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God damn this game is good

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I'm not quite sure I undertand that enigmatic quote based post. If you are disagreeing with him, he just said "contender", and that's a pretty valid asumption beeing in the civ fanatics forums don't you think? :)

And so would the previous that someone thinks Civ5 is the best in the series, which he rebuffed with the same. That's a pretty valid assumption being in a "show the Civ5 love" thread. :)

IMO, both are great games. More specifically, Civ5 is good+ with the potential to be something special.
Well, even many civ5 lovers use the argument that we musst compare it with civ4 vanilla, not civ4 fully patched and with 2 expansions, since it would be unfair. And aimless clrearly specified patched and with expansions.
IMO, both are great games. More specifically, Civ5 is good+ with the potential to be something special.

you are spot on...

and btw, I've played every Civ too, but only little of Civ I (but only IV and V recently).
Well, even many civ5 lovers use the argument that we musst compare it with civ4 vanilla, not civ4 fully patched and with 2 expansions, since it would be unfair. And aimless clrearly specified patched and with expansions.

Sorry, I am not going to get into every permutation of the varying opinions on Civ4/Civ5. There are many different opinions, and to focus on one specific subset for purposes of proving a point is, well, rather pointless. Everyone has different opinions. I shared mine already.
I don't think it's unfair or unreasonable to compare vanilla vs. vanilla, any expansion is going to be based on lessons learned from vanilla/previous versions of that specific game, and new features and balancing are in context of the particular game. Warlords and BTS features and re-balancing aren't necessarily going to carry over to ciV, especially since the mechanics are so different. I'm not excusing the serious balancing and UI issues in ciV btw, just commenting on the comparing of vanilla vs. vanilla specifically.
yeap same here, best damn civ ever once they got the problems ironed out

Oh, sweet! I didn't know they'd patched the game so much in the last 2 weeks. Can you post the patch notes? I'd love to see how they fixed MP and the combat AI especially :D
I played until 2am and had to get up for work at 6am. So I guess I lmust ike it too :D

MP is a load of bollox though.
Just want to add my two cents that Civ5 is the best ever. Since we got the patch, I've been steadily addicted. Not that Civ4 wasn't a great game. But by BtS it was a game with complication that got in the way of of the strategic fun feedback. Sorry, but I felt corporations detracted more gaming fun than they added. And espionage? It was never more than a bothersome nuisance. Previous Civs were great gaming experiences, but they were clearly designed to frustrate war mongers. Not only does Civ5 finally do away with war weariness, it gives us hexes and a truly elegant combat system. The challenge of juggling culture and especially happiness in the context of winning by domination is thrilling. When that gets tiresome, then there's fresh challenge in winning peacefully.

Of course, there's plenty yet to get done. I sympathize with the frustration over Firaxis' tendency to publish incomplete games with big problems. One thread here laments an opinion that Firaxis simply could not have play tested a release this buggy. But hey! they also have a history of staying with a game for however many iterations it takes to perfect and upgrade it. Should be an interesting journey. And the additional money Firaxis will be extracting from our hides is no different than what other publishers do. Plus, for once, I am chafing for the big-time mods. I suspect 2upt is the sweet spot for this particular game system. Can't wait to find out.
I agree with Luckystrike77. I think what has happened at release, when someone first plays Civ V, it just feels really different. Then, after more then a few games its just starts to grow on you strong like it did way back during the original Civ days. After even more games, tons of new strategies start coming around and the flow of the game all comes together. Then you quickly realize, man this game is rocking and I am beginning to feel its the best of the series. The more I played Civ V, the better it has got. My last few games were downright amazing. Not sure if anyone seen my response to a thread where I talk about having to escort my cargo ship from an island? Anyway it had the SS cockpit onboard (yes my last part) and towards the last several turns of the game, it had to travel like 5 turns across the ocean to my capital. I won a tech victory with only a couple turns left! This was epic and memoriable, and just one of those Civ moments I will never forget. Hollywood could make a movie on the way that game played out :lol: Oh and you should see my current game, it is crazy.

It was the opposite for me, as well. I'm interested in finding out how people have had such polar opposite reactions to the game. When you guys talk about Civ V I'm like "YEAH!" but then I go play it and I'm all :(
It was the opposite for me, as well. I'm interested in finding out how people have had such polar opposite reactions to the game. When you guys talk about Civ V I'm like "YEAH!" but then I go play it and I'm all :(

It really is odd that we're all playing (or were playing) the same game, but having such drastically different experiences with it. When I read about people playing having so much fun playing over 200-300 hours, I keep thinking "...doing what?!?" :p

It's cool that a lot of people are enjoying it, and I hope given time, the patches and mods will make it more enjoyable for those who aren't.
Sadly for us (but good for him) Kael is working for Stardock now, and won't be doing a Civ 5 FFH mod.


I think this is great news for both Civ and Elemental fans. The potential for both games is extraordinary, and nothing would please me more than to have TWO fantastic 4x TBS games to compete with my time over. :)

Yes, no FFH, but that does open up the door for some people to fill in that void that he left open. I am sure that there will be something converted that will share in that grand vision, even if it's not the same.

Yeah, hence no FFH3. That's why they're making a different fantasy mod (Eden), but I suspect it'll include many of the great concepts from FFH2.

As if on cue. :)
Well, even many civ5 lovers use the argument that we musst compare it with civ4 vanilla, not civ4 fully patched and with 2 expansions, since it would be unfair. And aimless clrearly specified patched and with expansions.

I'm comparing it with civ4 vanilla because that's the only version of civ4 I played. I'd had enough of civ4 before any expansions were released.

The areas in which civ5 are lacking (and I will agree there are some) are things which are not important to me, so for me civ5 is the better game.
I'm comparing it with civ4 vanilla because that's the only version of civ4 I played. I'd had enough of civ4 before any expansions were released.

The areas in which civ5 are lacking (and I will agree there are some) are things which are not important to me, so for me civ5 is the better game.

I never said that I don't belive you like it more. I got several rl friends that like it more than any civ.

But like you said, you don't like civ4. That's the point, this civ was targeted at a different audience.
Love the game also, enjoy playing it...
The Ai needs a better brain, but I refrain from using exploits and its going fine
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