the upcoming patch:

  • Cannot build a Vicar even though tech & temple are possessed (Breunor - Post 431)


    You can take this off of the list, it was what we generously call 'user error'. In reality, it was 'user is an idiot'.

    Best wishes,

Normally, the unit with the greatest chance of defending successfully is the on that defends. Marksman and Guardsman promotions will modify this.

That might be nice, but that sort of defeats the purpose of having combined arms if your best offensive units are the ones being attacked, instead of the defensive units you have with your stack to protect your offensive power.

I mean accept that I'll looe some of my longbowmen after I move withing 1 square of a city or maybe on the approach. The point is I can afford to lose them since I built them to protect my offensive combat power. As it stands now, my strongest units get attacked relentlessly and then I'm left with nothing to attack the city with!

The options I think are needed are some way to flag certain units as defenders so barring units like assassins, they get attacked first.

If that isn't workable, I think archery units should always be attacked first when on the defensive. I mean what were the 4 longbowmen doing when the Vampire and his minions were attacking my champion? Having tea an crumpets?

I seem to recall some mods have "opportunity fire" like the Fire & Ice scenario - I think as units attack stacks/cities that have archers, they should take damage going in to represent the fact that the archers can nail them as the close to melee range. Plus this sort of forces combined arms in armies which is how it should be.

Plus, as I've mentioned before, FfH either needs spearmen or the anti-mounted promotion needs to be moved down to the second tier with anti-melee and the anti-archery promotions. It's not fair that mounted units can already flee combat and can accrue anti-melee/archery one promotion prior those units can get a promotion to protect themselves.
That might be nice, but that sort of defeats the purpose of having combined arms if your best offensive units are the ones being attacked, instead of the defensive units you have with your stack to protect your offensive power.

You do understand that the unit defending the stack is the one with the greatest chance to win (except for the Channeling, Guardsman and Marksmen promotions). With the turn-by-turn combat system, it's really the best way for the game to decide which of your units to defend, as it gives you the best odds for survival.

Choosing your defender is not a good idea, since the best defender is very situational and normally you would want to use the best defender possible (which is what the game is supposed to do) rather than specific units. What would happen, for example, if you picked an archery unit to defend and an opponent attacked with Cover 2? You'd want to defender with a non-archer unit but, since it's not your turn, you're out of luck.

A much better change would be to improve the current "Don't Defend" system which is used by the Channeling promotion. So you make a selectable spell/promotion toggle, "Coward," (I need some help with names here ppl) so that you could pick the units that you do not want to defend unless there is no other choice. These units would then also be susceptible to opposing Marksmen. So normally an enemy unit would attack the best defender who does not have the Coward promotion, and then when none are left, attackers would get to attack the best Coward. Enemy Marksmen would attack the best Guardsman (if any) or the weakest Coward (if any) or the weakest defender, in that order.
You do understand that the unit defending the stack is the one with the greatest chance to win (except for the Channeling, Guardsman and Marksmen promotions). With the turn-by-turn combat system, it's really the best way for the game to decide which of your units to defend, as it gives you the best odds for survival.

Yes I DO understand, but the whole point of my argument is that the units best slated to win are either attacked again and again until destroyed or they are units I don't want attacked at all, until certain other units have gotten killed first.

For example, if I move up to a city, and the defender sallies forth to attack me prior to my attack (or even if they attack me prior to getting to my target); if they attack my strongest units (the ones I'm counting on to attack the city) then they are defeating me already since now I have to wait for those units to heal up or spend lots of spells (if available) to do the same thing since I'm not going to take the city with units like longbowmen. Certainly this is something the defender wants to do.

However, as the aggressor, I should be able to units I designate to 'run interference' so my best units remain intact unless the stack is attacked with large numbers. I'm expecting some of those units to die.

In wargaming terms, the defender is allowed to use the age old practice of "soaking off" or attacking with units you know are going to die to try to weaken the attacker and slow him down. Again, that's fine, but the aggressor needs to be able to counter this with units designated for defense first.

I think the problem here is one I find common in many gaming circles: winning is always preferable. The problem with that is in real combat, you sometimes have to 'lose' to win. In this case, the computer assumes you want to win a certain battle so it puts up your best units. The problem with that is that might be a tactical win for me, but it's a strategic loss for me since now I can't go on with my attack. I want to be able to say, "Hey, I'm willing to trade units for position." In military terms, I'm willing to break to take loses to gain key terrain since once I'm there, I win.

As it stands right now, I might as well not bother using really strong and/or experienced units in an attack since they're going to get killed before getting to their target; better to keep them back for defense.

