Gwennog's France - Philippe II Auguste for Vox Populi

Just played a game (lvl 6, large, standard) with this civ, and cruised to a relatively easy victory.
Spawned 7 tiles away from Rome (which would have been an immediate restart for me in the past, until I recently discovered on this forum that an Archer raid is a powerful and relatively easy way to kill early dangerous civs nearby, even when targeting a peaceful game), but killed him quickly and then with just a powerful but peaceful Austria and a stupid Spain in immediate proximity I easily reached 7 cities mid game (including Rome and 1 from Spain) and 10 before Industrial. So a lot of place, a lot of landmarks, combined with the bonuses from GPP I reached a Culture Victory before the end of Modern era.

Chevaliers are powerful and the experience gained with Joust helps build powerful lancers and landships for later wars.
Very strong civ for Tradition, pleasant game.
Cool, thanks for the feedback.
I'm working on lowering the power a bit, I think I'll set the UA bonus to 20 or 25% as many have advised me. I'd also like to replace the Salon with another building (Grande Ecole) to have a less resolutely cultural civ and a little more open.
Hello sir, thank you for this mod.

I don't know whether I'm the only one, but including this mod in my mod list removes Napoleon's France from available civs.
Thanks to you.

I don't know whether I'm the only one, but including this mod in my mod list removes Napoleon's France from available civs.
It's normal, there is only one France :lol:.

You can still play with both France by removing this line from the file GW_France_GameDefines.sql

UPDATE Civilizations SET AIPlayable = 0, Playable = 0 WHERE Type = 'CIVILIZATION_FRANCE';
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