Great journalism from the wall-street journal


Oct 15, 2003
The Dream

wsj said:
Syria, Russia 1; U.S., Democracy 0

You rightly conclude that the U.N. resolution on Syrian chemical weapons is regarded as a victory for Bashar al-Assad, but surely not just by the disheartened Syrian opposition but by the world at large ("Assad's U.N. Partners," Review & Outlook, Sept. 28). It is obvious that Vladimir Putin has successfully delivered a one-two punch.

He has contended that Syria's chemical weapons were merely a counter to Israel's stock of nuclear weapons, and no doubt for him Assad's undisclosed 18 chemical sites, hidden after President Obama's aborted "not a pinprick" threat, continue to be justified. And just as Mr. Putin hasn't been pushed by the West to reveal his evidence that the Aug. 21 massacre can be traced to the rebels, so the Security Council won't press him to disclose the missing sites. Mr. Putin's recent offer to send Russian soldiers to Syria to protect the inspectors sent to destroy the less than complete listed sites is meant to increase Russia's growing power in the Middle East. Further, it is clear that the Damascus massacre was intended to result in a U.N. compromise to raise Assad's stature by increasing the relative power of the extremists among the rebels, allowing Assad to frighten the West, which is fearful now that the jihadists might replace him.

A coming Geneva meeting? Forget it. The Chinese have an idiom for such a practice: "Kill the chickens to scare the monkeys."

Bertrand Horwitz

Asheville, N.C.


That is not even a news article, it is something an insane teen would write so as to pseudo-justify his hatred against others. From the title of the article one already can tell just how intelligent it would be. Now the Usa (government) is in "Team Democracy", so it does not matter if no one else supports the new bombing and death campaign.

I don't care about the lame quality of the actual article, one sees this everywhere nowdays in western countries and it is nothing new. But it does surprise me a bit that known journals can afford to be so openly mere hatemongers and nothing else, since that seems to signify that they can get away with it.

Not a good sign of things yet to come.

(You can discuss if you liked this prestigious article by the wsj, posted at full length in the quote starting the OP).
I can't really comprehend the 2-dimensional universe they're living in where a diplomatic solution to a complicated international crisis can be summed up with "Russia 1; US 0." When the compromise first surfaced I thought it'd be "thank god" for everyone, but I turn on my man Hannity and he's blasting Obama for getting humiliated and b-slapped. How do they come up with this stuff?

That is not even a news article...

Then it's a good thing the Wall Street Journal never claimed it to be a news piece, but rather obviously an opinion piece. Every major paper in America has dedicated opinion/editorial sections that are not meant to be considered news, but rather... wait for it... the opinions of the people that wrote them.

It isn't even an opinion piece by the WSJ. It is a letter to the editor from someone nobody has heard of before.

That said, it is really no different than the other tripe which has appeared in the editorial section of the WSG since it was purchased by Rupert Murdoch.
As a reader of the WSJ every day, The opinion pages are mostly crap and have been for a long time. Much of the rest of it is worthwhile. It is very pitched to those with money, but that doesn't make uninteresting. Their Saturday "Review" section is almost always a great read.
Of course, many prominent journalism authorities completely disagree with that sentiment.

Exclusive excerpts: ‘The Gestation Period of Llama (Or why I quit The Wall Street Journal)’

Once, dissent was common in American newsrooms. Today, it’s rare for reporters, or even former reporters, to speak up about what’s happening within their organizations, even if it’s about a simple disagreement over editorial choices.

Well, now one has. And not just any reporter.

Ann Davis Vaughan is a former Wall Street and investigative reporter for The Wall Street Journal, winner of a Loeb Award in 2007 for coverage of the Amaranth crackup, and was named a “business journalist of the year” by the World Leadership Forum in London (now the Leadership Forum) in 2005 (and she was a colleague of mine in the paper’s Law Group back in the ’90s). She was also one of the paper’s more productive reporters, hustling for scoops as well as longform exposés. Her Loeb, for instance, was for deadline reporting. Three years ago, she left the paper, and her “dream job,” to start her own independent research firm, Reservoir Research Partners. (ADDING: I refer to her below by her married name, Vaughan, but during her entire Journal career she was “Ann Davis” and wrote under that byline.)

In a thoughtful and soberly worded essay that becomes available ($$) today, Vaughan pulls the curtain back on the inner life of The Wall Street Journal’s newsroom since Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp. took over the paper’s parent in early 2008.

