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Flatulance Tax


Eatibus Anythingibus
Feb 20, 2002
Baja Arizona
I guess the air we breathe is no longer safe from taxation. The
story is more about the farmer's reaction, though.

Flatulance Tax Story

To the New Zealanders: Is the purpose of this to encourage
farmers to get rid of their cows & sheep?
Since I just had chili, I can't support a tax on flatulence.
That's just stupid.
Taxing the sh*t out of people, don't always produce the desired results. Idiots.
Originally posted by Gastric ReFlux
Since I just had chili, I can't support a tax on flatulence.
At least you didn't just eat at Taco Bell
Now you see, there is a little thing called the "Kyoto Protocol". Considering NZ doesn't pump out as much pollution as deepest NYC, they have to actually have some semblance of an attempt to stem the tide of pollution. Natually, slapping a tax on farmyard animals is the cheapest and most effective way, because most Kiwi farmers don't have access to a ballot box on election day.

Though naturally the entire idea is a load of tripe.
This tax is not designed to actually reduce emissions in the way that some believe other "carbon" taxes are. The money is to fund research into ways that emissions can be reduced. There has been some success in changing feeds so that the methane proportion is lower - I believe that GM bacteria in the animals' gut helps quite a lot.

Not something that I particularly agree with - it will (hopefully) be passed on to the consumers in the form of marginally higher prices.

Everywhere else you tax the consumer, not the producer. Its like taxing an oil company because people burn oil / petrol in their cars. Why not tax the petrol instead. :rolleyes:
Insert Lysol into cows=problem solved.:eek:
Originally posted by ainwood


You think that they have to saddle up the horses and ride 40 miles to the ballot box? Or is it that the farmers can't write their names?

I guess you didn't see the NZ Herald poll around election time about who would vote. The main employment that wouldn't were dairy farmers.
Not only sheep and cows, some people I know should also pay this tax...
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