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Ideas, Requests, and Feedback

Feedback: Excellent submod in the spirit of the original, I really like all the new things to discover and master. I am glad that after all these years there's still an active community working on this, as this game is one of the last left over worth putting time into nowadays in my opinion.


regarding forts, castles and citadels:

Therefore I'd suggest that the highest tier of the fort, the citadel, at least gives some sort of yield improvement, like 1 :food:, or even 1:food: and 1 :hammers:, or whatever you seem as appropriate (extra bonus with feudalism). The yield increase should be inferior to a specialized improvement, like f.e. a mine, but should still make that plot a little bit better than as if nothing was on it. As the player pays 1 solid gold for the fort commander, and leaving forts empty is just an invitation for a wolf rider swooping in and claiming it, I think this would not be unbalancing. Furthermore I'd like to suggest that the highest tier of forts also gives access to at least some crucial resources, so the AI will not have a fort on, let's say an iron deposit, and cannot use the iron beneath it. No chance for spreading or discovering, just access to this resource to the trade network. This might be unbalancing, maybe for multiplayer, which I don't do, but as far as i have observed the Ai will not neccesarily remove a fort from a resource even if it's the only one in their territory. Military resources like horses, copper, iron, mithril come to my mind there. A player will always try to get the full bonus from it, especially when this resource is next to a city anyway. Anyhow, I put this up to debate.

I agree with you here.:goodjob:

regarding resource discovering:

It has been said before, but obsidian discovered in mines is not so good. The reason why is that you will only discover resources you have already the tech for. So if you start building mines right away there is a high propability you will get stone, marble or obsidian before you have the tech for iron or mithril.
Alternatively the discovery rate of stones and such could be lowered.

Okay sorry for the long post, and all the typos I haven't found and I hope for many more years of mod goodness :)

As far as I'm aware, mines no longer let you discover obsidian, and mithral, iron, bronze would still not be visible if you don't have required techs. I'm not sure about marble or stone though...
I think he's saying that if you don't have the tech to discover iron you won't have a chance to uncover it. It would be nice if there was a chance to uncover it 'behind the scenes' and when you learned the tech it appeared in that location.

Obsidian is still popping under my mines in the latest addition, which apparently I can't use.. gr.
Pardon my recent lack of presence around these parts.

I had noticed Coyote had released a fully working War Wheel, Valk what are your plans for it and its stats/abilities and such? =D
We'll be including it, likely as a siege unit. Relies on a new unittype, though, so won't be in for some time. ;)

Ah so it wont be the Mechanos "knight" replacer and what would come after the Dragoons, were you thinking it would be a fast hit and run type thing?
I think he's saying that if you don't have the tech to discover iron you won't have a chance to uncover it. It would be nice if there was a chance to uncover it 'behind the scenes' and when you learned the tech it appeared in that location.

Obsidian is still popping under my mines in the latest addition, which apparently I can't use.. gr.

Yes that was what I tried to say, sorry if that was not made entirely clear. I have thought a little bit more about this and maybe there is an easier way around that effect than specialized buildings. If the discovery rate of resources would be adjusted according to their position in the tech tree the mass discovery of early stuff like stone, salt, marble and shrooms could maybe be toned down. I want to say that the early discoverable resources need a lower chance as the higher ones as the mines are longer there and therefore the timescale for discovering such resources is longer. I am not very mathematically adept but if I am not mistaken statistically this is not a pure coin flip situation. Although the chance for the "coin to flip" is equal for some resources the lenght of the game differs and the earlier resources do indeed have a higher chance of discovery. Maybe this is a thought error, but if I roll a dice for 100 times my chance of getting a six has to be somewhat higher than if I roll it just 5 times... (... or at least in one case I have a chance of getting 100 sixes while on the other hand I can get max 6 sixes, yes that sounds more correct statistically)

Correct or not, I know at the moment i try to build as few mines as possible before I get kilmorph mines just to avoid having too much stone, salt, marble and shrooms.

By the way, how is it possible that sometimes a shroom spawns upon a discovered resource by event? I did not check but wouldn't this "overwrite" the original resource? Shrooms are boni right? Or can 2 boni be at the same plot at the same time if it's done with an event?
i recently switched to your mod because I don't like the new wildmana master of mana as much as old wildmana and they wont let me dload the old wildmana anymore... your mod actually seems better than wildmana except that it crashes a fair amount. it crashes when I load games. A small question: I have a commander with field medicine ii, so that heals 3 of my units. But giving field medic to a unit in a stack doesn't seem to heal the whole stack like it does in vanilla civ. how do I heal a whole stack? Also, why is Council of Esus good at all in your mod? It seems by far the weakest. No priests and none of the advantages it has in wildmana. Shadowriders are far out on a research branch not often useful for the kind of magic/recon civs who most benefit from C of E. With no religious buildings the only bonus seems to be invisibility within borders and a few weak promotions? am i missing something?
I'm afraid you're not missing anything. The CoE is pathetic atm.

And for faster healing you should use priest units, they can take medic promotions and have a heal spell.
are you serious? they won't let people download the old wildmana anymore?
I guess it's more like there aren't any download links anymore since they have all been replaced with MoM.

I think it would be just as hard to get your hands on RifE 1.0.
what about spells. It doesn't seem like the AI uses them much. This gives the human a HUGE advantage. They don't fireball me, they don't summon much.
Even with nonmagical units, they don't attack my cities in a concerted way, not like they do in vanilla Civ. Does the AI get confused by all the new units or terrain or something?

is there a patch that makes it crash less on loads? it also sometimes crashes when you try to exit to main menu.
is there a patch that makes it crash less on loads?

Sounds like a memory allocation failure. There's not much the developers can do about that. I think there was a partial solution found, but I forget what it was.
does this mean I need more memory, or need to run fewer programs in the background?
Search the forum for "MAF fix" or "Memory Allocation Failure Fix"
true about Rife 1.0 ... but Wildmana pre=MoM was my favorite.

I mean, its 2 completely different games. I don't see why they can't link both MoM and WM :p
It's the same mod, it just changed names. ;)
I wouldn't say that Torugu. A lot of people seem to say it plays vey differently, and I don't think people would still be after Wildmana 8 if MoM was just the same thing.
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