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Ideologies that just annoy you.

hardcore feminism
and if theres any ideology that assume rape is ok that one.
Everything mentioned above plus ecologism, radical feminism and euroscepticism.

ecologism is the engine of future

- Nationalism
- Nazism
- Femenism
- Full Blown Anti-Communists (We'r not all the same, just because we have the name Coummunist doesn't make us all evil. argue that point!)
- Religious Fundamentalists
- Religious Peoples Who attempt to Convert others to (Insert Religion)
- Atheists who Attempt to Convert others to Atheists and/or Preach about there being no existence of a God or Gods (It gets annoying, STFU)

Oh, and I'd also like to point out that I hate those people who wear 'headset' cellphones and only start talking when they're at the urinal next to you.... freaks me the hell out.

I think you have an ideology antiotherideology ;)
Religious fanaticism
Fanatical atheism
The school of thought that blames video games for all problems in today's youth

And finally...
Sabanism :p
Anarchy. Seriously man, you'd have to be a moron to be an anarchist. Or a pre-pubescent teenager who doesn't know any better.

Many learned people of science and philosophy have identified themselves as anarchists.
Libertarianism. To me, it's basically "being a five year old" dressed up as an ideological viewpoint. It's a denial of moral responsibility, selfishness made into an eternal, unalterable principal.
To be fair, many libertarians have a genuine belief in their principles, but I often get they impression that they just haven't brought their beliefs to their logical anarchistic conclusion. (The same can be said for many socialists, of course, but their ideology, at least, doesn't lead one to the sort of selfish behavior that libertarianism would.)
A lot of people don't realize they want to hear something until after someone else introduces them to it. That goes for music, and it goes for religion.

are there people running around on the streets and knocking on doors making people listen to some particular type of music? no, because it would be annoying...
I hate communism. Not the good kind where people move to a commune and volunteer mind you, I mean the bad kind where its forced onto everyone else.
Do you hate environmentalism or do you hate environmentalists? Big difference.

To tell you the truth, I do not know the difference. I guess it is the one that the government and media are having a heyday scaremongering on, whichever of the two that would be (and so I am guessing that could be the Environmentalists)...
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