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Is it normal to have sexual orentation struggles?

Mathilda said:
Two questions CG.
1. Did you check out the link I posted?
2. What sort of response are you waiting for in this thread?
3. Why is being "normal" so important to you?

ok, so that was three questions - sorry :)
1. I did checked out the link that you posted. But I was unsure how that would help me since I wish to reman closeted IRL.
2. I was hoping the response that I want in the thread would not move to people asking me questions about me. I was asking if having struggles about one's sexual orentation is normal
3. I just dont want to go through the persicutions and assaults. I hate the idea that I would be persicuted just because of my orentation. Also, I am afraid of the reactions my relatives and friends would have if I do come out as bi.

@King Alexander - I am sorry if I fliped my lid at you and removed some of the content :blush:.
CivGeneral said:
1. I did checked out the link that you posted. But I was unsure how that would help me since I wish to reman closeted IRL.
2. I was hoping the response that I want in the thread would not move to people asking me questions about me. I was asking if having struggles about one's sexual orentation is normal
3. I just dont want to go through the persicutions and assaults. I hate the idea that I would be persicuted just because of my orentation. Also, I am afraid of the reactions my relatives and friends would have if I do come out as bi.
1. I was hoping it could answer some of your questions about Catholic Chuches view on bisexuality for example. Just check out the FAQ section to start with.
Reading the site won't out you.
2. I understood the question, I was wondering if you were hoping for the answers to be YES or NO.
3. What sort of persecution do you forsee? I really don't believe it's bad enough to warrant hiding your feelings for the rest of your life.
Friends and relatives - well some of them are cool, some need a bit more time to accept the news than others. I have heard of, but don't personally know anyone, whose relatives would have stayed unaccepting.
But I think coming out is not a very good idea while you are so confused still yourself.
That's what I was hoping the link would help you with, to sort it out for yourself.
@CivGeneral: Nothing to be sorry for, CivGeneral; I don't pay attention to political characterisations, anyway(in the times we live, most have lost their meaning).
Mathilda said:
1. I was hoping it could answer some of your questions about Catholic Chuches view on bisexuality for example. Just check out the FAQ section to start with.
Reading the site won't out you.
Ill closely look into it, thanks :).
Yes, during these years its perfectly normal. I mean, afterall we are a bunch of hormone driven teenagers ;) Personally though, for me it wasn't really a struggle - I just knew pretty much that I wanted to be with men and not with women. Its perfectly normal to question your sexual identity CivGeneral, so don't fret too much about it :)
Its true you just dont know what those f***in hormones will do to ya.
Hair in strange places
stinky tears comeing out of your pits.
growth of "zones"
"explosive" results

We r just unpredictable. Experiment, All the cool kids are doing it.
I am the Future said:
Its true you just dont know what those f***in hormones will do to ya.
Hair in strange places
stinky tears comeing out of your pits.
growth of "zones"
"explosive" results

We r just unpredictable. Experiment, All the cool kids are doing it.

Advice from a 14 year old... priceless!

Just seriously do what some people have suggested. Go online, and look at pictures of naked women and naked men. Which one turns you on [more]?

And you're true friends should stick with you no matter what bomb you throw at them. And your family... they're your family, they should support you no matter what. If they don't, they are probably just afraid of the social consequences it'll have on them which is just downright selfish.
WildFire said:
Advice from a 14 year old... priceless!

Just seriously do what some people have suggested. Go online, and look at pictures of naked women and naked men. Which one turns you on [more]?

- I know isnt it. He is 14 I am 14 It is what I would do (sorta)

-Not like most 14 year olds dont. but it is still illegal. though I did this (didnt help me)
King Alexander said:
@CivGeneral: in your opinion, is it better to have sex AFTER marriage with a girl who's also virgin, and you both don't know what the heck to do or how to face "difficulties"?
I know this is not aimed at me but I know that since I am tying to wait, so far successfully, to have sex until I am married. I know that the ladies at my church will have a similar outlook that I have, so I will not be worried.
is it normal? Well it's happend to plenty of people so I assume so. I don't know why one would struggle with their sexual orientation though unless they really have problems accepting themselves for who they are. Just accept the fact that you are who you are and you're still a good person no matter who you are attracted to.

CivGeneral said:
I already know what attracts me and it does not revolve around sex.

are you attracted to innanimate objects or what?

