15. Greece - Acropolis [30]
24. Korea - Seowon [6=5+1]
38. Russia - Lavra [20=23-3] Actually the Russian usually don't build Culture Districts, so Lavra is +1 prophet point, half-price holy site, with a lot of additional undead, fast-move scouts. This actually is not as good as +4 half-price campuses.
Holy site isn't a must-build for normal Civ, however Campus is. So half-price Campus makes more sense.
Lavra actually only get additional +1, however Seowon geet +4, or +2 more, if we think normal campuses have an average of +2( I really suspect this, I cannot get average of my campuses being +2).
+3 is a threshold since Rationalism only bonuses 3+ districts. Lavra's +1 doesn't count for adjacency , however 100% of Seowons benefit from Rationalism.
Actually I tend to think Russia and Korea have similar levels of strength in my gameplay. Korea only has Seowon and Seowon-related bonuses (fast Hwachas, Seowon adjacency), but Russia has a lot more apart from Lavra: tundra bonus, +8 land per city, Cossack, each of this is a fairly good ability if taken independently, but all of these have to be summed up to match the strength of Seowon.
Since Seowon is as good as the whole Russian abilities, Seowon shall be much better than every single part of the Russian uniques. For example, Lavra.