My State religion was Christ... I went with the inquisitor in a my city with ONLY ISLAMIC FAITH and him Removed Islam and put inside Christianity in a single action! Is this normal???
Unfortunately, as the mod stands now, inquisitors have the same capability as Missionaries.

Missionaries and Inquisitors have opposite rolls to play in the battle for the hearts and minds of the people.
1. Missionaries are religious offensive units used to spread or proselytize a state religion into other cities throughout your civilization. You can proselytize your state religion into the other foriegn cities, if you have an open borders agreement with that civilization.
2. Inquisitors are religious defensive units used to eliminate/remove any non-state religion that may exist in any city throughout your civilization. The capability to remove non-state religions in any foreign citiy should not be possible unless two things exist:
The foreign civilization has the same state religion as you.
The foreign civilization has an open borders agreement with you.
The inquisitor, as it is now, is too powerful. It is not historically accurate to give the Inquisitor the capability to spread the state religion, as that is the job for a missionary. The inquisitor's roll should be limited to removing non-state religions from a city where your state religion already exists. You cannot go to a city and have an inquisition trial, when your religion is not already established! That is why there should be a requirement for the pre-existence of your state religion in a city before an inquisitor can be used to remove rival religions. That means sending a missionary first to establish the faith.
I have removed the capability of the Inquisitor to add the state religion. Again the inquisitor's roll is to remove NOT ADD a religion. I do like the religious victory condition, which is achieved when your religious influence has spread to 70% of all cities in the game. That is an outstanding way to reward religious unity and it increases the importance of both the missionary and the inquisitor units. BmMarnz, I applaud your idea.

However, much more needs to be done to fix the problems with the inquisitor unit. One problem I came accross was the button to execute the inquisition, comes on in a city that has your state religion established and no rival religions exist! Obviously the button should not light up under those conditions. The second problem was the capability to add a religion. As I said, I removed that capability by commenting out the three lines that perform that function in the CvEventManager.py file. The third problem I noticed is that there is no message that pops up, similar to the missionary, to indicate the success or failure of the inquisition attempt. Lastly, The capability to remove non-state religions in any foreign citiy should be possible only when the two conditions I specified earlier exist.
Bottom Line is: This is a cool mod, but much more needs to be done to improve it.

Very Respectfully,
Orion Veteran