FFH2: Paradise Regained

I spent half an hour on the first two turns, moving treants onto non-forested tiles. When they all kicked the proverbial bucket, I learned that they no longer sprout into forests upon death. :wallbash:

Did some half-hearted terraforming. For the forests to spread, war must continue. (Although backstabbing a friendly neighbour twice feels so very wrong.)

'Tis not terribly sporting, either. With three archmages, flurries, knights, beastmasters and phalanxes, we need all the strategy of a rabid wombat.

Fiery and pointy death approaching.


  • Thessa AD-0390.CivBeyondSwordSave
    444.7 KB · Views: 74
Darrelljs, what was the compisition of Sab's monster stack that forced peace?
Darrelljs, what was the compisition of Sab's monster stack that forced peace?

Dang...sorry it didn't show up in the screen shot, I thought I was hovering over it. Okay, the worst part is about 30 (!) Arqebus. Beyond that it was Champions, Satyrs, an Assassin or two, some Cannon, with all the latter totaling maybe 15. Big mean stack. Two rounds of meteors did bumpkus.

I think competitive victory conditions are too easy to sabotage personally (good luck getting enough prophets for an Altar victory when the other players can fire all the temple priests on their turn)

I'd settle for rolling dice to determine what strategy the player of the turnset goes after.
Personally I think that the Perpentach SG is a prime candidate for a Chaos SG like game. One could roll victory conditions and player roles per turnset - wouldn't it be fun to have a warmonger with a diplomatic victory condition ? :)
I think I'd apply to join that game as well, or at least lurk (or if you need a game master? :p) The concept is brilliant. Goals such as 'control all unique features' for player 1 and 'Have all leaders pleased or friendly towards you' for player 2.

If player 2 goes all out and gifts techs to other AI's just to be loved, the player 1 could figure out his plan and purposely declare war just ruin relations and stop player 2 from winning.
I am sorry. Despite my best efforts, real life constraints have prevented me from playing and will continue to do so into the forseeable future. Please accept my withdrawal and my apologies. I'll have to lurk through the end of this.
I'm a bit confused as to why the south-east forest marker is further south than the south west forest marker. In any case there are only a couple of tiles in our borders not forested.

I start to gather the forces again for a final assault.

I get this request and decide to play along.

We capture Tor Lehan the same turn.

I use fireballs to explore and find a paladin in the open which is destroyed. We await Sabathiel's response.

We find a large (15ish) force of his troops in the open next turn.

Meteors and fireballs turn it into a staff.

Sadly, I start crashing at this point and I can't keep playing. Sadly my laptop can't seem to handle the endgame of FFH anymore (never had the problem with the vanilla version). I'll be upgrading soon with any luck. I'll sadly have to bow out of this one.

I was saving after virtually everything but can't remember if this save was before or after the staff. It is from turn 393 not 391 (I just overwrite the same file).

There were still troops to be moved about etc from this turn. Hopefully his main stacks are down south dealing with Alexis and we can grab the last 10% of land we need for domination pretty quick.

Whoever is next may want to just take it from stuge's save instead.


  • Thessa AD-0391.CivBeyondSwordSave
    448.6 KB · Views: 76
lurker's comment: About the Perp game:

Why don't you consider something like the risk cards system? Something like : "Kill 3 civs" , Vassalize at least 4 civs" , " Control your continent" , " Get control of 3 holy cities" ,etc. A non player could distribute those "cards" between the players and check if any of the cards goals ( not game VCs ) had been acheived. And of course, the cards goals would have to be secret ;)

On this game: not much to say... After Torrolerrial and Vallus fall in your hands , you only need to forest the tiles to win the game... AKA the game is in the bag ;)
Okay, I think we essentially have three people bowing out. There is lots of forest micro left and I have about zero will to play it out at this point. Shall we call it?

I'm a bit confused as to why the south-east forest marker is further south than the south west forest marker.

I put it there because otherwise it would have been in the water...
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