Flag Burning and Free Speech

"10,000 experiences, give or take a few."

you think people who criticize the right wing are right wing sycophants

Tim. Meet Nick... Nick, Tim.
"10,000 experiences, give or take a few."

you think people who criticize the right wing are right wing sycophants

Tim. Meet Nick... Nick, Tim.

No, I think I've seen more than enough of your ten thousand posts to draw some conclusions. One conclusion is that you make the stupidest "hur hur, so you are saying this, hur hur" references of any poster we have. Another is that you are a right wing sycophant. There are more, but no reason to belabor the point since I'm far from the only one who has had the opportunity to see the persona you choose to present..
and of all the 10,000 experiences you dont have one of me posting material from Breitbart or Red State

does that mean you lied?

apparently you're still oblivious to the fact you're accusing me of being a right wing sycophant in a thread in which I criticize the right wing...hur hur
and of all the 10,000 experiences you dont have one of me posting material from Breitbart or Red State

does that mean you lied?

apparently you're still oblivious to the fact you're accusing me of being a right wing sycophant in a thread in which I criticize the right wing...hur hur

LOL...no, not oblivious. I'm just interested in why you felt the need to append a right wing favorite false narrative onto your criticism. I guess it was to keep it consistent with your usual sycophantic posturing, but that's just a guess.
I didn't get any narrative from Breitbart, I dont even visit them, you visit them. I read news stories about big donors cutting back or eliminating funds. You just assumed I got the information from people you dont like. Why didn't you ever ask the people at Breitbart why they thought the foundation's funding was in trouble? Did you call them liars for believing the news stories instead of you? I'm non-partisan, I dont like your politicians or theirs and if I'm in the mood for criticizing theirs, yours cant be too far behind. That is not the definition of a sycophant.

If I was a right wing sycophant I wouldn't be accusing Republicans of various crimes like lying us into both foreign and domestic wars. I dont know how you got the idea I was a fan of the GOP or conservatives, seems you think anyone who criticizes Hillary must be. I get a similar reaction from right wingers, I criticize them and they call me a liberal or left winger or worse. Funny how you have that in common.
Don't worry, I'm sure I'm pegged as a right wing sycophant too. Unless I've been upgraded to "nazi" by now.
I don't know what this thread's about anymore, but here are my thoughts on flags.

-- people didn't get offended by flag burning
-- flag burning wasn't seen as provocative or controversial
-- nobody cared if you burnt a flag

-- flag burning would be a be a super-ineffective form of protest
-- nobody would bother burning flags

Of course people should be allowed to burn flags -- that's freedom of expression.

Of course people get upset when you burn flags -- that's the whole point.

This also applies to many, many other forms of protest, types of humour, methods of marketing/advertising, and so on.
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