Iron and Blood: A Change of Worlds - Signups/Pregame Threads

I read up on the histories of Columbia and La Plata and I must say we have quite the history of South American liberation now. Patagonian history has been changed slightly by moving their independence date to 1813 (one year later) so that it really was the last Castilian colony. Also, the history of La Plata gives a good explanation for how Patagonian revolutionaries could seize control of the region without much outsider help as the Castilian colonial forces were already weakened by the revolution in La Plata. The fact that it took 5 more years to liberate Chile can be attributed to the terrain of the Andes which gave the Castilian defenders an advantage. Also, at the time the Patagonian army consisted mostly of militia while the Castilians were probably trained to fight.
Empire of Great Choson

Capital: Gungnae (otl Ji'an Manchuria)
Territory: Korea, Manchuria, and Chihli.
Government: Absolute Monarchy under the Joseon Dynasty. The Leader of the government is the Emperor who is currently Sejong. Underneath him is a traditional Confucian bureaucratic hierarchy along with a noble class with some privileges.
Religion: Confucianism alongside imperial heaven worship and ancestral rites is the state religion/ideology. Taoism, Shenism and Korean Muism are also supported by the state. Buddhism is tolerated but placed under heavy restrictions and prohibitions. Foreign cults are persecuted, and proselytism from foreign religions is forbidden.
History: The Kingdom of Korea during the later years of the Ming Dynasty in China conquered the erstwhile Korean, Manchu and Jurchen tribes of Manchuria in the 17th century, and established a new capital at Gungnae to control the territories. Thereafter following the fall of the Ming Dynasty to internal dissent in 1712 the armies of Korea conquered northern china and claimed imperial status. Despite efforts to conquer the south throughout the 18th century, Ming loyalists and pretender dynasties in that region have hindered the completion of the conquest of china to the present, particularly so after the establishment of the celestial Empire (Shun Dynasty) in the south which had the whole south of china under their control by 1801, this being despite another attempt at conquest in 1815. Nevertheless, the Empire of Great Choson prospered throughout the latter part of the 18th and into the 19th centuries through openness to trade (with Korean ships travelling as far afield as the Americas), and western technology through the ports of Pusan and Tianjing, and Korean innovation in the sciences under the auspices of Confucian scholars of the Seohak school. This sparked something of an agricultural and commercial revolution in the Empire increasing urbanisation and economic development up to the present.
Looks good, I do however have one change to recommend in the history and one regarding layout.

Regarding the history I've changed the name of my nation to the historical Republic of Colombia (Gran Colombia is a retrospective name given by historians to differentiate it from modern Colombia, similar to the way the Eastern Roman Empire has been retrospectively termed Byzantine).

Regarding the layout it's quite difficult to read text that long without line breaks on this forum. I toughed my way through it due to the close historical relationship Colombia and La Plata will inevitably have but those with less vested interest are likely to get five lines in and decide it's too much effort. Would you consider putting in some additional line breaks to make reading easier.

Yeah, sorry about the format. I copy-pasted that from a Word document last night when I was completely fried; ordinarily I try to add in proper line breaks. I'll fix that and tidy up the references to Gran Columbia.
NOTE: It appears upon going back that Terran-Emperor tentatively staked out Chihli. Now he hasn't actually to my knowledge established details as to what state he has (so I would hope I can keep Chihli on the basis that Choson is further developed, and he can instead have say... Canton). But it that is not reasonably possible I suppose I would have to work out alternative arrangements..

With the Napoleonic Wars, France managed to score important victories against the Prussians and the Austrians in Germany. After the defeat of the Prussian Army by the French at the Battle of Jena-Auerstedt, the Treaty of Tilsit in 1807 made the Westphalian territories part of the Kingdom of Westphalia. It was founded by Napoleon and was a French vassal state and was ruled by Napoleon's brother Jérôme Bonaparte. This state only shared the name with the historical region; it contained only a relatively small part of Westphalia, consisting instead mostly of Hessian and Eastphalian regions.

Napoleon imposed the first written modern constitution in Germany, a French-style central administration, and agricultural reform. The Kingdom liberated the serfs and gave everyone equal rights and the right to a jury trial. In 1808 the Kingdom passed Germany's first laws granting Jews equal rights, thereby providing a model for reform in the other German states. Westphalia seemed to be progressive in immediately enacting and enforcing the new reforms. However, the country was relatively poor but Napoleon demanded heavy taxes and payments, and conscripted soldiers. All of this and the eventual establishment of Napoleon's Kingdom in Egypt led to a weaker France that was plagued by internal fighting, something that caused the uppity German states to end their state of being French vassals and led to numberous revolts similar to the French Revolution that would establish republics and constitutional monarchies. But, the Austrian threat to the independence of the various German Republics led to the realisation of their common goals and in the first German Monetary Union in 1805 and the eventual unification of the most prominent German Republics, the Westphalian, the Saxon and the Bavarian into one German Republic that would begin incorporating other nearby German states.

