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Idea/Project : Vox Populi 3rd and 4th Unique Components

What do you think about adding new unique components to the civilizations of VP ?

  • I think it is too soon : balancing VP should stay the priority for now

  • I consider that VP is quite balanced, and I don't want new UC to hurt the balance

  • I think adding new UC would be an error : two UC per faction is enough, period

  • A lot of work will have to be done, but I'm not against the idea

  • I think it is a good idea : 2 UC per civilization is not enough for me

  • My opinion is not represented by the responses above (so I'll describe it in the comments)

Results are only viewable after voting.
By the way how about the Campus Martius idea? Instead of the Harpago? Something that kind of acts to really anchor Rome, giving a buff to land and sea units produced there and bonus sporatic buffs of Culture in the city? With the UA Rome is all about building an impressive Capital something that turns it into a lynchpin rewards conquest but most specifically helps Rome develop a ****ton of Culture for Social Policies in the Early game. The UW I proposed helps the navy and army by granting a promotion to units coming out of the city and pushes Rome to pump out more and more buildings there.... The Roman Navy according to Wiki was kind of MEH... basically based on the strength of Dockyards etc... and as such Something that's static would proly make Rome for fun to play against a bigger challenge and similar to history when they begin to crack they can crack completely...
You want my personal opinion? I don't think Rome needs 3 unique buildings/improvements/wonders and we should probably let them have 2 military units.

That being said I'm not 100% sold on the ship. It is a fun idea, but melee ships are just so worthless.
Found one? Praetorian Gaurds...? Honestly from what I've read on Rome and all of that I really think they do. Perhaps a barracks replacement like a Roman Ikanda. Essentially Rome Steamrolled through the Mediterranean military wise they were Undefeatable.

The reason for that was their Economy. If anyone should be getting 3 Unique buildings/Improvements/wonders it should be Rome. Balance? Yeah actually it would wind up quite balanced Rome still has its vulnerabilities. Think about the Zulu they have a total of 2 UB, 1 GP and 1 UM. The Roman Army was if anything powerful for its regimentation and organization. Their ability to pump out GG with the Arenas is really strong in and of itself. With 1 of Each they are quite balanced after all the Inca have basically 3 UM. Inca is basically known by historians as the Rome of the Americas.

Rome as a culture was significant because of their building foundations, and governmental structure. Something like a UW that happens to grant a promotion but aid in culture generation is more than fair. Latifundium is okay in fact it sounds quite good in a game however I really don't know I still think something like a powerful UW gives them that buff they need to make them competive.

Look at Portugals Coimbra, or Etkem from Babylon that stuff is INSANELY powerful. imagine late game 30 scaled in a 8 city industry empire that's 90 times age in marathon you are basically looking at pumping a buff of what +270 science per investment pumping out buildings up the WAZOO. or Coimbra that's crazy SP its like having a second liberty TREE.

Some of the UW are SUPER powerful balanced yeah but powerful nonetheless.

A Campus Martius that grants
+10 per construction of a building
+10 per production of a unit or something would be completely balanced.

With Persia imagine how much extra culture a 20 civ empire is getting from popping a great person now that as a buff that's a quite sizable amount of culture. Now look at Rome they moved from Kingdom to Republic to Empire in a short time basically in Civ we are talking almost knocking out policy trees Fast. If anything Rome is remembered for being builders most of all. If possible I could try to learn how to mod to make a separate UW for Rome like an alternate that can be swapped out like the way the other 3/4 had extras too. (personally if I was going to overhaul rome I would do)
1UB replacing Barracks adds promotion Legion allowing units to greate Roads and combat bonus for adjacency
1 UB replacing amphitheater granting bonus culture or perhaps a rework of basically like a Cultural aqueduct refunding part of the cost of adopting a policy or when built reduces the cost of social policies by a %
1 UW I guess Campus Martius or the Pantheon
1 UW Senate replacing school of Philosophy
Found one? Praetorian Gaurds...? Honestly from what I've read on Rome and all of that I really think they do. Perhaps a barracks replacement like a Roman Ikanda. Essentially Rome Steamrolled through the Mediterranean military wise they were Undefeatable.

The reason for that was their Economy. If anyone should be getting 3 Unique buildings/Improvements/wonders it should be Rome. Balance? Yeah actually it would wind up quite balanced Rome still has its vulnerabilities. Think about the Zulu they have a total of 2 UB, 1 GP and 1 UM. The Roman Army was if anything powerful for its regimentation and organization. Their ability to pump out GG with the Arenas is really strong in and of itself. With 1 of Each they are quite balanced after all the Inca have basically 3 UM. Inca is basically known by historians as the Rome of the Americas.