Vaughan describes a drip-drip of internal changes in management attitudes and priorities that overtook the paper and that add up to a remaking of an American institution from the inside out. This essay is about as far from a screed as you can get; she goes out of her way to be fair and dwells to considerable degree on her decision to leave newspapers altogether and apply her skills in a new way for people who will pay a pretty penny for them. But it’s all the more convincing for the reasonable way it describes how newsroom priorities at the Journal tilted away from longform narratives, in-depth investigations, and close corporate coverage in favor of more commoditized, general, scoop-oriented news.

Vaughan writes:

Three years ago, I gave up my “dream” job as a senior writer at one of the most storied institutions in journalism, The Wall Street Journal. My job was no longer a dream job, at least not for me.

The changes sweeping the newspaper business, and our new owners’ approachto the Journal, led me to make a major professional shift: I started my own independent research firm, where I now serve as an investigative reporter for a few elite investors, rather than an investigative reporter whose work is read by millions…

Not long after Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp. closed a staggering $5.6 billion takeover of our parent company, Dow Jones, in 2007, he and his deputies began publicly disparaging the investigative reporting culture that had drawn me to the Journal…The first change I noticed was that editors I respected and had worked with for years—those still standing after a purge—came under heavy pressure to simplify stories that were premised on nuanced points.

The excerpts are taken from Vaughan’s contribution to Ink Stained: Essays By the Columbia University Graduate Journalism Class of 1992, edited by JJ Hornblass, Michele Turk, and Tom Vogel. The book is self-published and on sale today at this link.

Vaughan describes the profound affects on the newsroom of Murdoch-imposed priorities, including shifting the Journal from its focus on business and economic news to general news, that is to say, news already covered by others. Sound defensible? Sure. Until you see what kinds of stories are given up in the name of chasing commodity stories. It’s always about resource allocation and editorial priorities:

News Corp.’s decision to prioritize general news over business news —despite our identity as the global business paper of record—was another reason to soul-search….Editors had begun asking seasoned business reporters to defer coverage of developments on their beats in order to track “general news” developments on hurricanes, regional crime and tabloid scandals…essentially, anything but business.

To be fair, no one asked us to ignore major news, like multibillion-dollar deals. But for lots of news that we, the staff reporters, deemed significant, the news desk argued that our Dow Jones Newswires colleagues should cover the story instead. General news had shrunk the corporate “news hole,” and these were likely to be cut to un-bylined briefs anyway, New York argued. Here was the result: a CEO might make headlines—say, revealing a downsizing or a new strategic direction at a press conference—and the wires reporter would be the only one seeking the follow-up interview, rather than a group of reporters.

One thing I learned from my Journal mentors over the years was that a beat reporter dominates her beat by closely watching news and taking every opportunity to interview multiple actors who might play a role and say something newsworthy.

And here’s more:

I do not deny for a minute that the Journal is News Corp.’s paper to run, and that the business model must change for newspapers to survive. Good for them for trying. I also still believe the Journal is a quality business publication with terrific journalists, and it will continue to be one of the few papers with long-term staying power. But it is debatable whether subscribers to a flagship business newspaper like the Journal really want less financial and corporate news. Murdoch and Thomson love talking about how journalists at establishment papers feel entitled and presumptuous. I will concede this is sometimes true. But I would turn their point around: News Corp. feels entitled to ask highly skilled journalists to produce commodity journalism, in return for a relatively low salary in a dying industry.

If talented business journalists care at all about the long-term portability of their skills in a shrinking media world, succumbing to pack journalism in the crowded general news category is no way out. It makes senior, expensive reporters expendable. That was not the direction I wanted my career to be heading…

My career shift is not necessarily good for business journalism or Main Street investing. Increasingly, investors are paying investigative reporters like me to go digging exclusively on their behalf rather than publish our findings for a wider audience. But the exodus is inevitable as newspapers offer less space, time and money for investigative reporting. At least the investment world, which is infamous for missing red flags and failing to ask painfully obvious questions, is now getting more of it.

A couple things:

When News Corp. made its unsolicited bid for Dow Jones & Co., the Journal’s floundering parent in the summer of 2007, many protested, including us here at The Audit, for various reasons. One was News Corp.’s long record of not playing by the rules, which made it an especially bad choice to own what was then still the leading monitor of corporate behavior. What’s more, some argued, the Journal might be tarnished by association with News Corp.’s other units. And what do you know?