The government of the German Republic is that of a Federal Republic that is commonly plagued by ideologies that emphasise the well - being of the various Federal States instead of that of the whole Republic. Currently, the Stadtvertreter is the Head Representative of the Bundestag and the Head of Government while the Stadtführer is the Head of State, with both of them having a certainly unequal balance of powers, as the Stadtführer can veto propositions he does not agree with, and he can only be forced to implement them if 3/4 of the Bundestag members agree on them. Despite all its troubles, the German Republic is looking forward towards a hopefully bright future.
Capital: Algiers, the ancient city found by Phoenicians, which stands yet to this day with it's marble white buildings.
Colour: Same as the one you've picked up.
Territory: Libya, Algeria and Senegal.
Government: Republic.
Religion: Islam.
History: Following the swift decline of the Ottoman Empire in North Africa during the 1750s, Algeria managed to become independent. However, for the new country, all has just began. New threats from the North, where dastardly Christians greedily turned their eyes towards the Algerian lands.

A dark phase of Algeria's history has just began... From 1767, when the Spanish disembarked upon Tangiers, with plunder in their eyes just like their forefathers in South America, seeking plunder, fortune and land, a fight for survival has began. The Spanish quickly advanced, but at Fez, they halted, as the Atlas mountains beckoned before them, like mighty columns of stone and impenetrability.

And guns. Many, many guns. Perhaps the Ottoman weapons - guns and cannons, weren't effective. But when hidden amongst mountains, even the best well-armoured succumbed. The Spanish army dwindled, and they soon surrendered.

However, the terror didn't end. It seems, there were other Spaniards, they came from Sicily this time, attacked Tunisia during 1777. They seized all of it, except for Aures, where the war stagnated. A peace treaty was signed, but it was void, as a rebellion destroyed the entire garrison left there, and many ships were sank. With the population rebelling everywhere, the Spanish capitulated the territory, as they were busy on other fronts.

Europeans never give up, however. Despite shown that invading Algeria is impossible and even unprofitable in the long turn, another attempt, this time by the French, was attempted. It was 1787. This time, they decided to take Libya as a staging ground. Rather bad idea, as the local tribes raided their supply lines from the desert, and soon, what was a proud army whose commander said they'll seize all of North Africa by Christmas, became a coward as he and his army was beaten in the desert, and then pushed deeper and deeper into it. People traversing Sahara say that to this day, you can hear the desperate screams of the Frenchmen, as they slowly suffocate to thirst, starvation, and the locals... On an unnamed location, far from any civilized ground, a regiment of skeletons in French uniforms remains to this day.

Another effect of this this invasion was the seizure, or to be fair, liberation, of Libya. Local tribes didn't mind too much for a state to protect them, as long as their practices were kept and their continued to rule their lands, this time as a part of the Algerian administration.

But the most important effect, was that Europe was shocked. One of the mightiest armies in the world, reduced to dust in the desert.. Who would have expected this? Algeria was left alone.

During all these invasions, an absolute monarchy was established. Every victory, every land liberated, it consolidated the throne. The Age of Peace, from 1787 to 1807, began. Cities burned by the wars slowly regained..

However, in 1804, nearby Egypt was taken. A Frenchman, named Napoleon, took it. Things took to an insulting turn - he titled himself "Pharaoh" Napoleon Bonaparte, converted to Islam and ruled it. This was a clear insult for any self-respecting Muslim, an offence that cannot be healed. Never will the "Pharaohs" from the "Napoleonic" dynasty respected as rightful rulers of Egypt.

In 1807, it began. A massive, modern army, marching from Cairo, with the purpose of "expanding Egypt's rule over righteous lands", began. Libya was seized in quick speed. As with every defeat, the monarchy crumbled, until the battle of I-n-Amenas, where the monarch gave his sword to a guard.. and never came back. With no rule, the country was bound to collapse.

However, ideas spread by the, truthfully, marauding French soldiers spread - rule of law, nationalism.. and liberalism. While the army was in constant retreat, taking what they can, in Algiers during the summer of 1808, the Algerian Republic was born.

Now that leadership existed once more, capable men and women took control. No longer nobles of ancient families with zero experience in battle were in command. Only the best could do for Algeria.

And it showed. Just 100 km outside Algiers, near Biskra, was the first defeat they inflicted on the Napoleonic army. They soon started routing them out, and these victories began the modernisation of the army. By the time they reached the Egyptian border, they were no more some irregulars with ancient weapons - they were an even to the titanic armies to the north and to the east.

