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Ideologies that just annoy you.

The fact that a lot of people do respond to proselyting, and do end up joining, is proof to me that it is not at all true that everyone is fully informed about all religions and have made an informed decision not to join any given one.
Peace activism. Sure they talk the talk but then they'll start a riot and whine that the police were too harsh. Don't think I forgot Seattle '99!
Most ideologies that seem to be full of hate. And those that emphasize the them vs. us whenever possible (doesn't matter if 'them' is foreigners, the other sex, atheists, religious people, etc.).
The fact that a lot of people do respond to proselyting, and do end up joining, is proof to me that it is not at all true that everyone is fully informed about all religions and have made an informed decision not to join any given one.

No one's saying that. But, from looking at someone there's no possible way to know how much they do or don't know about religion. So it behooves you to make a quick judgment on how much they know and assume you know so much more that you can 'enlighten' them in some way. Which I find rude.

Just like you've made your decision that there is a god and you have a moral code to follow, I've made my decision that there isn't and I have my own moral code. So unless there have been any huge scientific breakthroughs, I don't think there's much anyone can change about that.
Well, and if I were forcing anyone to listen to me, then, yeah, it might be rude. If, on the other hand, I merely invited people to listen, and then if they didn't accept, didn't insist on it, but did teach those who did . . . well, that's what I do. Well, did, anyways.
Oh, and I'd also like to point out that I hate those people who wear 'headset' cellphones and only start talking when they're at the urinal next to you.... freaks me the hell out.

That would be an awesome ideology.
Well, and if I were forcing anyone to listen to me, then, yeah, it might be rude. If, on the other hand, I merely invited people to listen, and then if they didn't accept, didn't insist on it, but did teach those who did . . . well, that's what I do. Well, did, anyways.

It's the personal type that irks me, the kind that run up to you off the street and strike up a huge discussion. If someone left a sign out in front of their church that read "Come in (random day) night if you want to learn more about X" that wouldn't be so bad. Not even "hey I want you to consider joining my church".

But walking up to me telling me "God loves you! He made the world y'know! Etc!" isn't doing much. As if I haven't heard that already in my life. When people think they can just wow you with their pre-arranged Sunday school lessons and make you convert it gets annoying.
The fact of the matter is, some people do convert. No one can predict how any given individual will respond. Yes, most will insist that they are already perfectly aware of the message and don't want to hear it (even though they aren't), but you can't really fault someone for not being able to foretell the future.
No, you can't. But you can fault them for pretending they know a thing about people they've never met. The point is, they don't know how much I do or don't know about anything, they can't know unless they know me, or have super mind reading powers. So, the only polite course of action would be to keep it to themselves unless someone comes up of their own free will.
On the contrary. A lot of people prove to be quite willing to listen, and quite happy that they did.

It is hardly tolerance to say that it is all well and good to think something, as long as you don't try to share it.
Just try to share it with people who want to hear it. If they really care to hear it then they'll be the ones listening. And the people carrying on with their lives are the ones who don't.
You guys are both right. I don't see any problem with sharing "good news" with people, I've recommended Buddhist books to people before without feeling like I'm pushing a religion. It's really helped me and I hope other people can find the same englightenment I have. The key thing is that you stop bugging someone when they express to you that they don't want to be bugged. It's incredibly rude to try to push your religion on someone that has said "thank you, I'm not interested".
Nazism. Especially when teenagers pretend to be evil nazis.

I know one guy, who thinks that he's Aryan. The problem is that he's neither Indian, nor blue-eyed and strong. :lol:
The key thing is that you stop bugging someone when they express to you that they don't want to be bugged. It's incredibly rude to try to push your religion on someone that has said "thank you, I'm not interested".

That is, I think, the key. As missionaries, we weren't supposed to try to beg or argue people into listening to us. Besides being rude, it was a waste of time and inefficient - or as we called it, "less effective".
I'm fairly critical of a broad range ideologies. However, I respect any ideology that ultimately pursues freedom and prosperity for all humans. Any ideology that seeks to deliberately destroy human life and liberty, or favour certain group of people over another, is reprehensible, and such ideologies are many.
The ideology that Americans are the best nation on the world and that they control everything.

The ideology that Bulgarians and other Balkan nations are still in the stone ages!
Gah! Bulgarian? How the hell did you get onto our internet?!

I hate the belief that one should follow rules instead of doing what's morally right. Much like churches refusing services to gay soldiers. Why must you uphold silly and outdated rules that benefit pretty much no one at the expense of others is ridiculous.
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