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Hello CivFanatics.com - I'm a newbie

The Emperor

Feb 6, 2002
The Roman Empire
Hello Civilization Players!
I am a new guy, just joined the board. I see you have a very nice online community here, and I'd love to join. I've played Civ for only a month, but I think I'll have much to contribute to this site in the future.
Hello newbie!

So did these kind of threads get banned or is it just that no one should reply if they are going to be nasty or just spamming etc. There was a new member threads ages ago but that is no more...

Btw this could become the new newbie thread.
Oh, I'm sorry, if this kind of thread is not allowed I'm terribly sorry and I ask the admins to delete it.
It's just that the title of the Off-Topic forum is 'Discuss ANYTHING that doesn't belong in other forums'... So I thought...
Its okay, these threads normally disappear in about a month.

Since your names emperor, I think you may as well know that after posting ten replys, you can get your own signature title under your name. Its the easiest way for you to gain the title emperor!

Yeah, lets ask a mod to make this the 'newbie thread'! and have links to the other forum areas, a sort of information center or code of conduct area.;)

Corn doesn't like them, but I don't mind.

Welcome aboard. ;)
Ave imperator!Moritarus te salutat!(':D')

Welcome!I like the Romans as well.

Can change my subtitle after 10 replys?Cool,will do this right now.
Welcome, Emperor :king:

Given the number of emperors, dictators, kings/queens, and general masters of the universe we have around here, you may find you need to be a bit more specific about just what you are emperor of...

just kidding

So, if you're a new player, I assume you're playing Civ III? One of those evil, nasty b@stards who actually owns a computer it will run on? Make no mistake, I will track you all down and have my revenge someday:mwaha:

Okay, I've been working too long :crazyeyes: I'm going to go now, and work at my *other* job (what fun!)

Once again, welcome emperor. Enjoy your time in the forum :goodjob:
Thanks guys! I really appreciate the support.
Why won't you make an Introduction forum, where we can put threads like this? I've seen it on many boards
Hi emperor!:) Hope you stay around here at cfc we are always looking for people to play chess, disscuss history, debate, and ofcourse talk about civ with. See you around.:cool:

As to why the mods dont like newbie threads, well they usually turn into spam fest but I think this ones on topic. But there already is an offical returning/arriving thread buried in here somewhere.
Greetings sirrah, and a good day to your imperial person. We are most amused to encounter other royalty in the region.:) :goodjob:
Originally posted by Leowind
Welcome, Emperor :king:

So, if you're a new player, I assume you're playing Civ III? One of those evil, nasty b@stards who actually owns a computer it will run on? Make no mistake, I will track you all down and have my revenge someday:mwaha:

it's not worth it. civ3 sucked[punch]

EDIT:I don't own this website, and i own no websites at all:D
well, it seems we didn't scare him off by demanding payment, he's averaging 3.5 posts per day. so i guess those of us who made trouble didn't do anything too bad:blush:

hmm, this is the first time i've looked for a particular smiley and not found it. we need a relief smiley!
Hi thread also don't bother me as not everyone replies to them and not everyone makes one (mostly since PC was hidden, thank God).
While the ownership posts don't bother me as much they do smell of spam.

Welcome The Emperor, may your time at CFC be filled with joy and ...other things.
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