Rome as a culture was significant because of their building foundations, and governmental structure. Something like a UW that happens to grant a promotion but aid in culture generation is more than fair. Latifundium is okay in fact it sounds quite good in a game however I really don't know I still think something like a powerful UW gives them that buff they need to make them competive.

Look at Portugals Coimbra, or Etkem from Babylon that stuff is INSANELY powerful. imagine late game 30 scaled in a 8 city industry empire that's 90 times age in marathon you are basically looking at pumping a buff of what +270 science per investment pumping out buildings up the WAZOO. or Coimbra that's crazy SP its like having a second liberty TREE.

Some of the UW are SUPER powerful balanced yeah but powerful nonetheless.

A Campus Martius that grants
+10 per construction of a building
+10 per production of a unit or something would be completely balanced.

With Persia imagine how much extra culture a 20 civ empire is getting from popping a great person now that as a buff that's a quite sizable amount of culture. Now look at Rome they moved from Kingdom to Republic to Empire in a short time basically in Civ we are talking almost knocking out policy trees Fast. If anything Rome is remembered for being builders most of all. If possible I could try to learn how to mod to make a separate UW for Rome like an alternate that can be swapped out like the way the other 3/4 had extras too. (personally if I was going to overhaul rome I would do)
1UB replacing Barracks adds promotion Legion allowing units to greate Roads and combat bonus for adjacency
1 UB replacing amphitheater granting bonus culture or perhaps a rework of basically like a Cultural aqueduct refunding part of the cost of adopting a policy or when built reduces the cost of social policies by a %
1 UW I guess Campus Martius or the Pantheon
1 UW Senate replacing school of Philosophy
Giving them another unique building just means that the Latifundia needs to be scaled down to match it and then you end up with two lackluster economic uniques and no military ones.
Rome already has a UM As far as I'm aware the Roman Military was basically fielding aside from Legionaires highly organized basically generics.

Equites were basically light cav only important because they were highly regimented

Ballistas Greeks were using to...

Latifundium doesn't even necessarily seem holistically THAT powerful. maybe I'm thinking on continents or an earth map but can't be next to a city or next to each other means only a few and they don't seem that much stronger aside from production than like a town.

The UW I was proposing practically was a military unit. It provides a promotion for units built in the city asides from simply Morale. and the buff pretty much culture seems a little fair or perhaps what I was pushing was OP...

The original proposition was
a promotion to land and sea units created there that grants basically an additional like +10% symbolizing basically like praetorian guard or whatnot (that's basically as powerful as a UM except every unit created from there is practically a UU.
Then a culture buff.

Although I do see your point

Theres the Dalmation Calvary
Palatini Calvary
Oh and my building idea there was also the Ludo literalus (considering most people who play this are economically to the right)
Replaces writing school
No limit
+1 culture to amphitheaters
1 GW
No great writer points
(Encourages Rome to Expand like crazy and rewards them for it definitely plays the role of Forum in fact as a UB provides more of a fitting manner to Rome because it rewards them for building and means (rather importantly) slows the acquisition of great writers (as rome saw Philosophy etc... as something more pertaining to Grechis centers) Definitely captures the essence of the landed gentry and Romes lack of establishment of public education and it feeds the amphitheaters (representing the forums themselves) In a small Rome its actually rather pathetic but a big Rome its VERY powerful and fits the way that as Rome expanded its governmental structure became more sophisticated meaning more social policies more adaptation. (honestly even though Latifundium is VERY good and awesomely designed this actually fits Rome and the essence of its economic system better than a UI. It fits the concepts of villas and the stasis for Rome at an earlier stage of economic development. If it would be too weak then +1 culture to amphitheaters and +1 to Arenas would actually work.

Honestly if I would Change 1 thing I would swap out Latifundium for this... AS INSANELY awesome and cool as Latifundium is this TRULY feels like Rome. 4 cities and its a decent amount of culture but 20 cities and its power is VERY good. Which is similar to the Arena. Not OP because its comparable and REQUIRES development in order to be powerful.

Triumphal Arch
Replacement for courthous
can be built anywhere
+5 Culture whenever a unit is produced
+5 production whenever a unit is produced

UGP Praetor (great general replacement/Great diplomat)
Can be expended for culture like writing a political treatise
+15% production of military units when Garrisoned and at war
+15% culture in city when at Peace
+10% empire wide combat strength when not garrisoned

(Personally I think Praetor is the best idea for a 3rd component for Rome)
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Been monitoring this thread. Really like the concept of more unique specifically made for VP, but if I may, I'm just going to throw my 2 cents in for a few of them.