I dont beleve that would happen because unlike my testosterone hyped peers. I rather have love along with sex. Sex without love is meaningless and thus would make losing one's virginity meaningless and a waste. I meet a few people who wished they would have waited untill they met the right person.

ah you hopeless romantics. sex is fun, enjoyable, and relatively safe if appropriate measures are taken. I'm not sure why you feel sex inside of marriage is much different. sex is all about lust, fufilling animalistic desires.

I dont want to lose my virginity to a slut or a girl who will dump me. I would rather wait untill marrage to lose my virginity than to waste it on pre-marital sex. I dont want to engage in the act of pre-marital sex because to me personaly, virginity is very important because I am one of the few people in my age group who has never wasted losing their virginity on loveless sex.

honestly what's so special about virginity? I'd rather have a woman that knew what she was doing. not to mention as a male your first time and your thousanth time aren't really going to feel much different. and fumbling around on your wedding night because you have no clue what you're doing isn't going to be much fun especially if she's a virgin as well.
Be honest with yourself and accept it. Don't make up lies and try to get yourself to believe them when deep-down you know they're lies.
Sims2789 said:
Be honest with yourself and accept it. Don't make up lies and try to get yourself to believe them when deep-down you know they're lies.

What that guy said.

You really need to get over it buddy :p. It's pretty clear that if you had your mind made up about this and you were convinced your decision was a good one, you wouldn't be posting about this every ten seconds. You need to be honest with yourself otherwise you're going to lead a very boring life. End of story. Don't be afraid of the church. You're in Connecticut or something right? Please. You'll be fine.

And as Milan's Warrior said, if you're really that confused, please go find someone to help you out instead of coming to us every night and getting advice from us.
Is'nt it rather easy to find out sexual oreinatation? I mean all you have do do is see if you get turned on by women, men or both. Go to a few porn sites of both check em out and see which one u feel attracted to.
That works right?
silver 2039 said:
Is'nt it rather easy to find out sexual oreinatation? I mean all you have do do is see if you get turned on by women, men or both. Go to a few porn sites of both check em out and see which one u feel attracted to.
That works right?
Attraction can be wrong. That is not always a good indicator of things.
classical_hero said:
Attraction can be wrong. That is not always a good indicator of things.
What is a better indicator in your opinion?
CivGeneral said:
I dont beleve that would happen because unlike my testosterone hyped peers. I rather have love along with sex. Sex without love is meaningless and thus would make losing one's virginity meaningless and a waste. I meet a few people who wished they would have waited untill they met the right person.

I dont want to lose my virginity to a slut or a girl who will dump me. I would rather wait untill marrage to lose my virginity than to waste it on pre-marital sex. I dont want to engage in the act of pre-marital sex because to me personaly, virginity is very important because I am one of the few people in my age group who has never wasted losing their virginity on loveless sex.
Thats good to hear. Lust is important but it should NEVER replace love in a relationship.

As for this whole sexual orientation thing, I would just ignor most the comments in this thread and keep on living your life. You will figure it out soon enough. (though i wouldn't really know cause i'm only 18 so you should probobly ignor me too)
is it normal as in common? no, because only 5% of the population are homosexual, and they are the only ones that will have to 'struggle' with it becuase of societies taboos. no one struggles with their heterosexuality.

is it natural? yes. don't ignore it, you could be passing your life on your 'soulmate' because you refuse to start a romantic relationship with someone of the same sex.


there is no perfectly heterosexual person out there that thinks they might be gay because they saw will and grace. like someone already said they were completly sheltered to homosexuality yet eventually found it out. there has never been a guy who thought only women were attractive and then thought that they were gay because they saw two guys kiss on tv.
Birdjaguar said:
What is a better indicator in your opinion?
I think that attraction (like the proverbial "love at first sight") is more of a product of lust rather then love. Whilst lust is natural, it can be dangerous if left unchecked and shouldn't be confused with love.

I guess it is quite possible to know someone for a while, be not really be attracted to them, but fall into love after a while.
It must be kinda normal or there wouldnt be 58 primarily positive posts on the subject
classical_hero said:
Attraction can be wrong. That is not always a good indicator of things.

The penis is never wrong about these kinds of things. Trust your penis. Use your penis.

May the penis be with you....

:lol: :crazyeye:
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