Gr8 Team B The Pheonix Rising


Feb 7, 2005
Well, here we are. Since 3 of my SG's seem to have died, I can afford one more :crazyeye: .

Leha (assuming you're playing)

Civ- TBD, but I prefer agri, especially iroquois (highly underated AW civ).
Difficulty- Deity
yada yada yada

For sign up I would prefer a deity win, but I haven't one myself (but I do have a deity SG that's gonna be a victory) so just a demi win is cool. Also some AW experiance is nice.

The Variant is:

AW until 10AD. NO initial trades (didn't do any in my set).
After that peace can be signed. The catch is, no GL, so we have to make a great comeback somehow.
Just now noticed this thread. Of course I'll play.
Since I have only one deity SG win, and this variant is going to be a bit tougher than just deity, I'd like to propose to make our task a bit easier by

1) Rolling a good start (with food bonus).


2) Picking very powerfull civ ( Dutch would be nice, plus map is continents and their seafaring trait could come handy, plus if timing is good we could get our GA at 10 AD)

All this depends on who will join this SG of course.
Leha said:
Just now noticed this thread. Of course I'll play.
Since I have only one deity SG win, and this variant is going to be a bit tougher than just deity, I'd like to propose to make our task a bit easier by

1) Rolling a good start (with food bonus).


2) Picking very powerfull civ ( Dutch would be nice, plus map is continents and their seafaring trait could come handy, plus if timing is good we could get our GA at 10 AD)

All this depends on who will join this SG of course.

Why would Dutch be nice for AW? Seafaring is supposed to used to get early contacts, without that you only gain several gpt ...
lfyuan said:
Why would Dutch be nice for AW? Seafaring is supposed to used to get early contacts, without that you only gain several gpt ...

This is AW only till 10 AD. IMHO, dutch are just perfect for this variant.
1) Early contacts with other continent won't hurt us, cause they can't get us.(of course in the beginning of the game we'll have to use suicide curraghs to not reveal our continent neighbours)
2) I believe with spears we can pull it till 10 AD, and then come SM's and we get GA and sign peace.
3) The minute we sign peace we can very easily catch with AI having contacts with other continent.

Edit: BTW, Own are you purposedly changed 60% continents to 70%? It will be WAY harder than initial Greebley team A variant.
lurker's comment:
You could also try demigod. AW Demi on a large map is still extremely tough. It might allow players who are less comfortable with deity to play. I think it will still be a challenge to come back from so the basic premise of a tough end fight would still be realizable. For all I know we are going in over our heads with Deity.

I would also copy the general rules in your thread (cut and paste the basics of the variant).
I dropped out of the SG loop a while back due to massive civ burnout, but am now finding myself with an intense desire to play at least one last SG before Civ IV comes out. With that said, I'd gladly join this. I've played games of this flavor before, except that the difficulty was Chieftain, and my variant was no settling until 1000 AD :p I like this idea much better...a more difficult hole to climb out of, I think. I think Deity is the level we should go for a civ, I have no real preferences. Dutch would be fun, seems kinda appropriate for the variant somehow.
Allright Kaiser_Berger. I'm honored to play with you.

Forgot to mention the variant, though you might now it from seeing Gr8.

AW until 10AD
After that we can sign peace, but no GL.

Greebley- I think we can handle deity.

Leha- No, I always play 70% conitnents, no reason, it's just habit, but it can be changed. I would suggest Greece or Korea for their builder traits, cause half the game will be building. Greece's UU will allow ourselves low city garriso, making for quicker expansion.
Korea is good for builder ... but how do you survive in the 1st place?
lurker's comment: Your guys should go with 60% and Greece. I think Greece is the best or second best for this.
lfyuan said:
Korea is good for builder ... but how do you survive in the 1st place?
Not that hard, scientific makes it much easier starting with spears. The problem is masonry needs to be researched at 10% cause of the high tech rate for large. I agree with MP, hoplites will allow us to expand better, which is more important than a good GA.
Own said:
:lol: I was rolling starts as the iro and was wondering why I was dying, when I found I was playing sid. Now everything is right, and I've a good start that I'll post.

When you get to know how to win AWS, you will become a legend! :lol:
That was a really fun game. Lots of good luck (we were able to build the GLib really late) and the only game I know where someone has gone 1 on 1 vs a SID AI from the start and won. Other AWS wins are mostly Archipeligo.

Sumeria is THE civ for AWS if not archipeligo. On the easier difficulties it becomes less good since the GA is so useless and you don't need the instant defense.
Own said:
:lol: I was rolling starts as the iro and was wondering why I was dying, when I found I was playing sid.

Funny stuff :lol:

Iros should be great though. I remember one of the RBC Epics being based on coming back from way behind as the the game started with everyone else in the MA. It was a fun game to play, showed how powerful the UU is, especially in a situation where you're behind.
I decided to play the jags, just cause I felt like trying them for fun, and the starts not bad. I played 50 turns, we have 3 cities, two rax, 2 spears, 2 jags, 2 archers, and a settler in one.

Edit: Met Carthage, Portugal, Greece :eek: , and see orange borders (could be england or otto's or dutch). I tried to attack a crap carthage town before it got NM's, but my two vet jags died against a reg warrior :rolleyes: and the city wasn't over hills.

Edit2 :crazyeye: : researched bronze and masonry. Trying to get to catapults to get the evil pillaging hoplites.
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