First G+K DLC - Name it!

What seems to be the next most likely DLC items?

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Any DLC that would likely be profitable is going to be made.

Zulu, Portugal, and Sumeria are probably the most likely to be next. After that we might see Poland and Brazil. Canada is a possibility too, although I hope they don't package it with Australia if they do that. I'd consider buying Canada, but not if I have to get Australia to get it. I do expect one or two "left field" DLCs eventually though, so that could be one of them.
I also don't see why you ignore Poland. Last time I checked the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth was one of the biggest and most powerful countries in Europe throughout most of its 250 years of existence. I think both countries deserve to be in the game way more than the Hunns (?!).

You sure about that? The country that was the cultural and political Slavic centre for 7 centuries didn't have more influence? The country that created the Cyrillic alphabet used by most Slavic people to this day and was one of the very, very first countries to establish its own church independent of both the Constantinople and the Vatican? The same one that was one of the first nations in Europe to have an official language and translated the bible in that official language?This one? The one that nearly seized control the Byzantine Empire twice The one that stopped the Arabian invasion of the Balkans and saved a Constantinople besieged by 120-200 000 Arabian soldiers and 1800 ships, the biggest battle in Medieval history as far as I know? By comparison the famous Battle of Grunwald was about two times smaller. Sorry, but I guess we have to agree to disagree. I think a Bulgarian civ with Simeon the Great as a ruler would be a viable choice, not that it will ever happen

I know enough about Bulgaria to respect it,but you do learn new things everyday.Did not know there was a pre-Turkish invasion of Europe since I always tell people that Eastern Europe kept the rest of Europe protected from the Ottoman Empire...

Lets agree that we both agree that Poland Hungary and Bulgaria all deserve to be included before the Huns...

Every Civ game has to have a joke CIV and this time around its the Huns for certain.

Atleast the Huns are Beast-mode compared to other "joke" Civs like Native American Empire,
Zulu has been a "joke" "civ" (it isn't even a civilization) in most prevous versions.
Canada and Australia would be good in a sort of Modern Nations expansion pack. I want Mounties (Cavalry) and ANZAC Troops.
I really want to see an Israel civ. Although I think I would call it Hebrews or Israelites because there are political issues involved with associating the State of Israel with all Jews. Leader: David. UA would be faith-based. I think the inclusion of Jerusalem as a CS is a sign that this will not happen any time soon, however.

David or Solomon. Either way I think Israel could make an interesting addition.
Personally, I'm not a fan of having a Canadian/Australian/Kiwi/ etc Civ. They kind of fall under England, because in Civ 5 England seems to represent The U.K. and The Commonwealth rather than just England as it was in previous games.

But maybe that's just me.
DLC? Zulu, definitely.

2nd Expansion pack? Civilizations and revolutionary empires that emerged out of independence wars.

DLC? Zulu, definitely.

2nd Expansion pack? Civilizations and revolutionary empires that emerged out of independence wars.


Hmm, an expansion that introduces colonialism and revolution to the game could be very interesting.
It's very unlikely that they will ever release them as a civ in a DLC,expansion or Civ game (maybe in a scenario,but not more.Brazil is too modern too,buth had more influence then Australia or Canada,but isn't a civilization.
They are way to modern and didn't do much in comparition to the other nations. They aren't civilizations either.
Hmm, an expansion that introduces colonialism and revolution to the game could be very interesting
Of course not!

Since there will almost certainly be further DLC (I wouldn't bet on another full expansion, but you never know), let's speculate baselessly about which Civs will stand the test of time.

I think the Zulu are almost a sure bet, I'm sure a lot of people were surprised and disappointed that they weren't included in G&K, though I was happy for that honestly (they weren't a terribly significant power, certainly less so than every other Civ that's been included so far). It's not that they're particularly relevant to world history, it's more just that they're a Civ mainstay.

Now that they've got the CN Tower... why not throw a bone to Canadian fans and include Canada as a playable civ? I was really surprised when the 9th new civ turned out to be Sweden, 'cause I was betting on either the Zulu or (given the inclusion of the CN Tower) Canada. I know Canada has never been a major world power however it did play a very significant role for its size in the three major conflicts of the 20th century (WWI, WWII, Korea); at the end of WWII Canada (a country of 12,000,000 people at the time) had the fourth largest navy in the world. The Canadian Corps were particularly feared by the Germans during WWI. And Canada was the only country besides the United States and Britain to storm the beaches of Normandy (Britain and the USA took two beaches each, Canada one). In the latter half of the century it has continually leveraged its natural advantages (abundant resources and proximity to the United States) to play a role on the international stage far greater than its size would dictate - the smallest economy of the G8, but a member of that prestigious club nonetheless. Finally, the wake of global economic catastrophe, two major economies emerged largely unscathed - China and Canada. Not to mention 2nd biggest country by landmass in the world... there's just so many reasons Canada deserves to be included! Now that there's a Great War Infantry unit, Canadian Corps UU is obvious; Macdonald was truly a great man of history and would make a fine leader. Then there's that whole 1812 business... (I thought about this a lot when I thought it would happen lol).

