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How important is music in your life?

How important is music in your life?

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I listen to music quite a lot, usually just in the background. At work the radio is always on, so I'm able to listen to stuff there. I don't go out to live gigs as often as I would like, but I absolutely love hearing them, be it in person or via album purchase etc.

And it's always good to have the right music on for the right game. Rhapsody works remarkably well with Mario Kart, while Pink Floyd make excellent Civ music :p
Kan' Sharuminar said:
And it's always good to have the right music on for the right game. Rhapsody works remarkably well with Mario Kart, while Pink Floyd make excellent Civ music :p
I like the Gladiator Soundtrack for Civ, although it tends to lead me into making war with people I shouldn't :spear:
Music is a big part of my life in kind of an odd way. Although I don't listen to it all that often, I always have one song or another running through my head and I can't get it out, or even change the song. So I always have music with me wherever I am.
Considering music is my minor, it is practically my life. I play Euphonium and Trombone on a regular basis, but also play, with vaying levels of compitency, Trumpet, French Horn, and Tuba. I alwaya listen to music when I am in my car, and always at home. The kind differs between what I am doing: if i am driving, then i roll down the windows and blast my classic rock. If I am at home, then classical or wind band helps me to concentrate doing my work. Its funny, because it's not chamber music, its the exciting instrumental music, like the New World Symphony or Marche Slav.
Even when I'm at work or a friend's house, I am always, and i mean always, singing or whistling orhumming something, a song is always in my head. And yet I am incapable of writing even the simplest of my own songs.
In short, I could not live without music.
PrinceOfLeigh said:
I like the Gladiator Soundtrack for Civ, although it tends to lead me into making war with people I shouldn't :spear:

Aye, that's why I'm very careful. I never have anything fast-paced or epic, like Queen or The Lord of the Rings soundtrack unless I need the boost of energy to wage war or somet. They're fine for games like Football Manager or Counter-Strike though, they're both pretty much all-out war. :D
I like music a lot, but generally only listen to it during borings tasks like uni work, cleaning, transit,...
When i game, i usually turn the music off. Playing a shooter with Wagner music in the background is great though, as long as your opponents don't know how to shoot. ;)
colony said:
I do have an irrational need to listen to music almost constantly, and it's got as far as silence seeming really strange when I'm not listening to music.

I love gigs too, I do prefer small ones though. Manchester Academy is about the right size (~1200 capacity I think), but I don't mind bigger venues as long as the sound quality's good. I just wish those Scandanavians would come to the UK more often:(
Yeah I always feel a bit wierd if i've gone a few hours without hearing any music!:crazyeye:

BTW, do you ever go to Jilly's in Manchester? I have a friend who goes fairly often duing uni time.
Hardly important at all. I probably could go the whole week without music and not realize it. I don't listen to much music, and can't play any instrument. When I do listen to music, it's when I lack writing inspiration, and then it's only movie soundtracks

So I'm not your typical teenager. ;)
puglover said:
Hardly important at all. I probably could go the whole week without music and not realize it. I don't listen to much music, and can't play any instrument. When I do listen to music, it's when I lack writing inspiration, and then it's only movie soundtracks

So I'm not your typical teenager. ;)
I didn't listen to music hardly at all intill I was about 15 when I started hearing my rock music whilst about with my friends, and now at 21 i'm obsessed!:crazyeye:

British radio and so forth basically ignores metal/rock, so I never heard much of it intill friends from school exposed me to it.
Music seems to be life for me. I play several instruments regularly. I listen to music all the time. I spontaneously play drum beats for no reason, often without really consciously deciding to do so. I also seem to be incapable of not writing music, though I almost never technically write it down.
I mostly listen to music in the car. At home, my guitar is never too far away. I also try to see live bands as often as possible
I like music a lot.
I dont do music.
I always listen to music, sometimes I can't sleep because I got a song stuck in my head. Sometimes I write rick songs. And starting next month, I will be having to play my trumpet 3+ hours a day. So my life is pretty much about music.
I have never had music as hobby, never have played an instrument, hardly go into concerts unless invited by friends, don't listen to radio and I hardly buy any records.

But still music is important part of my life. I have certain collection of music and I visit library often. It keeps my thoughts flowing.

Music is the ultimate getaway experience for me. Among with good books and movies.
I couldn't live without it.

I've managed to play a lot of instruments, even though right now I don't play any. Over the years I have become fairly good at drums, baritone saxophone, bass clarinet, alto saxophone and the piano.

I also listen to a very eclectic variety. Hip Hop, Jazz, Heavy Metal, Techno, Vocals. I dig all of it, so long as it doesn't suck.

I'm not listening to music at any given moment, but I always have a song or two running through my brain, and such like that.

I have debated picking up the baritone saxophone and the drums again, because it was quite fun.
ComradeDavo said:
British radio and so forth basically ignores metal/rock, so I never heard much of it intill friends from school exposed me to it.

I got lucky (is that really the right word though?:mischief: ), I think, growing up hearing metal. I still didn't really listen to music at all until sometime in year 9.

BTW, do you ever go to Jilly's in Manchester? I have a friend who goes fairly often duing uni time.

I'm there occasionally on Fridays, but generally at about 3am it's time to make an escape before the good music completely stops:p

Saturday's are all about Rock Kitchen, but I'll have to wait until September to go to either.
PrinceOfLeigh said:
True, and I try to watch those as often as possible. By stadium gigs I include places like the MEN which holds about 15,000 IIRC. As I said, I'm not John Peel so I've never heard of Midnight Oil, Hunters & Collectors, Nick Cave, Porkers, Bad Manners, Strange Tenants, etc, etc. :sad:

Bad Manners are a ska band from the 80's, they were fairly popular at the time, the rest? Don't know?

Ring any bells:-

Special Brew

I love you, yes i do
'cos i know that you love me too
I love you, yes i do
gona spend all my money on you

everyday when i say, that i'm not gona take anymore
its ok, don't go away, i feel bad when you're closing the door

I love you

Need some more, to restore all the feeling that i get from you
i want more, give me more, all i want is a barrell of you

I love you, yes i do
'cos i know that you love me too
i love you, yes i do
gona spend all my money on you
woh woh woh woh

(trumpet instrumental)

I don't care, when they stare, at the way that i'm always with you
we're a pair, it's not fair when they say we're a special brew!
woh woh woh woh

I love you


Everyday, when i say, that i'm not gona take anymore
it's ok, dont go away, i feel bad when you're closing the door

Need some more, to restore all the feeling that i get from you
i want more, give me more, all i want is a barrell of you
woh woh woh woh woh woh woh
I think for most people the way they relate to music changes throughout their life. For many people in their teens and early twenties it is a source of personal identity. As you get older it is just something you listen to. When I was younger I played guitar in a band and lived in a city where seemingly everybody else my age was doing so as well. As time went on it meant less and less to me, it seemed like a silly thing for a person to organize their life around. If it wasn't for the fact that my entire cd colletion is on my computer I problably wouldn't listen to much music as home these days, more out of laziness than anything else. I tend to listen to music on the radio in the car.
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