Plus, you'd think there would be an easy way to do this since even after a unit has moved, you can still select it and tell it to entrench. Now, as it stands, I think doing this after the unit moves does nothing till the next turn. Maybe there could be a way to say that regardless of whether a unit has used up it's movement or not, if it is flagged as entrenched/defending, all those units so flagged have to be attacked first unless via a assassin or marksmen. :goodjob:
Yes I DO understand, but the whole point of my argument is that the units best slated to win are either attacked again and again until destroyed or they are units I don't want attacked at all, until certain other units have gotten killed first.

Well, no, if they get damaged, and are no longer the best defending unit, they stop defending. Bring a stronger army to support your hero, and he'll stop defending sooner.

The problem I think you are having, is that the units other than big nasty xp guy have very low chances of winning, and yet you want them to step up and defend. So even when beaten up pretty bad, they still defend the stack, maybe with only 80% or less victory odds, and that is obviously going to spell doom after not too long.

shouldn't Goblin Forts be always guarded?

the only thing I can think of is that for the horde was cast a few turns earlier...

Someone killed the defenders, but didn't explore the lair maybe? Might be defended by a Spider? Dunno if that works.
Minor bug:
Workers on jungle/marsh can't seem build anything directly, but if you chop, then you can build stuff(farm,cottage, etc).
This appears to be an odd bug. In my game, it appears (not 100% positive) that the crown of brilliance spell isn't working for my Luridas. Oddly, it DOES work for Chalid. On top of that, it appears that it doesn't wear off the Luridas either, even though it doesn't work. I know its 25%/turn, so it may just be luck here; I'm not sure how long this has gone on. Anyway, the spell hasn't seemed to work for the Luridas even though I've been fighting for eons.

Sorry I can't be more specific ....

Best wishes,



  • huh.CivBeyondSwordSave
    439.1 KB · Views: 67
This is probably just a multiplayer issue but I'll post it anyways.

I was playing a game with my brother on the huge Erebus map, normal speed and standard options, 14 civs or so.

We're about 250 turns in and he builds the Great Library as the Khazad, and the games goes OOS. Ok, so the normal solution is to save, restart, everybody reloads and it's all good.

We did this and it fixed the OOS as per usual, but the next turn one of his cities hits legendary culture(something insane like 17592343k culture). Next turn another city goes off the charts in culture but one city goes negative several hundred thousand culture and starts starving. This culture popping goes on for a couple turns until he randomly wins a culture victory with 3 cities way off the charts and two starving.

We thought maybe there was a problem with the city that built TGL, because its culture popped(normally) the same turn it was built, so we thought that triggered some weird conflict. So we reloaded and he delayed TGL a couple turns until after his culture had naturally popped, but once it was built we got the same results(OOS, then on reload his cities' culture going haywire).

Haven't experienced any other Wonder problems and up until that point the game had no OOS issues. It's MP and I know Civ4 is unkind to MPers, but just thought I'd throw that out there.

Awesome mod btw(first post in here, been playing a while). :goodjob:

Only two oddities I've noticed:

1/ on starting a new game as Kuriotates (first with v34) I never got the initial Research selection menu on my second turn, so no science production. Somehow only noticed a few turns in.

I do not think it was the bug you mentioned in the "known errors" section

8. If your research is disabled (and not temporarily by the Illian world spell) then you probably have a hidden game option set. This happens because the "saved game options" are shared between mods. So if you enable game option 34 in Fall Further then when you load FfH game option 34 will be enabled (which could be a scenario option that disables research). To fix this load Fall Further and uncheck all the game options.

The game I played immediately before that was vanilla civ, and then another mod and then FF three games back. The other reason is that I started a new game immediately after (didn't touch the options, same maps/civs) and it started normally. I went and reloaded the old game at turn 1 (or 'year zero' in-game) and again tech selection didn't kick in. If there was a 'hidden game option' causing this would it be fixed by simply trying again without touching the settings?

2/ Might be cosmetic - I've noticed an odd sort of green ball hovering over my cities, or more like sitting on my city tile (not a UFO!) that appeared seemingly randomly and disappeared without any obvious trigger such as new units or buildings being completed. Didn't go into the . Later I noticed it outside a city. Doesn't appear to interfere with gameplay, has anyone else had this.

Only two oddities I've noticed:

1/ on starting a new game as Kuriotates (first with v34) I never got the initial Research selection menu on my second turn, so no science production. Somehow only noticed a few turns in.

I do not think it was the bug you mentioned in the "known errors" section

The game I played immediately before that was vanilla civ, and then another mod and then FF three games back. The other reason is that I started a new game immediately after (didn't touch the options, same maps/civs) and it started normally. I went and reloaded the old game at turn 1 (or 'year zero' in-game) and again tech selection didn't kick in. If there was a 'hidden game option' causing this would it be fixed by simply trying again without touching the settings?

There is an easy way to check if a setting is selected: Go into the Victory screen and select the Settings tab, there you should see what options are selected.
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