Spoiler Trailblazer :

UC - Trailblazer (replaces Settler) :c5citystate::c5moves::c5food::c5science::c5production::c5gold: : never becomes obsolete ; +1 PM +1 Sight ; ignores terrain cost ; when founding a city, will claim a number of tiles equal to 3 times the ordinal number of the era you're in minus 1 (so 0 tiles in the Ancient era) and with a maximum of 10 tiles (so 6 tiles during the Medieval era, 9 during the Renaissance era, + the normally claimed tiles of the Pioneer if your upgrades the Trailblazer, but these last ones can't be stolen) without taking into account if they are already claimed or not (obvious diplomatic penalty to be expected) ; the founded city will have these buildings for free if you've researched the technologies required : Granary (Pottery), Council (The Wheel), Wall (Construction), Forge (Iron working), Caravanserai (Currency), Workshop (Civil service) ; makes a Worker appear next to the founded city when expended.

This seems counterproductive to America's current build. America shouldn't have anything that helps them claim tiles because they need those tiles to purchase for production (It's a similar problem I had with the Louisianna Purchase decision from Events and Decisions, but that wasn't too bad as it felt entirely optional). The additional effects like free buildings or an immediate worker also seem too strong as the former can remove dozens of turns of production for developing civs by your mid game, and the latter removes dozens of turns of production at your early game, because workers are pretty darn expensive.

I think a good replacement would be something that complements the current UA.
Spitballing one: UB: Saloon (replaces Grocer), or Ranch replacing itself with something earlier: +2 gold for every luxury improvement in the city. +10 production for every tile you purchase
More gold for buying tiles, which are now even more valuable when they're less plentiful.

This one I just stole and altered from the America thread: UB: N.A.C.A. (National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics) Center: Replaces Research Lab.
EDIT: The research lab already has 1 Scientific Specialist slot, so I took the proposed +2, turned it to +1, and added a production bonus.
Adds: +6 production. +1 Scientist Specialist slot. +25 XP to all air units built in this city. Free spaceship factory after reaching the Information Era.
It's a bit of an odd choice seeing as America is culture first, science second, but having this plus the XP bonus for aircraft units would lead to a nice well rounded setup.


Spoiler White Tower :

UW - White Tower (replaces Hermitage) :c5strength::c5culture::c5gold::greatwork: : available at Steel ; requires a Castle in the city to be built ; +10 CP in the city in which it is built ; +1 :c5culture: for every 2 :c5citizen: in the city (instead of "for every 4 :c5citizen:") ; still 3 Great Work of Art of Artifact slots (+5 :c5gold: AND +5 :c5culture: if themed with WWA of your civilization but of other eras than the one you're in) ; -50 % spy steal rate in the city.
=> England, specialist of espionage, should also be the specialist of counter-espionage. With this building, your most populous city (usually London) will be more protected and can reject enemy spies (usually of players choosing Statecraft) before the Renaissance era. Moreover, you have an early Hermitage on steroids to fill with some great works if you want (so it gives the same feeling as the real Tower of London : a fortified tower/prison AND a museum for precious artifacts)

The White Tower is by no means bad. In fact, I probably wouldn't mind it being added. But with England's strong focus on production, military, and...I guess science thanks to her ability to steal. A culture building, especially a hermitage replacement doesn't seem like the best choice. I'd go for something that aids in gold, so, spitballing again:
UW: Royal Exchange (Replaces Hermitage): Loses the +10 CP, but has no museum requirements, and produces +1 :c5culture: AND :c5gold: for every 4 :c5citizen: in the city.
Honestly, my first thought was making this a East India Company replacement, but then I realized DUH, that was made in England, so I just stuck it with the hermitage as the Royal Exchange was a huge tourist trap and is currently filled with all kinds of shops and offices. There's only one however, so it certainly shouldn't be a bank replacement.


Spoiler Barbakan :

UB - Barbakan (replaces Armory) :c5war::c5strength::c5culture: : requires a Wall in the city to be constructed ; +3 CP to city ; units in the city heals 10 HP per turn whether or not they take an action ; units trained in the city gains the "Medic I" promotion ; +2 supply cap instead of +1 ; +2 :c5culture:.
=> Inspired by this mod from mikeburnfire

Poland is an absolute juggernaut at culture due to it's free policies. Accordingly, I don't think the Barbakan should be removed, but rather, altered to turn the +2 :c5culture:, into +2 :c5production:.

Anyways, these are my 2-cents. There were a couple others that I were a little iffy on, but these stuck out to me enough to say something about.
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I am very surpised you had a problem with trail blazer (sounds a little early but I definitely think it fits. White Tower really think it ought be in there (maybe its just I want it in there typically play ygamep and don't want to see them wiped out so fast like they always are... by the celts)

perhaps giving white tower ANOTHER SPY? instead of reducing spy stealing rate or what not.
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I am very surpised you had a problem with trail blazer (sounds a little early but I definitely think it fits. White Tower really think it ought be in there (maybe its just I want it in there typically play ygamep and don't want to see them wiped out so fast like they always are... by the celts)

perhaps giving white tower ANOTHER SPY? instead of reducing spy stealing rate or what not.

