Is there any reason to vote for John McCain?

Alternative fuels exist. Uranium & fossil fuels won't last forever. We only have so much money to put into either basket. If alternative fuels cannot & never will be viable, we're screwed. But the sooner we do our damndest to find out the better. - Narz

Throwing money at alternative energy isn't going to create a solution. But I'm down with that. I'm concentrating all my studies on alternative energies in hopes of getting a little bit of that money thrown my way.
Maybe if we poured the same billions of research and subsidy money into alternative energy that we've poured into nuclear power over the last 50 years, then we'll get somewhere.
Anyway, reasons I'd vote for McCain:

- I'd trust him to use his veto pen. I may not agree with his conception of 'pork' 100% of the time, and its overuse could backfire (i.e., more pork to make a bill veto-proof ala Farm Bill), but I think it's a good idea.

Yup, he's clearly more serious about that stuff - we need a line item veto for the Prez. It clarifies responsibility, highlights the porkers and the Prez cant hide behind the "good things" in the bill.

- keeping troops in Iraq. I don't think the US should bail out. Now troops might not be necessary, but the US should still be trying to fix Iraq.

The Iraqis want us to leave, far ahead of any "timeline" Obama had in mind, much less McCain's 100 year presence. We're blackmailing them now into extending our presence, that wont work for very long, maybe 1 year at best before a new insurgency begins.

- maybe John McCain is the right guy to help fix that stupid Farm Bill.

Obama sure wont

- They want a slightly different tack on foreign policy
- they want a guy who won't look like a hypocrite if the populace decides it does need to bomb Iran.

The populace? Ever go fishing with live fish as bait? That aint a nose ring, we're being led around by a corrupt govt and media - look how even the "liberal" media was on board Bush's invasions and critics were either ignored or shouted down as un-American.
Maybe if we poured the same billions of research and subsidy money into alternative energy that we've poured into nuclear power over the last 50 years, then we'll get somewhere.

Definitely would have. Add in the money we've spent on coal research, and the US would be exporting windmills.
Maybe if we poured the same billions of research and subsidy money into alternative energy that we've poured into nuclear power over the last 50 years, then we'll get somewhere.

Yeah, cuz I mean, France isn't anywhere when it comes to energy...
I'm speaking of a global "we", France subsidises its nuclear power too. Globally, the amount of money that has been put into nuclear power and into fossil fuels by government dwarfs renewable energy.

Given limited funding I'd much rather it go towards the industry with potential for development than an established money sink like nuke power.
I find it a bit ironic that the OP asked for reasons to vote for McCain instead of against Obama, then contained a long anti-McCain rant.

Anyway, there are multiple reasons. First, McCain has made the right calls on major issues. He knew the surge was the answer to getting Iraq under control. He knew we needed more oversight of Fannie and Freddie (which was a departure from his usual deregulation stance). Obama was wrong on both calls.

He hates wasteful spending.

He has been a thorn in W's side for eight years.

He has a record of fighting against the influence of special interest money.

He has a better health care plan (although that issue is so complex it would be its own thread).

He's much more experienced and better qualified. And before anyone pulls out the Palin card, she has more executive experience than Obama and Biden combined. And she's going for the #2 job, not the #1 job, which will allow her to apprentice for the presidency.
France subsidises its nuclear power too. Globally, the amount of money that has been put into nuclear power and into fossil fuels by government dwarfs renewable energy.

I for one would like to see some more nuclear reactors going online as well as following France and establishing breeder reactors.
But how much does that cost, and could the money be better spent?
*laughs and points to your sig*
No there aren't any reasons to vote for him. Now vote for Jesus....I mean Obama.
Please, don't pull a Biden. It's not going to help our cause to win back the White House :scared:.
Don't think your "cause" too seriously. Or Obama for that matter. When it comes down to it all politicians are pretty much the same at the fundamental's. Obama is just slightly better than the rest.
The only reason for voting McCain is to stop Antichrist Superstar.
The only reason for voting McCain is to stop Antichrist Superstar.

How can Obama be the Antichrist when previously they said it was John Kerry? Before that they said it was Bill Clinton, before that Carter. I'm sensing a pattern here. :crazyeye:
If you vote for McCain the comics in the newspapers will be a lot funnier the next four years.
There is no reason to vote for John McBush, unless you don't mind him taxing you just because you have health insurance through your employer and a man who is a cheerleader for an unpopular war.

I didn't realize the war was still unpopular. Hell, I don't think most Americans realize there's still a war going on there.
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