A peace treaty was signed in 1810, ending the war. And a new age began for Algeria, with the Republic at helm. Many things had to be done - restoration, picking up economy and slowly, building the path to glory.
@Bair: Gratias

@Taillesskangaru: I obviously have no issue with it. At any rate its been a couple of days since I inquired about it (to no response) so imo you have the prerogative to make the border alteration given that lack of objection (or anything).
@Bair: Gratias

@Taillesskangaru: I obviously have no issue with it. At any rate its been a couple of days since I inquired about it (to no response) so imo you have the prerogative to make the border alteration given that lack of objection (or anything).

its been one day, and i've been busy this past week anyways.

and I do not appreciate the boarder change, I'm feeling boxed with little area to expand to, while Jeho (who signed up after me) has plenty of potential room to expand to, and that if anyone wanted to they could prevent my own expansion and force me into a no win position.

so honestly I would rather have Chihli.

Also I'm not Kinch :/
ehh, You know what, Jeho you can have Chihli. I havne't really done anything and I don't really care enough about China

So I would like to change to

The Kazakh Khanate​

Claims: Kirghizia, Turkestan, Sinkiang
Capital: Turkestan (which is apparently in southern Kirghizia)
Government: Khanate (Absolute Monarchy). The current Khan is Kenesary Khan, While the majority of the land is still nomadic, reforms have modernized the Khanate. The administrative divisions in the Khanate retain the name Jüz, however instead of being semi-independent hordes, the Jüz is a proper administrative division, with the local khans being appointed by the great khan of the Kazakh Khanate.
Religion: Sunni Islam is the official religion of the Khanate, however due to the nomadic nature of many of the citizens, many religions are tolerated and practiced, including Buddhism, Shia Islam, and the old Turkic religion, however these religions are far less defined, especially among nomads who many times practice a mixture of many faiths.
History: For the majority of its history the Kazakh Khanate has been a disunited horde, like the majority of the Turkic states. However without pressure from early Russia the Khanate was able to expand into neighboring territories. The weakening Ming dynasty and Oirate horde also contributed to the rise of the Kazakh. As the French spread their influence in the Middle East however, the Khans realized its need to modernize. The Khanate faced many challenges and opposition, but slowly and surely they were all crushed, now the Khanate runs off of an Absolute system, with the Khagan at its head, while many areas are still nomadic, the nation is rapidly urbanizing, and is a surprisingly interesting combination of a Modern State, and old Turkic horde.
@Terran Emperor: I suppose that's understandable, and you are right that its closer to a day than two days time difference so I must apologise for my condescension before. That said you did have at least a week before I noticed the conflicting claims to say something seeing as I put up my proposal proper for Great Choson on the 20th of February, so you had plenty of notice to make an objection...

At any rate, I am fine with ditching Chihli in favour of outer Manchuria if you do in fact want China and only moved to central asia due to feeling pressured by me (You were there first, and as I noted when I noticed the conflicting claims, I'm committed to making alternate arrangements if your moving is not "reasonably possible" [ergo if you are not inclined to change]). So I would encourage you if you would prefer to remain in China (rather than moving to central asia) to say so, and I will make the appropriate arrangements on my end (be it claiming greater Manchuria + Korea or setting up shop elsewhere).


@GM: If TE prefers China, Priamuria (the province with Sakhalin) would be the preferred replacement province vis-à-vis Chihli, and the capital would be moved to Korea province with Pyongyang as the capital (I have it at Gungnae currently for strategic reasons). Alternatively I may move to claim my Australian fatherland under a glorious Antipodean Empire in the circumstance that TE moves back to the middle kingdom.
Sign-ups are closed

Spoiler map :

NPCs created:

- The Celestial Empire
- The United Commonwealth
- The Empire of Brazil
- The Kingdom of Finland
- The Kingdom of Prussia
- The Papal State

What's next:
- Harmonising histories, coming up with a timeline that sort-of-kind-of makes sense
- Reviewing game rules (nothing major, just mostly revising tech costs)
- Write the update
Ohh, that pink NPC is with 5 territories. Including the homeland I planned to take back :'(
Edit: Checking in as His Imperial Majesty Joshua Norton I, Emperor of Columbia and Defender of the West

Will have an alternate history up shortly :)
Ohh, that pink NPC is with 5 territories. Including the homeland I planned to take back :'(

Would you like to swap something for the Netherlands? Or are you good with playing the Dutch exiles, keeping pure the spirit of Hollandia in the Orient, out of reach of traitors and English occupiers? :p
Would you like to swap something for the Netherlands? Or are you good with playing the Dutch exiles, keeping pure the spirit of Hollandia in the Orient, out of reach of traitors and English occupiers? :p
I wonder how did they get to Holland and conquer it :p, but No I'm sticking to the east only, I am a dutch company, not a country :p
Edit: Checking in as His Imperial Majesty Joshua Norton I, Emperor of America and Defender of the West

Will have an alternate history up shortly :)

I look forward to finding out how a thirteen year old takes over the west coast (additionally he was living in South Africa in 1831 OTL but that's more easily changed).
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