These guys have done a vast amount of work, over several years, to produce one of the best mods- of ANY game- that I've ever seen, and they don't make a penny from it.
I'll bet that the fact that they draw from other sources for the artwork, music, etc., is a BIG part of what's made FFH possible at all. If they'd relied entirely on original material for everything, FFH would have required a paid staff of dozens, a cost of millions, and a boxed retail edition at full cost for all of us who have enjoyed their efforts.
Sure, even at this stage, FFH has rough edges that wouldn't impress me if I'd paid $50 for it. But I DIDN'T. IT WAS FREE. Rebel, instead of critiquing it as if it were a retail product, I'd suggest you just say a well deserved thanks to the devs for what is obviously a labor of love.