OOC: For the false Romans.
Permitte mihi ad introducendam, ego sum ​​Marcus Titus Scipio, et ego excusabo species mea. Non fuit intentio mea pervenire in mea certamine uniforme, sed nondum ego fuit opportunitas ad visitandum sartor do meum Senatorio toga sicut ego irruerunt hic audito Sulla mortuo ab exilio in Graecia resultare terris meis, et sedes ad senatum. Spero ex hoc dimittetur iniquitas mea et firmabo errorem sustulit arma tela modis servum iussit extra claustra opperiretur.
As for the issues facing Senate:
I reject the Gracchi Laws as damaging to the Roman Economy. Families such as ours are what allow great funds to flow into the Roman Treasury with our cheap workforce and abundance of land that is maintained and supplied by said families that can afford to do so. Rome will be greatly impacted should these laws be brought back.
But to keep the people happy and content, we must increase the Grain Dole to former levels.
Being a soldier myself, and through my understanding of the Legions, I sincerely believe that we must revoke Sulla's Triumphs. They go against everything that is Rome, and if they stand then what is to stop any General from bringing his army into Rome and forcing the Senate into giving him a Triumph?
As for the issue of the Pannonian Raids, all I can say, make sure you appoint a capable commander, the Pannonians are no easy foe to defeat.
I will take any command the Senate deems fit to assign me to. Naturally because my ancestors have previously commanded in these theaters I would prefer Hispania or Africa.
I shall now make my leave to purchase my Toga and present myself as a Senator the next time we meet.