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Ideas, Requests, and Feedback

I can live with that.:agree:

But maybe instead of being at tech level they could be one tech behind(warriors instead of axemen for example at bronze, but they move to axemen when you get a tech requiring bronze working)? Barbarians can pretty much appear at any given point, and most players(in particular me and many noobs to RiFE) don't like a stack of the most advanced units possible popping up near a city that has maybe 1 or 2 weak defenders because it is a far off colony or only near 1 or 2 land tiles. I mean its ok for a horde of units popping up in these places(I really didn't even have much of a problem with the drown that spawned on a mountain 10 tiles into my territory), it just would be more bearable for most people if the barbs didn't have their own little "a-teams" running around. How many wandering barbs have access to cutting edge tech anyway, so it kind of makes sense from a certain standpoint. Maybe, numbers could be increased to make up for lower tech barbs?
The Civilopedia seems to be so much quicker in 1.31 than in 1.30.
Was there something changed in the new version?
About the worldbuilder promotion page:

You can fix it if you remove the "Mekara Order" module from your active module folder.
I didn't track down what is causing the problem with the module (because I don't need them) but maybe it is similar to the event issue (patching stuff)...

(The other modules seems fine, no problem with them.)

Btw, the BannorChainofCommand module can't be deactivated without getting an error message.
Ah, that tells me enough that I may be able to fix it. I assumed it was a core issue.

Normally an issue like that means a promotion is goofed. It would show in the pedia if not hidden, but when I turned off all bEffect/bGraphicalOnly tags in the core files nothing showed wrong in the pedia. I'll check out the Mekara
Not sure where to put this, but there's a tiny bug with the Dural. Their museum cannot be built, and it says "unique building to the grigori".
Since Mihuatl is agnostic how could he ever possibly be able to choose his favorite civic: sacrifice the weak, huh?
She can't, and it will be changed. She comes from Orbis, where the Cualli are part of the Mazatl civ and are not agnostic.

Emphasis on "She". :mischief:

ah, finally a hermaphodite civ leader. Hmm, I always thought he-she would be in the balseraphs or make an appearance as a certain OO hero.:mischief::p

changing to slavery?:confused:
Yeah Valk, you should pay more attention to furry porn. The bestest there is ;p. Not that lizards are furry.. but they still count for some reason or other... anyyyyway.

The hamstalfar catapult units are much too powerful. The enemy archers were not able to withstand a single volley from the catapult resulting in -80% defense strength defenders. My recommendations are the following: Reduce their ranged attack by 1 and bonus vs city to 100%, Remove their ability to get higher than Barrage I and give them city raider (rather than assault). This should give them a starting attack of 4 vs 3 and allow both units to grow to about 6. Double these values for the tier2.

The extra damage limit is enough to make them useful but their real strength comes from the ability of their commanders to give them archery promotions. Which would make them off the wall insane with 600% damage bonus vs cities.

On to the recon with melee weapons. Honestly I didn't find this to be overpowering but the 3 movement and reduced cost compared to the same unit type of that level made them a no-brainer. It's possible they are fine the way they are but it might be more flavourful to give them -1 strength and +1 attack strength on grasslands and plains. Scouts wouldn't get this promotion but should be restricted to bronze weapons.

Overall really liking the trade focus with them. Was there any reason for giving their capital +3 city radius?
On a side note barbarians are managable now as are the animal spawns. Had some crazy vigil spawn pretty early and disrupt my expansion, but he was leashed so it made him an interesting guard.
I like the idea of stronger barbs and stronger animals being leashed.

Maybe certain features/ dens could have a leashed STRONG animal, but only spawn weak ones ... (animal would spawn with the feature/den I suppose)
Feedback: Excellent submod in the spirit of the original, I really like all the new things to discover and master. I am glad that after all these years there's still an active community working on this, as this game is one of the last left over worth putting time into nowadays in my opinion.


regarding forts, castles and citadels:

I noticed that the AI will often put a fort right next to their cities, even if these cities are not in danger of being attacked, aka in the middle of their territory. This does give it a slight economic disadvantage over a player, who maximizes all his plots. The effect is not very strong, due to the other growth and economic boni it gets, but it's still bugging me somehow. AI needs all the help it can get :)

Therefore I'd suggest that the highest tier of the fort, the citadel, at least gives some sort of yield improvement, like 1 :food:, or even 1:food: and 1 :hammers:, or whatever you seem as appropriate (extra bonus with feudalism). The yield increase should be inferior to a specialized improvement, like f.e. a mine, but should still make that plot a little bit better than as if nothing was on it. As the player pays 1 solid gold for the fort commander, and leaving forts empty is just an invitation for a wolf rider swooping in and claiming it, I think this would not be unbalancing. Furthermore I'd like to suggest that the highest tier of forts also gives access to at least some crucial resources, so the AI will not have a fort on, let's say an iron deposit, and cannot use the iron beneath it. No chance for spreading or discovering, just access to this resource to the trade network. This might be unbalancing, maybe for multiplayer, which I don't do, but as far as i have observed the Ai will not neccesarily remove a fort from a resource even if it's the only one in their territory. Military resources like horses, copper, iron, mithril come to my mind there. A player will always try to get the full bonus from it, especially when this resource is next to a city anyway. Anyhow, I put this up to debate.

regarding resource discovering:

It has been said before, but obsidian discovered in mines is not so good. The reason why is that you will only discover resources you have already the tech for. So if you start building mines right away there is a high propability you will get stone, marble or obsidian before you have the tech for iron or mithril. To somehow circumsail that problem I'd like to suggest a different resource finding mechanic. Workers can build a set of improvements, specialized in finding resources. For mining stuff and stone it would be a "geologist expedition" , for deer, fur and that like a hunting expedition, for metals a metal expedition and so on. This improvement has the same growth mechanic as a fort, so in three stages it grows from the smallest form to the improvement needed for extracting that resource. For example "Hunter expedition" to "hunters outpost" to "camp" or something along these lines. That would prevent that the Ai builds this structure and then "forgets" to build an improvement over it once the resource is found. This structure could have a "fort commander" in it, that costs 1 gold, and has a very weak defense, so the player would have to guard it (AI maybe if that guy is set as a "worker" mechanic). The structure has a higher propability to find something than the random mechanic now (maybe 2.2k instead of 1.75). The only thing I can't figure out is how to kill the "proprietor" fort commander, once the building reaches it's highest tier, aka the improvement end state. But he is optional, and can be left out.

What I want with this is more control of finding resources where you want them and less random popup of stone which demands the removal of the mine and the building of a quarry. And of course a better overall chance of finding minerals instead of other resources that come earlier in the tech tree. And more effort involved of actually finding these resources, up to a point that not finding that resource would be bad in the long run, risk is fun:lol:

Alternatively the discovery rate of stones and such could be lowered.

Okay sorry for the long post, and all the typos I haven't found and I hope for many more years of mod goodness :)
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