IFR Gunships!

Dec 17, 2005
Swamps of Houston
Stupid me! I just a couple of days ago upgraded some cavalry and moved the gunship to a spot where I thought it would take several turns to arrive. To my disbelief the gunship went 10 tiles (aka bunnyhops). I then discovered that they can go a total of 12 on roads. So gunships are faster than fast workers even! They are now very effective in conquering the New World on the Terra Map! Therefore, I propose that this new supercharged whirlybird gunship unit be called IFR Gunship, because they obviously are relying on visual navigation to fly along roads.:D :lol: :crazyeye: Maybe they can fly under the ice. Has anyone tried?
i was pretty excited to realize that in the newest patch, gunships got road + rail movement boni. try worldbuildering a commando promotion onto one and watch him cruise through the warzone at breakneck speed!
It should be "VFR" if they are using roads for navigation not "IFR".

VFR stands for Visual Flight Rules and is used when a pilot uses visual clues and dead reckoning to maintain his flight path.

IFR stands for Instrument Flight Rules and is used when a pilot uses instruments(duh) to maintain headings, and altitudes when visual conditions do not permit you to do so.

Also under IFR the pilot is in contact with ATC at all times where this is not always the case under VFR.

Sorry, but I'm a commercial pilot and I had to clear that up.
How nice to see an authoritative clarification from a qualified person !
However, gunships in Civ4 are a sort of illegitimate crossbreed between land and air units, and quite clearly have their own curious rules. Can a real helicopter fly farther by following the line of a road rather than a railway or directly across country ? Are gunships irresistibly attracted down to water, like golf balls, and so have developed a protective refusal to try flying over that strange material ? And why in the name of reason can they go farther per move by road than by rail, unlike every other unit ? If there are routes from A to B both by road and rail, which do they choose if one selects "go to "?
maybe because on a railroad or road they are driven... istnt that the same with all units....

a tank on a railroad in the game gfoes faster because it is moved on train... i guess...but in that case it should be a set amount and shouldnt be dependent on the unit's movement points... in the game on a rail road units move like 1 tile = 1/10 of there movement points so with a gunship...its movement its like 4 MP soit moves faster

in conclusion on a railroad there shuld be a set amount of MP whether iit is a tank etc...the units MP should be irrelavent to MP on a railroad

havent thought of that before
My IFR reference is to an old joke by, at least really old, pilots to mean "I fly roads". Rules? We don't need no stinkin rules? (Reference to Treasure of Sierra Madre - a movie worth seeing.)
They should have a set number spaces that they can travel on roads & rails!
The reason is that the Gunship is no longer self propeled because it is being carried by a train or a truck, therefore they are only able to go as far as the vehicle that is carring them can go.:)
I don't know if that is possible! I have not begun to Mod yet.
So OK, a train can travel 10 tiles, and a Gunship on that train also does 10 tiles. But if, as may well be the case, there is a road parallelling the railway, then a Gunship following the road can go 12 tiles. The question remains; which does it actually do ? The quickest way of doing a long journey would be 9 tiles by road (using three movement points) and 10 by rail (using the fourth), but can this happen ? Presumably yes, if the steps are done under manual control in the sequence given, but using Go To ? Does moving a unit less than 10 tiles along a railway use up all its movement points ?
an what if one gunship on railways leaves st. louis at 4:15 am, travelling 45 miles per hour, and one on roads leaves albuquerque ar 6:44 am travelling 37 miles per hour? what time do they meet?
naterator said:
an what if one gunship on railways leaves st. louis at 4:15 am, travelling 45 miles per hour, and one on roads leaves albuquerque ar 6:44 am travelling 37 miles per hour? what time do they meet?

Please no more math problems, I just finished studying for finals:crazyeye: :crazyeye:
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