INES II: Gone is the Old Guard

To the American Republic, The Confederacy
From Deseret

We wish to propose that baseball be resumed among us. It was America's pastime, and it should continue to be so. But with new leagues and possibly rules.

We shall form the Western League, comprised of teams from Deseret.
The Northern League, or the American League, comprised of teams from the American Republic.
The Southern League, or the Confederacy League, comprised of teams from the Confederacy.

Each league will play among themselves, to determine 2 champions of their league, then there will be a playoff between all 3 leagues consisting of 6 teams. As is:
Confederacy-American Republic
American Republic-Deseret

Then from there the teams will face each other in a best of 7 match. The Victor then goes on to meet the next victors;


Then the two remaining champions will be determined in another best of 7 match.

The Championship Game, or World Series, shall then be held. Best of 7 here determines the Champion of Baseball for another year.

Such a proposal would make the people happy.

Is this acceptable?
To: Chicago Pact
From: Argentina



We were ABOUT to apply for membership in the C.P. (on the premise that we would get aid packages and money presumably paid in oreos), however we canNOT in good conscience occupy a pact alongside a communist country like China! We demand that China be stricken from the rolls, or even better yet, burned from the rolls, or even betterest yet, vaporized from the rolls.
To: Chicago Pact
From: Argentina



We were ABOUT to apply for membership in the C.P. (on the premise that we would get aid packages and money presumably paid in oreos), however we canNOT in good conscience occupy a pact alongside a communist country like China! We demand that China be stricken from the rolls, or even better yet, burned from the rolls, or even betterest yet, vaporized from the rolls.

From: Iberia (in the name of the Chicago Pact)
To: Argentina

Talks have already been going on in the Chicago Pact regarding China's status. The main proposition is for China to be given the status of Associate nation, and there is other proposition to have them give all its citizens basic rights and write a democratic constitution.
@-✩-: Please clean out your inbox if you want a longer response than this one sentence, although I'm happy with what you've sent.

(8/22 orders in)
Of course you can try, the question is whether countries will join...

Nations like Pakistan express some interest.

To: Indonesia
From: Morocco, Islamic Courts Union, Sudan, Arab Umma

If you are willing to spearhead a fair and independent Islamic organization, we will all join.

The Indonesian Empire proclaims the founding of Dar al-Islam, the House of Peace. All full members willing to join are to come to arms in mutual defense, and cooperate in technological advancement through decision making and agenda setting in public forum. Allahu Akbar.

Official Flag of Dar Al-Islam

The Indonesian Empire will be investing 1 EP into the research of Equipment this turn and will share this advance with all her allies.
To: Indonesia
From: Tunisia

We would prefer to remain solely in the the Comintern.
You have a standing invitation to Dar al-Islam in the future if you are so inclined.
To: Indonesia
From: Pakistan

We would have no interest in this organization so long as you are allied to India via your affiliated status with the Comintern.

As both the Indonesian Empire and India are only affiliate members of Comintern, we do not believe any direct military links exist between us. Please inform us if you are willing to reconsider.
To: The Chicago Pact
From: Great Britain

Since China has been removed from your pact, should any nation choose to sponsor our membership, we are willing to enter into this grand alliance of Democracies.
To: Indonesia
From: Pakistan

As long as you agree to never aid India against us, we will join.

OOC: Is tech sharing between both Dar al-Islam and the Comintern in effect?

Also, your image dosen't work for me. That's a full circle.
Xavier Suarez is a personal fan of baseball, and your proposition is a grand one, in his eyes. This will promote unity and bring happiness to thousands. The Confederacy's baseball team shall be the greatest. You're going down, Deseret! You too, Feds!
On the matter of sports, all NPCs vote for Iberia for any potential 2002 World Cup. No other nation wants the hassle right now, though all NPCs will send teams unless further noted.

Since all nations that are important to the possible baseball leagues are PCs, the Mod will stay quiet on that matter for now.

EDIT: Pakistan agrees to be part of Dar al-Islam.
Welcome! (I need something less generic to say, but I suppose this aside covers it.)
Football is a decadent bourgeois sport of capitalist-imperialists.

True Communist men hunt, swim, ride horses, fish, and wrestle Siberian tigers. True men like Comrade Putin.
Great, I will set up a social group for the 2002 world cup in INES II. It will be where nations vote for the city, and the results. Imigo, you'll be in there of corse!
To: Chicago Pact
From: Argentina

As long as China does not have full-membership, being communist as they are, then we hereby apply for membership in the Chicago Pact.
Don't keep on spamming new groups bestrfcplayer, it'll move too much of the NES away from the thread itself.
More importantly, we're not 100% sure if we even want a World Cup yet.

To: Iberia, Anyone Else Interested
From: Football Clubs of All NPC Nations

Are you willing to host a 2002 World Cup? Our countries sure aren't. Our governments are sure something will go wrong.
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