But mostly it was that Murdoch’s conception of journalism—banalized, commoditized, tamed—would do irreparable harm to what made the Journal great, its ability to combine comprehensive business news coverage—including world-beating scoops—with literate, sophisticated, in-depth narratives, twice a day, every day, five, then six days a week.

As I wrote at the time, it’s about the stories.

Those of us on the outside looking in could only note the big changes occurring internally and try to connect them to the big changes visible on Page One and throughout the paper.

Within a short time, for instance, Thomson would push out the holdover managing editor, Marcus Brauchli, in a newsroom coup that was ignored by an editorial integrity panel set up before the deal closed specifically to prevent such an occurrence.

Then came the internal memos and discourse that shifted career incentives at the paper from longform narratives—public-interest journalism’s natural habitat—to short-form incremental scoops.
The implication of Thomson’s “llama” speech—and a preposterous one, in my view—was that somehow Journal reporters didn’t hustle. Thomson and fellow News Corp. managers also sought to pose a conflict between long-form investigations and market-moving scoops—a false choice if there ever was one. It’s well known that the former often flows from latter, and vice verse. That’s the very definition of great beat reporting. Plus, the notion doesn’t fit with the fact that, when it came to scoops, particularly M&A, the Journal was dominant.

A 2009 memo by Thomson made the new priorities explicit, a Murdochian emphasis driven home again with another memo this year, with, if anything, with even greater force in case the staff didn’t get the message the first time.

Sure enough, the result has been visible.

That’s the number of published stories over 2,500 words.

Here is where we say that, of course, the Journal still produces great work. Whether the paper is as great and as great as often as it used be is a debate for another day. But, in my view, those who think so are dreaming.
And the editorial department has taken an even greater hit as they are now mixing the editorializing with the news coverage in the same vein as Fox News and the rest of Rupert Murdoch's holdings:

Read It Here First: WSJ Becomes Fox-ified

As Nocera points out:

"Along with the transformation of a great paper into a mediocre one came a change that was both more subtle and more insidious. The political articles grew more and more slanted toward the Republican party line. The Journal sometimes took to using the word “Democrat” as an adjective instead of a noun, a usage favored by the right wing. In her book, “War at The Wall Street Journal,” Sarah Ellison recounts how editors inserted the phrase “assault on business” in an article about corporate taxes under President Obama. The Journal was turned into a propaganda vehicle for its owner’s conservative views. That’s half the definition of Fox-ification.”

And to me, the great tragedy has been the spoiling of what was once a tremendous asset. We noted the OpEd madness creeping onto the front page and then other stories 18 months ago in WSJ Jumps the Shark.

Happy to learn that it was not quite a news article, that certainly is positive... :)

On the other hand, to even have this published somewhere in their space, is a bit alarming in my view, although (obviously) not nearly as much as if it had been an actual article.

Sadly i have seen parts of US tv programs-even news programs (and other tv programs, english, or the local ones) which pretty much present opinions like the one i quoted in the op. The phenomenon of a spread of such lame arguments is real, regardless of this actual wsj bit.
"Letters to the Editor" sections of a newspaper are the 20th century version of the comments section on YouTube.
"Letters to the Editor" sections of a newspaper are the 20th century version of the comments section on YouTube.
That is an *excellent* way of describing it. Newspaper comment sections are even worse.
Opinion piece yes, but mind you journalism in America is sort of dead.

Not totally dead, but from the major's probably on life support.
"Letters to the Editor" sections of a newspaper are the 20th century version of the comments section on YouTube.
Only letters to the editor aren't anonymous.

When I was in high school, I wrote one which appeared in the local paper. Those who knew me and saw it, including a few teachers, congratulated me. When my parents found out they were horrified that I had written to the newspaper without their knowledge. But even so, my mother kept a copy and put it in a scrapbook she made for me years later.

That is an *excellent* way of describing it. Newspaper comment sections are even worse.
You must either read a really terrible local newspaper or none at all. Newspapers taking advocacy positions on newsworthy events is a main reason for their continued existence.
I remember once someone wrote a letter to the editor warning people not to leave their pets outside because people might steal them for satanic sacrifices and claimed there were numerous cases of this happening every year. This was a local paper in North Carolina.
You must either read a really terrible local newspaper or none at all. Newspapers taking advocacy positions on newsworthy events is a main reason for their continued existence.

