O r d e r s
1. While watching yet another historical program, Yavor embarrassingly fell asleep. This wasn't all that bad, however, as it was about longbowmen. The word "Yeoman" had stuck in his brain, and he dreamt of glorious adventures as a, well, boy who fires a longbow at dastardly bandits. And so thus, as of now, Yavor's title is "Yeoman"
2. But every Yeoman needs his weapon. For Yavor, it was obvious - a longbow made out of yew wood for about five years. It can't miss, also. Because it's a longbow. And this is England.
3. Finally, it is time to convince the Prince, Brian, that his cause is noble and just, and that he should totally vote for him as the class representative. There is just no reason not to.