Final Fixes Reborn

MPL is the Modular Python module. IIRC, it has never been finished and is therefore totally unnecessary.
If you're having trouble with the launcher (as I do), you can activate and deactivate modules by moving them from the Inactive Modules/Normal Modules to the Modules/Normal Modules folder in Assets.
As for the Archos, it's alright that scorpions are weak since their spiders can become very powerful and terribly annoying for other players in early game and c'mon, you're given FREE cannon fodder, why do you complain? However, the ability to be promoted to swarm would make sense. And maybe give them a low defense, but decent attack and first strikes, so that even if they're very likely to die, they deal damage to enemies and poison them.
Discussion. Is mind-based afflictions being intentionally the worse outcome you'll ever get from dungeons besides flat-out losing your units? Atleast:
Poisoned: You can rest and heal.
Rust: Just visit a forge or finding an Enchanted Blade.
Plagued and Withered: Visit The Pool of tears, having a great healer, drinking potions or wait for the healing constellation event.
Rock falls everyone dies: Just don't dungeoncrawling with non-specialized units (heroes, scout)
But not Crazed and Enervated. From both role-playing and empire building perspective, mind-based afflictions are pure annoying. First it takes control over your unit and send it to certain death and second, you can't treat it. Maybe with mind magic but I don't remember. But even then, it would probably requires a mage which is taking too long compared to solutions to other bad outcomes.

Solution: I purpose that either Great Healer or Great Sage could build a unique 'Hospice' building. The building has not tech requirements and a small bonus to health. the real purpose is to remove and mind-based debuff in early games. If your unit is fortunate enough to not suffer any psychotic break and able to travel back to the city. That unit will be chained for 3 turns, after that the debuff is removed. After research Medicine tech, and upgraded version of the building, the Sanatorium can be build and stack on top of the Hospice. The Sanatorium can cure unit instantly just like Great Healer cures disease and plague. Note, Octopus Overlord Civ cannot build these buildings because their core teaching doesn't want peoples to be cured of madness I think.
I propose just removing the mind afflictions altogether. Or if not that making them a special type that's one of only. As in, you get rage but once it wears off it does not come back. Easier than adding a building that only becomes functional in the mid to late game when all the lairs are long gone and your good units have suicided out of sheer rage.
The Frozen module should be working correctly. As for the Jotnar, they have serious balance issues and almost certainly stability problems as well.
I propose just removing the mind afflictions altogether. Or if not that making them a special type that's one of only. As in, you get rage but once it wears off it does not come back. Easier than adding a building that only becomes functional in the mid to late game when all the lairs are long gone and your good units have suicided out of sheer rage.

That's compact. I like that. However if you playing with Raging Barbarians + Wild Lands on huge map. Barbarians will plop new lairs so fast there's never really a shortage in dungeons. And to disable all mind afflictions isn't fair. Maybe we can repurpose them into the fear system. That one is quite underused too. Only big monsters and 2 masks uses it. If I remembered it also has a working resist system too based on LV of the unit.
Still alive!!! Do we have a new version out now? Also, where do I find these "Modules"

If you use the AoE Launcher, there's a "button" called "Manage Modules." Click on that and then you can choose which Modules to activate and which ones to disable.
That's compact. I like that. However if you playing with Raging Barbarians + Wild Lands on huge map. Barbarians will plop new lairs so fast there's never really a shortage in dungeons. And to disable all mind afflictions isn't fair. Maybe we can repurpose them into the fear system. That one is quite underused too. Only big monsters and 2 masks uses it. If I remembered it also has a working resist system too based on LV of the unit.
I like keeping things simple unless there is a good reason to complicate them and making sure the complicated things are well thought out and there for a reason. And in my view the cheapest and simplest solution would be to just have the event that gives you "insane" give you a one time pop of enraged instead. So your unit turns barbarian, goes off for a couple turns until it hits combat and thus you still get the effect. But if it survives than it cools down, the mind effect wears off and you don't have a broken unit.
One of the worst is Undead usually followed by Estranged in the Haunted Lands. Had many of my best recon units go barb on me - so you not only lose them but they can be your worst enemy. I don't advocate getting rid of these afflictions entirely - but when you are going against the Scions, d'Tesh or other necromancers there should be a possible remedy with at least 50% chance of success, ideally from a High Priest or specialized cleric.
Suggestion: Can we move or also add the ability to build Master Rancher and Master Outfiter to Great Merchant? IMO Great Engineer is just too good as he hog all the good unique buildings, leaving little incentive to go for anyone else.
That might not be a bad idea what with the proposed trade ships basically displacing the one thing great merchants are really good at.
I still find the current system of master buildings very weird. You need to sacrifice a great engineer in one of your cities to build one, but then you're able to build them in all your cities. Which is really powerful as, in addition to the non-military production bonus and the promotions you can buy for your heroes and veteran units, you get +3 gold per building (I tend to build them in all my cities only for this latter effect, as if they were mere markets). IMO it would make more sense to make them similar to the command post: give great engineers (and why not great merchants as well indeed) a 'recruit' promotion, which allows them to build one master building in one city without being sacrificed (it would mean the great person trains one apprentice as a master smith or rancher or whatever, and then goes off to finish its task).
And I think the bonuses of these buildings besides the new available promotions should be discussed.
Agreed. Your empires basically geared towards army building the second you get a single Master Smith because soon all your cities will have one. And that minus % to unit production is totally irrelevant as the plus % to hammer is more than make up for it. Maybe a harsher penalty to minus % to building production instead? or the inability to build a copy of master buildings? They are basically the RPG equipment shops... Hey or we could just keep the ability to build a copy in a form of a business branch of that master building? the copy buildings have less impact to city bonus but still keep the ability to buy gears.
Honestly I think they are perfect as they are. Yes, master buildings are powerful. But that is perfectly balanced by the fact you need to sacrifice the most difficult GP to get to unlock each of them. Merchants, scientists, artists all of those can be gotten fairly easily through many buildings. Engineers not so much.
It takes a dedicated effort AND a long time to get all those engineers. And engineers have many other uses you are sacrificing as well. Every master building built is a wonder not rushed (and thus potentially lost), a specialist not settled (and thus lost bonus) or a rare tech not researched.

So I would NOT change one single thing about them because they are balanced.
Hello AOE peoples, My computer decided to go poof and wiped everything. Took quite some times to sort everything in my new PC out so I probably missed alot of news.

Are all those 'new' modules such as Researh Grants and Reformed Lich up to date and playable? I remembered those from ROE era.

Alot of modules report conflicts between them whereas in the previous version didn't have as much, what happens? Is it just a temporary incompat between the revision?. I decided to play it anyway and it works fine I think. Only glaring bugs is Chislev Republic missing all Icons when used alongside Dural.

Also yay for PPQ Flavor Module releases. That was a long wait. :thumbsup:

Hello! When you say Chislev Republic, are you referring to my Chislev+/Chislev Expansion module?

Are you still having the issue? If so, can you be specific as to which icons are missing?
Could you please tell more? Which bugs do you encounter, which version (steam or not) are you playing, which modules are on? Yeah, there are still bugs around, some are very difficult to locate and get rid of because they happen under very specific conditions or on a minority of computers.
I made no changes to the modules loaded. Right now I having crashes to desk top. HUD display is sometimes gone (it sometimes comes back up on reload) and no diplomacy text. When I go to talk to someone, the diplo screen comes up, but there are no options.
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