There is a difference between editorial positions taken by the editorial board and published letters to the editor. Published letters to the editor, outside of newspapers with rather overt ideological agendas like the WSJ (and there aren't many of them), may have absolutely nothing to do with the stated positions of the editorial board, or the advocacy of the paper. It's a cheapie way to appear more "balanced" as to not scare away skiddish advertisers.

Editorials can be excellent. Those are written by actual writers. Letters to the editor are written by regular bros. They often suck.
It is really any wonder since Murdoch's News Corp bought it out?

Spoiler :
News Corporation and News Corp

On May 2, 2007, News Corporation made an unsolicited takeover bid for Dow Jones, offering US$60 a share for stock that had been selling for US$33 a share. The Bancroft family, which controlled more than 60% of the voting stock, at first rejected the offer, but later reconsidered its position.[22]

Three months later, on August 1, 2007, News Corporation and Dow Jones entered into a definitive merger agreement.[23] The US$5 billion sale added The Wall Street Journal to Rupert Murdoch's news empire, which already included Fox News Channel, financial network unit and London's The Times, and locally within New York, the New York Post, along with Fox flagship station WNYW (Channel 5) and MyNetworkTV flagship WWOR (Channel 9).[24]

On December 13, 2007, shareholders representing more than 60 percent of Dow Jones's voting stock approved the company's acquisition by News Corporation.[25]

In an editorial page column, publisher L. Gordon Crovitz said the Bancrofts and News Corporation had agreed that the Journal's news and opinion sections would preserve their editorial independence from their new corporate parent:[26]

A special committee was established to oversee the Journal's editorial integrity. When the managing editor Marcus Brauchli resigned on April 22, 2008, the committee said that News Corporation had violated its agreement by not notifying the committee earlier. However, Brauchli said he believed that new owners should appoint their own editor.[27]

A 2007 Journal article quoted charges that Murdoch had made and broken similar promises in the past. One large shareholder commented that Murdoch has long "expressed his personal, political and business biases through his newspapers and television stations." Former Times assistant editor Fred Emery remembers an incident when "Mr. Murdoch called him into his office in March 1982 and said he was considering firing Times editor Harold Evans. Mr. Emery says he reminded Mr. Murdoch of his promise that editors couldn't be fired without the independent directors' approval. 'God, you don't take all that seriously, do you?' Mr. Murdoch answered, according to Mr. Emery." Murdoch eventually forced out Evans.[28]

In 2011, The Guardian found evidence that the Journal had artificially inflated its European sales numbers, by paying Executive Learning Partnership for purchasing 16% of European sales. These inflated sales numbers then enabled the Journal to charge similarly inflated advertising rates, as the advertisers would think that they reached more readers than they actually did. In addition, the Journal agreed to run "articles" featuring Executive Learning Partnership, presented as news, but effectively advertising.[29] The case came to light after a Belgian Wall Street Journal employee, Gert Van Mol, informed Dow Jones CEO Les Hinton, about the questionable practice.[30] As a result the then European Wall Street Journal CEO and Publisher Andrew Langhoff was fired after it was found out he personnaly pressured journalists into covering one of the newspaper’s business partners involved in the issue. [31][32] Since September 2011 all the online articles that resulted from the ethical wrongdoing carry a Wall Street Journal disclaimer informing the readers about the circumstances in which they were created.

The Journal, along with its parent Dow Jones & Company, was among the businesses News Corporation spun off in 2013 as the new News Corp.
There is a difference between editorial positions taken by the editorial board and published letters to the editor. Published letters to the editor, outside of newspapers with rather overt ideological agendas like the WSJ (and there aren't many of them), may have absolutely nothing to do with the stated positions of the editorial board, or the advocacy of the paper. It's a cheapie way to appear more "balanced" as to not scare away skiddish advertisers.
Ah. So that is what you meant by "editorial comment". You can understand my confusion given the topic of this thread and the fact that "editorial comment" includes editorials written by the editors of a newspaper, op-ed articles, and letters to the editor.

Editorials can be excellent. Those are written by actual writers. Letters to the editor are written by regular bros. They often suck.
"Actual writers" as opposed to authorities who often write letters to the editor in response to news articles or editorials which appear in the newspaper?

Granted, many letters to the editor are written by "regular bros" which "often suck". But to dismiss them all on that basis is absurd. That is particularly true given that you apparently read this forum.
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