
It seems I failed to address the issues before the Senate.

I support the reinstatement Gracchi reforms, for I fear the danger of a few large farms. Better many little farms, so that the fortune of our granary stores does not depend on a few families. While redistribution of wealth is not generally a good idea, we are simply restoring the old system of the Gracchi. No harm in going back to where we were.

The Grain Dole, I think must also be increased, but only slightly. The people, with their own farms, will be able to feed themselves better, and the Dole need only serve as a supplement than a sole source of sustenance.

The Triumphs are illegal. That alone is cause for revocation.

I would like two Legions sent to defeat the Pannonians, under two different Senators. I would feel safer without one man controlling the entirety of our military expedition. I support any two as Generals.
OOC: no full Latin just yet. I have had enough of it for today, having translated some of a speech by Cicero as part of an assessment today. He uses some confusing grammar :p
"For those of you who do not know me, I am Marcus Aurelius Viator, son of Tiberius Argetius Viator, and one of Sulla's legionaries for a long time, fighting in the Second Mithridatic War alongside him. He was a good man, but the power he had was ultimately his demise, I believe. That being said, I do not support the reinstatement of the Gracchi Reforms, and instead find a better solution that will anger neither the patricians nor plebians. If we choose reinstatement or complete destruction of the Reforms, one of those two sides will not end out happy, and that is always dangerous. We must find some solution to the problem, but at least a better one than what we have now. That being said, seeing as the plebians have not found a way to solve their problems, we should increase the Grain Dole enough to feed the general populace. We must also encourage the plebians to find work, however, as we will obviously not survive by giving freely to the masses."
"I announce my bid for consulship, and I promise to bring peace inside of Rome and its provinces, and I will bring the glory of Rome to elsewhere. In the case that I fail to achieve consulship, I would like to request Legio II, and governorship of Cisalpine Gaul, as to deal with the threat of the Pannonians. Regardless, I would also like an additional legion under another general to come with me, as it will aid my force, and aid the cause of the Republic.
Servius, my friend, I, Tiberius, also have been in Hellas for the duration of the dictatorship. Have we met in Athens before? OOC: You can decide whether we know each other or not :p

"Perhaps. Were you at the Quinquatrus festival at the Athens Agora last spring?"

"Anyway, I fully agree with the others that we ought to increase the Grain Dole, but not to its original amount, for that would bankrupt the Republic. I also agree that we should revoke the illegal triumphs of Sulla. I also agree with sending legions to fight off the Pannonians. As for the Gracchian reforms, I will remain neutral; there will be turmoil and discontent whether we reinstate it or not.

I will support Tiberius Tertinius Pachomius for consul, and I offer my services to the republic as a governor, of any province."
"I, Titus Lucretius Longus, offer my services as governor of Italia. It is best for the Republic if our most valuable and lucrative province is in the hands of a capable manager such as myself. Additionally, I say we increase the Grain Dole to it's previous amount, revoke the triumphs, and pass the Gracchian reforms in select areas only where there are a large number of poor Plebeians."
"Aulus Mucia Laetonius, at your services. I do guarantee you all that I share little with my incapable Father. Instead, the success of my later ancestors will show in my dedication to the senate, and Rome in general.

"Firstly, the Gracchi Reforms should by no means be re-instituted. Are you all mad? Do you wish to completely destroy the economy? The system is currently based around these plantations, and any redistribution will throw what remains of our food supplies in chaos. That said, a light increase of the Grain Dole is certainly in order. Enough that the plebs are fed, but not so much that they have little incentive to work.

"A few armies are of course needed as well, the commanders less important. We must show these barbarians that the Republic is as strong as ever.

"I have no interest in consulship. Viator seems the best candidate for now, although I still wish to see who else is interested.

"I'd also like to mention that it would be wonderful if a future consul were to grant me a governorship, if you catch my drift."
OOC: For the false Romans. :p

Spoiler :
Allow me to introduce myself, I am Marcus Titus Scipio, and I apologize for my appearance. It was not my intention to arrive in my combat uniform, but I have not yet had the opportunity to visit a tailor and purchase my Senatorial Toga as I rushed here upon hearing of the death of Sulla from exile in Greece to reclaim my lands and seat at the Senate. I hope I will be forgiven of this transgression and I will fix the error of my ways by taking off my armor and weapons and ordering my slave to wait with them outside the chambers.

Permitte mihi ad introducendam, ego sum ​​Marcus Titus Scipio, et ego excusabo species mea. Non fuit intentio mea pervenire in mea certamine uniforme, sed nondum ego fuit opportunitas ad visitandum sartor do meum Senatorio toga sicut ego irruerunt hic audito Sulla mortuo ab exilio in Graecia resultare terris meis, et sedes ad senatum. Spero ex hoc dimittetur iniquitas mea et firmabo errorem sustulit arma tela modis servum iussit extra claustra opperiretur.

As for the issues facing Senate:

I reject the Gracchi Laws as damaging to the Roman Economy. Families such as ours are what allow great funds to flow into the Roman Treasury with our cheap workforce and abundance of land that is maintained and supplied by said families that can afford to do so. Rome will be greatly impacted should these laws be brought back.

