How important is music in your life?

How important is music in your life?

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As you can see from my avatar I am into Axe music (little accent over the e pronounced Ashee and ussually called bahian music in the U.S.) I play in a band about 2 hours a day (Vagabundos) all of our songs are in portuguse/spanish and english to an extent and we are probably going to start playing more at our high school football teams games in the stands (there is at least 5,000+ people at every game)
I voted for "Music is life."

I listen to music constantly. I'm listening to music right now. I play music a lot, too.
I love that store. Musician's Friend has been good to my university music program, and my blues band, Aces High
ComradeDavo said:
Some people are obsessed with music. Others are bemused as to why some people are obsessed with music. Some listen casually, others listen constantly. Some get actively involved, others enjoy just listening.

How do these things apply to you?

Until recently, I didn't get into music much except for turning the radio on while driving. Then, I got an iPod for my birthday, and I can't get enough of it. The idea that I could store ridiculous amounts of music on it and play any song on a whim fascinates me. Also, the quality of the sound is amazing! Once I had an iPod, I opened up an iTunes music store account and began reminiscing about all the music I remember while growing up. Suddenly I remembered that I always loved music, but my family was too poor, when I was a kid, to afford any kind of music system, like a stereo or boombox. I was forced to listen to music as it came from others' systems. So since then, I've been downloading songs like crazy. At one time, I was downloading almost 20 songs/week! Now I've calmed down a bit, but I'll still continue to download songs. I feel that my cultural experience has been greatly enriched.
Music is part of every facet of my life. I'm into politics (anarchist) and punk got me into it. I'm into anti-fascism and punk got me into it. I believe in free love, and punk got me into it. I go to punk shows 3 times a week. Most of my friends are punks. If i'm hanging out at a party, we're going to be listening to punk...and maybe some underground hip hop. Punk's what I grew up on. It shaped me to an unbelievable extent.
Very important.
I listen to music all the time, mostly scandinavian metal...
colony said:
I'm there occasionally on Fridays, but generally at about 3am it's time to make an escape before the good music completely stops:p

Saturday's are all about Rock Kitchen, but I'll have to wait until September to go to either.
Cool, well I may be popping up sometime when my friend is there (he's back in Bath for summer at current).

Drewcifer said:
I think for most people the way they relate to music changes throughout their life. For many people in their teens and early twenties it is a source of personal identity.
That is a good observation:)

Pyrite said:
Music is part of every facet of my life. I'm into politics (anarchist) and punk got me into it. I'm into anti-fascism and punk got me into it. I believe in free love, and punk got me into it. I go to punk shows 3 times a week. Most of my friends are punks. If i'm hanging out at a party, we're going to be listening to punk...and maybe some underground hip hop. Punk's what I grew up on. It shaped me to an unbelievable extent.
I wish there were more 'real' punks aorund these parts, most of the so called punks in Bath are really just scene kids.
I'm not really a music person. Although I am extremly talented as using it as a medium to annoy people if needs be.
Joeb Wk said:
Although I am extremly talented as using it as a medium to annoy people if needs be.
Are you one of those persons who "share" their music "taste" with anybody unlucky enough to drive in the same bus by turning the volume of their walkman up real high? ;)
One day i shall strike back at them and sweep away their noise polution with Wagner's "Ride of the Valkyres". One day...
Even if you don't like music, you gotta like John Coltrane.
"I wish there were more 'real' punks aorund these parts, most of the so called punks in Bath are really just scene kids."

I've heard that, and it's disapointing that the UK punk scene is so crappy compared to what it used to be. Although we can all say good riddance to the sex pistols..heh. I hear the phillipines is the craziest place for punk as of now. Who'd a thought?
I have a mental condition that means I can actually *see* music ( This means I really enjoy it, but if I'm doing anything else at the same time I tend to completely screw it up because I'm so completely distracted (listening in a car, if I drove, would be a serious risk). However it also means that going to live performances is absolutely incredible; often I find myself in the interval of a concert being given funny looks, as I have just spent the first half sitting gazing at the ceiling with my eyes closed and a spaced-out expression on my face.

I'm into music that creates images for me to interperet in my brain. I don't really enjoy modern popular music at all, having the words pumped into me in a normal human voice kindof brings the whole thing down a notch and makes it less supernatural an experience. I don't have the same problem with Opera though, often because I can't understand the words anyway... anyway, I particularly like the works of composers such as Schoenberg, Britten, but also older composers. Pretty much anything really.
I'm not much of a music person at all. I really don't listen to much music outside of what comes with the video games I play. Often times i'll listen to music from some of my old favorite games just to sort of enjoy the nostalgia.
I'm deaf and this thread offends me. ;) j/k

I like music alot. At one of my boarding schools we were not aloud to have sterios or even radios. I felt very estranged not being able to listen to the new music that was coming out. The new kids who came in sometimes sung stuff (mostly rap) that was being played on the outside and I memorized a few songs before I ever heard them on the radio, weird right?

My MP3 player is one of my favorite gadgets. Music has the power to change my mood faster than almost anything else. :)
Figaro, LSD sometimes does that to me. You are very, very lucky.
Pyrite: You' so' funny.
Pyrite said:
"I wish there were more 'real' punks aorund these parts, most of the so called punks in Bath are really just scene kids."

I've heard that, and it's disapointing that the UK punk scene is so crappy compared to what it used to be. Although we can all say good riddance to the sex pistols..heh. I hear the phillipines is the craziest place for punk as of now. Who'd a thought?
I know a punk band (7 Crowns) that toured in Indonesia and they said the kids were going mental over there:)
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