5. Greece - Acropolis [14] the adjacency alone, the fact it is culture... but the envoys
38. Russia - Lavra [11] oooh great people I cannot use but great for religion and border expansion. Worthy second but we know how voting goes, Seowon gone through science envy or something weird like that. Korea is only great because of them. And they are great.
These two are almost 50/50 for me. Love the rapid faith and GP of the Lavra (a little overkill perhaps...), but I think the extra envoys tip the scale in favor of the Acropolis.
5. Greece - Acropolis [12] = 15 - 3 I love Greece much more than Russia, but this is slightly worse. Definitely deserves #2 spot.
38. Russia - Lavra [9] = 8+1 tough to choose one or the other, I admit to wanting to see this go down to the wire. I'm trying not to let my personal biases get in the way. Because I like Greece many times over Russia, but I have to admit the gwams are powerful enough to warrant top spot.
If Science isn't going to win, then surely Culture should win. Lavra is really good, but it still uses up a district slot for religion instead of Science or Culture.
I'm perfectly fine with the top 10. Biggest surprise is insanely high (imo) Royal Navy Dockyard and Prasat.
Kurgan and Chateau should be straight buffed, other badly rated things were such because of bad entertainment district or too late appearance. I would also buff Stepwell.
I am ok with the top 5 and the bottom 20. It the others that I have problems with. Persia - Paridaeza is comparable to the sphinx but its ranked higher? I expect early game UI would be ranked high but did not expect district would be considered better than tile improvements.
I think you all are reading too much into it. Voting against something does not equate to a hate crusade. And if it's that popular, then who cares? It'll survive anyway, right?
I'm perfectly fine with the top 10. Biggest surprise is insanely high (imo) Royal Navy Dockyard and Prasat.
Kurgan and Chateau should be straight buffed, other badly rated things were such because of bad entertainment district or too late appearance. I would also buff Stepwell.
If moderators allow, I’d actually like to do something different next. I’d suggest a series of elimination threads ranking leader/Civ combinations by victory type. May I set up the thread?
If we're done dancing around the topic, I'd have only downvoted the Mekewap once if, after my very first downvote of it for a rather benign opinion wasn't responded to with a direct personal attack that I was "clueless".
Meanwhile so many people got so fixated on repeatedly upvoting the same thing they were openly bashing me for repeatedly downvoting (hypocrisy much?) that they let another guy sneak under the radar downvoting Seowon evert other day since the beginning. But the comminity rallied and brought it back from a near #15ish finish to top 3, so also to be frank if the Mekewap were deserving it too would have survived in similar fashion.
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