But to keep the people happy and content, we must increase the Grain Dole to former levels.

Being a soldier myself, and through my understanding of the Legions, I sincerely believe that we must revoke Sulla's Triumphs. They go against everything that is Rome, and if they stand then what is to stop any General from bringing his army into Rome and forcing the Senate into giving him a Triumph?

As for the issue of the Pannonian Raids, all I can say, make sure you appoint a capable commander, the Pannonians are no easy foe to defeat.

I will take any command the Senate deems fit to assign me to. Naturally because my ancestors have previously commanded in these theaters I would prefer Hispania or Africa.

I shall now make my leave to purchase my Toga and present myself as a Senator the next time we meet.
"Exactly my thoughts on the Grain Dole, Aulus. I agree with you on the Gracchi Reforms, by the way. That is why I suggest some other solution. Maybe some plots of land somewhere dedicated to plebeians, and that way they have a place to work for pay and food, all the while solving the problems of them not having land? It would also make no need for a large increase of the Grain Dole."
"Scipio? By any chance are you related to the man of such a famed name? You would make a good friend in fighting the Pannonians, if you possess the skills of Scipio Africanus."

OOC: Latin detected. Mind cannot handle at this time :twitch:
I realised I forgot to add the 'Hostile Forces in Roman Territory' section to the stats.

Its currently empty, but invaders, rebels, etc. will go in this section in future.
Iustus Bruscius:

A former military commander in his early thirties, who made his name in the Battle of Orchomenus and was promoted to the office of senator for his achievements during the first Mithridatic War. Although he was a talented general, he has now retired from war following an injury which severely hampered his ability to engage in physical combat. Since his retirement he has devoted his energies to the study of philosophy, and the pursuit of politics.
"Bruscius, what are your opinions on the current issues within the senate?

I'm not sure I understand you, Viator. You wish to give the plebs land, but from where exactly?"
Iustus Bruscius addresses the Senate:

Senate and People of Rome, the time has come for a rebirth of true Roman principles and a rejuvenation of Roman power and authority around the Mare Nostrum. If elected as Consul, I will not reinstate the Gracchii Reforms, as I believe this will be too damaging to the economy of our developing provinces. Instead I will encourage the growth of large plantations in order to reduce over time the average cost of bread and other basic foodstuffs, and so provide better for our people. I believe that the growth of large plantations will also push free citizens into the cities, driving the process of urbanisation and allowing them to re-specialise as craftsmen, which will ultimately boost trade and benefit the Roman economy and people. The additional taxation that these large plantations will provide shall also go a long way to subsidising a reinstated grain dole which shall be boosted to near previous levels in order to support those adjusting to life in the cities.

I advocate a strong response to the Pannonian barbarians to the North in order to prevent them from gaining confidence. If we allow them to run amok they will provide an example to other barbarian tribes that the Roman Republic can be treated with contempt without fear of reprisal. I will also pledge to closely watch our deadly foe, King Mithridates, and be ready to re-engage with him to defend the integrity of our borders.

Iustus Bruscius declares his candidacy for the consulship.
OOC: I wonder if it wouldn't be better if everyone posts their name in the first sentence so we don't have to keep going back to the stats to see who is talking.

Grandkhan: Also, if I can and it is not too late, I would like to drop the Titus and replace it with Cornelius. So my full name will be Marcus Cornelius Scipio.


For English speaking Romans:
Spoiler :
Senator Viator, I am indeed a descendent of the famed Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus, he was my father's Grandfather and I have heard fantastic tales of his victory over the barbarian Hannibal. Namely his tactics at Zama. As I have said earlier, I will take any command the Senate deems necessary for me, if you think I should command the armies against the Pannonians I will not refuse.

Viator senator sum progenies quidem laus P. Cornelius Scipio Africanus avus patris mei fuit audivi barbaris victoriam de Hannibale fabulis. Scilicet sui, proelio ad Zama. Ut dictum est, imperium meum senatus necessarios mihi videor si in Pannoniis castra non abnuo iubeat.

EDIT: Posui in mea Suffragium pro Iustum Bruscius. Sicut repraesentat quod volo Roma facere. Sed adhuc mirari quid facturus de Sulla scriptor sceleratus Triumphi.

Translation: My vote goes to Iustus Bruscius, since he represnets the closest to what I want, but I will wonder what he thinks about Sulla's illegal Triumphs.
Welcome aboard Ekolite.

Your stats are here.
Spoiler :

Name: Iustus Bruscius (Ekolite)
Location: Rome
Command: 1
Intrigue: 0
Management: 0
Funds: 0
Armies: 600 auxiliaries, 100 scouts
Traits: Scarred (+1 Command)

@momo1000: alas, no. I just felt I had to give you something for your character being involved in my chosen field.

In b4 I am suddenly flooded by characters claiming to be mathematicians. :p

@Germanicus12: sure, can do.
So, I swore to myself that I wouldn't join this till finals were over... (which is tomorrow.)

any chance that I can join this tomorrow or thursday?
As a former General, my heart is with the Roman Legions. Upon becoming Consul I would insist on the immediate revocation of the Triumphs of Sulla, which I view as a both a personal insult, and an insult to the traditional Roman way of life.
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