Its absolutely more plausible. I used to travel a lot for work and my crew was often put up in the same hotel where the rooms were nearly identical. Even when they were only lived in for a couple days it was easy to tell rooms apart. Smells, where shoes, boots, coats, etc went. Unless both Guyger and Jean led fastidious and spartan lives and the furniture was identical right down to wall decor it would have been noticeable in seconds. Does anybody believe Botham Jean was sitting in complete darkness eating icecream?
Her story was bullfeathers. The testimony Brown gave said he heard an exchange of words. She didnt walk in and pull the trigger without hesitation only to discover shed made a terrible mistake. She made up that story on the fly. She likely went up there intending to just threaten him and he said something that triggered her. After the rage passed she called it in with a bullfeathers story and her "brothers" backed her.