Idea for Religion: Holy City States

The holy city of Christianity is Jerusalem, not the Vatican.

It is, but Vatican has grown in almost if not greater importance over the millenia - but only for Catholics. So, ok. Jerusalem for Christianity as a whole.
You can do (C) as © with Alt+c, as well with ®, with r and ™ with h.
Also, I like your idea.
Plus this city-states would call for crusades to the nearby civs or city-states.

Thank you - now corrected. Wouldn't want someone stealing the idea on a technicality! :lol:
As an idea for implementation, switching to a religion could open a Social Policy tree dedicated to that religion, which is mutually exclusive with other religions... and possibly other Social Policies.
Great idea ! :goodjob:
I think that piety/rationalism tree should affect your relationship with the religious city-state (of your religion). While piety policies will make them happy but rationalism would make religion less important in later eras.
I don't see how it would detract from the player's fun. Especially if the religions are founded at the very start of the game
What if religions are founded at different times. Earlier religions will spread slower while late religions like Christianity & Islam will quickly spread over to compensate with that. And the personality of different religion leading city-state would be different. Christian one for example will more easily launch crusades etc. :hmm:
What if religions are founded at different times. Earlier religions will spread slower while late religions like Christianity & Islam will quickly spread over to compensate with that. And the personality of different religion leading city-state would be different. Christian one for example will more easily launch crusades etc. :hmm:

That might work but would have to be carefully balanced. For example, if Islam is founded in the 7th Century and everyone already has a religion at that point, what would happen? Would it just be destroyed? Or would it be strong enough to convert everyone else? Personally I think the simplest and most transparent way would be for all religions to be founded in 4000 BC.

Firaxis would probably decide to make all religions equal again to avoid any 'offense'. It would be interesting which holy city states were Friendly/Neutral/Hostile/Irrational. That could lead to some PC issues. :mischief: Although, it could just be random...
Great idea ! :goodjob:
I think that piety/rationalism tree should affect your relationship with the religious city-state (of your religion). While piety policies will make them happy but rationalism would make religion less important in later eras.

What if religions are founded at different times. Earlier religions will spread slower while late religions like Christianity & Islam will quickly spread over to compensate with that. And the personality of different religion leading city-state would be different. Christian one for example will more easily launch crusades etc. :hmm:

2 good suggestions for how to implement it.

However I don't like the idea of knowing that since you start next to Vatican you know that in a specific year christianity will be founded there. And before the relgion is founded what are the benefits from the city state then?

Any ideas to solve the above problems?
The thing is I don't think I'd mind if religions affected relations a lot. The main problem I saw in civ 4 was that the player himself was completely unaffected by the AI's religion and the disparity that this created.

Yes, that was the main problem. There was a bit of "you have declared war on our brothers and sisters in the faith" unhappiness, but nothing major, and you could solve that with the culture slider anyway. (In Civ5 that could be a far more powerful mechanic with no easy ways to temporarily raise happiness during war.)

With an independent holy city, you could have the "pope"* excommunicate you with the appropriate penalties if you declare war on a fellow religionist.

Major question that still remains to be solved is what happens if a civ takes over the holy city? Of course the "pope" will rally the other civs of that religion in his defense, but if they lose? Everyone just obeys or will there be a schism?

* That assumes that we use the Roman-Catholic church as the model, as they are the only major religion with a strong central leader, although they are a bit of an exception.
I love this idea, however:

Major question that still remains to be solved is what happens if a civ takes over the holy city? Of course the "pope" will rally the other civs of that religion in his defense, but if they lose? Everyone just obeys or will there be a schism?

I was thinking the same thing. What happens if a civ conquers the holy city? Maybe it could be semi-autonomous, but still part of your empire? Or maybe it could be like what Puerto Rico is to the U.S. This would have to have a solution, or else you could just conquer holy cities, and end up just like Civ4.
However I don't like the idea of knowing that since you start next to Vatican you know that in a specific year christianity will be founded there. And before the relgion is founded what are the benefits from the city state then?

Any ideas to solve the above problems?
There should be multiple candidates for holy city of a certain religion so that you are not 100% sure that your neighbour city state is going to become a holy city. After all in ciV gameplay > realism. ;)
I love this idea, however:
Major question that still remains to be solved is what happens if a civ takes over the holy city? Of course the "pope" will rally the other civs of that religion in his defense, but if they lose? Everyone just obeys or will there be a schism?

I was thinking the same thing. What happens if a civ conquers the holy city? Maybe it could be semi-autonomous, but still part of your empire? Or maybe it could be like what Puerto Rico is to the U.S. This would have to have a solution, or else you could just conquer holy cities, and end up just like Civ4.
Penalties for the civ following that religion or maybe holycity shifts if it remains under foreign rule for too long.
There should be multiple candidates for holy city of a certain religion so that you are not 100% sure that your neighbour city state is going to become a holy city. After all in ciV gameplay > realism. ;)

I like that idea and thought about it myself, but what is the function of a holy city city state, when it doesn't have a religion. Earlier I proposed that all cultural city states could become holy citities and that way change their "type". Maybe it shouldn't be limited to cultural city states.

Another issue, the numer of religions should depend on number of civs. I hated when playing small maps with a few friends in civIV that there was plenty of religions for all of us.
I think there are a thousand ways you could implement this, but if firaxis were to do it it would probably be simple, I think that would be just fine.

You could do it this way:

1) Some city states are holy cities and religions.
2) They can ask you to convert to their religion as a favor.
3) Being in teh same religion as a city state gives an influence bonus to that city state, and a penalty to city states with an opposing religion.
4) Crusades could be announced, you can combat bonuses against civ with the opposing religion.
I love this idea, however:

I was thinking the same thing. What happens if a civ conquers the holy city? Maybe it could be semi-autonomous, but still part of your empire? Or maybe it could be like what Puerto Rico is to the U.S. This would have to have a solution, or else you could just conquer holy cities, and end up just like Civ4.

A few ideas: 1) Make it so that you get more benefits from an independent holy city than a conquered one; 2) Have a happiness penalty for multiple religions (at least until the later eras) to deter player from capturing rival holy cities; 3) When conquering a holy city, every civ of that religion could unite against you to liberate the city; 4) If other civs can't liberate a holy city, other followers of the faith could 'schism' and form a new holy city (giving something like Protestant and Catholic, or Sunni and Shi'a).
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