White Tower's okay in my book. What I mentioned is just an alternative, but like I said, I wouldn't mind if it stayed. I do have a problem with the Trailblazer though. Maybe I'm being too harsh, but it doesn't seem like the best fit for America's UA and all those free buildings seem too strong...and it's not the most interesting historically speaking, but now I'm nit picking. (I also have a veeery slight bias towards the N.A.C.A. Center because it seemed neat when it was first proposed. :mischief:)

I firmly stand with my statement on Poland though. Their UA is super hardy and I will kill them on sight if they get any more culture.
I firmly stand with my statement on Poland though. Their UA is super hardy and I will kill them on sight if they get any more culture.
It's +2 culture on a pretty awful medieval era building, I don't think there's any problem with that at all to be honest.
Lol man Vietnam has the culture +60% by industrial.

That's the kind of thing a POLISH person would say. :trouble: But maybe you're right.

I concur its kind of a little weak... This is supposed to be Poland... if anything Poland should be getting a culture building...
Ohh, maybe Sejmik a constabulary that provides a increase in great person generation and culture and gold whenever a policy is adopted. Remember Poland is the country of Prussia, The Commonwealth, the Templar Kingdom etc... the Sejmiks in the 14 15 century were instrumental in creating a Poland that was even larger than Russia. Plus Poland needs more policies anyways they are low on culture production and should be completing more policies anyways (little joke there) but seriously a building that grants culture and gold for adopting a policy actually really would fit Polands flava flav


Reduces Crime (-50%).
Reduces enemy spy stealing rate by 33%.
Provides +10 culture (scaled with era) +10 gold (scaled with era) whenever a policy is adopted
+25% great person rate

Sejmiks were basically governance councils.
Shoshone need a new UM considering the got raider again.
Perhaps brave...? Tertio replacement weaker combat strength (by a lot) with extra movement and give them a UP a MASSIV/E combat boost when attacking and the ability to hit and run.
Shoshone need a new UM considering the got raider again.
Perhaps brave...? Tertio replacement weaker combat strength (by a lot) with extra movement and give them a UP a MASSIV/E combat boost when attacking and the ability to hit and run.
Weaker base CS is never a good idea.

Besides, I'd rather see something medieval or earlier rather than renaissance maybe a longswords replacement or a crossbow replacement?
Maybe a melee horse-unit if you're into that hit and run thing.
Well you see the unit I was thinking of since now the Shoshone have their Comanche back.

Braves. basically a unit with a MASSIVE attack bonus and the ability to mount up by stealing horses. Something late renaissance to kind of really show how the Siux brought horses to the plains from the Spaniards. with basically a unique promo allowing them to hit and run.

By the way what you think of Sejmik?
Well you see the unit I was thinking of since now the Shoshone have their Comanche back.

Braves. basically a unit with a MASSIVE attack bonus and the ability to mount up by stealing horses. Something late renaissance to kind of really show how the Siux brought horses to the plains from the Spaniards. with basically a unique promo allowing them to hit and run.

By the way what you think of Sejmik?

I think it seems fine...FOR A POLAND LOVER. But yeah, it seems like a good UB. I already had my speel about Poland culture, but I could accept it being added.

Also, I like Braves from a conceptual standpoint, but execution of the concept may be a little difficult. That said, I say go for it.
Yeah. but at the same time in comparison its less powerful than the Persia one, plus works SUPER good with its ability synergy. no base culture and comes later so its not OP.

yeah the braves would be tough.

Another idea would be war chief. a GG replacement that has the ability to retreat and grants a negative modifier to nearby enemies.
Braves. basically a unit with a MASSIVE attack bonus and the ability to mount up by stealing horses. Something late renaissance to kind of really show how the Siux brought horses to the plains from the Spaniards. with basically a unique promo allowing them to hit and run.

See, this is just actual history and locationbias. If there were wild horses in the Americas they would probably have used them before the arrival of Europeans.
(There was in the last ice age :p) but no I know your point. how about Lancer replacement with extra movement and extra attack and can hit and run... (lots o calvary but the Shoshone were horse people)
(There was in the last ice age :p) but no I know your point. how about Lancer replacement with extra movement and extra attack and can hit and run... (lots o calvary but the Shoshone were horse people)
I'd pick an earlier one instead, Lancer is active at the same time as Cavalry.
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