I would also like to see another native American civ, probably the Sioux. The Apache or Navajo would be cool but probably didn't make a big enough impact - I mean the Sioux actually managed to resist the army of the United States for some time before they were finally crushed.

I find myself missing Sumer, though it would be nice if they could find a leader for it that isn't, you know, mythological. (Gilgamesh of Sumer is as absurd as Heracles of Greece.) I'd really like to see another ancient civ regardless. The Phoenicians and the Akkadians are sort of subsumed into Carthage and Babylon respectively. This really leaves the Hittites; I know they were included in a scenario (as was Sumer) but they could be slightly revamped for the main game.

Europe is pretty crowded as is, but Poland and Portugal are basically the only major European countries that haven't been included at this point, and I'd say they're both significant enough to include (Portugal definitely).
Well if you're going to speculate, I want in too.

I think the highest possibility right now is the US Civil War Scenario being the next DLC. There is evidence of it in the G&K files. It may or may not contain a new civ, but if it does, I'm betting on the Sioux. They fought a brief war against the Union at the same time as the Civil War.

The next DLC after that may include the Zulu, Brazil, and/or Portugal due to high demand of those civs.
Canada as a civ is IMO absolutely out of the question, no offence to all Canadians out there, I just don't think it will ever happen. Having the CN Tower as a wonder was a nice nod though. Still, we have countries that deserve to be in the game a lot more than Canada, same for Brazil. I also seriously doubt we'll see any more native American tribes, the Iriquois have that covered, one tribe per game is enough.

I think they game is definitely in need of some Zulu loving, would love to see the Aksumite Empire, Khmer and Sumer. From Europe not many are left - Portugal, Bulgaria and Poland in that order, maybe Hungary. I am not a fan of having both Germany and the Holy Roman Empire, one is more than enough.
I would find your casual dismissal of Canada as not "deserving" to be the game easier to take seriously if it weren't for the fact that you then go on to suggest the Zulu and Bulgaria.
I would find your casual dismissal of Canada as not "deserving" to be the game easier to take seriously if it weren't for the fact that you then go on to suggest the Zulu and Bulgaria.
The Zulu have been in every Civ game except V. Bulgaria had 2 Empires that existed for about 7 centuries, was at its peak more than twice as big as modern Germany, was one of the very first countries in the world to establish its own church separate from the Greek and the Vatican and to translate the Bible. It was also the country that invented the Cyrillic alphabet, yes, the same one that most Slavic countries use. It just happens to be one of the oldest countries in Europe, with only San Marino, France and (if we consider Ancient Greece an actual nation) Greece being older. It was the cultural Slavic centre throughout the Middle Ages and just happens to be a part of many of the biggest battles of that period, including breaking the Second Arab Siege of Constantinople against 120 000 Arabians, with the total number of both sides sitting around 200 000, or the Battle of Achelous, which involved around 120 000 soldiers in total.

So yeah, it deserves more, if you don't mind me say so.

But, like I said, I would most of all welcome to Zulus, Aksumite and Sumer or Khmer. Those are some pretty big holes in the game's roster if you ask me.
Yeah I feel Europe is over represented and would definitely like to see a few more civs from other areas - I've got no interest in any more European civs as it's getting pretty ridiculous now
Canada would be good plus an austrailian civ - I'd quite like to see the aboriginees make an appearance.
I would like to see a few more from Africa, Asia, and the Americas - they don't necessarily have to be people that have changed world history, just interesting
In this order I think civs that should be included
Israel, Canada and Australia, Brazil, Zulu, Poland, and finally Bulgaria.
Seeing things realistically, the first DLC is going to be the Civil War scenario with Sioux or another (more universal) Native American civ, along with a balancing and bugfixing patch. The music, speech and art files are all there (well, at least for the models and textures of Union and CSA troops).

The second DLC might be a bundle of Portugal, Kongo and the Zulu along with a Boer War/African colonization scenario. IF there will be a third DLC, I seriously hope for Bulgaria, Poland nad Hungary. Or maybe the Khazars. I KNOW there are so many European Civs, but I bet the all could provide a unique gameplay. Alternatively there can be an ancient Hebrew ant Hittitie Civ bundle with some sort of Ancient scenario (but this would overlap much with Wonders scenario)
I forgot about Israel! Or should it be Judea? I guess Israel would be better just for being better-known.
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