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Knock-out stages — World Cup 2010

That was a nice performance from South Korea. They proved they clearly deserved to reach the second round, and they even seriously threatened Uruguay for the quarter-finals seat.

Overall, I'd say Uruguay still deserves their win, but South Korea had really nice moments.
The Koreans missed so many chances. I think they were a bit unlucky ... they would have scored a 2nd for instance if the water on the pitch hadn't slowed the ball from going into the net. But I suppose if you can't finish the kinda chances Korea had, you're probably not gonna progress far at this level.

The ending was strange. The Koreans were filling up the Uruguay end; but the Koreans weren't prepared to launch the ball into the box, even though having all those players around the penalty box deprived them of the ability to pass it forward.

The ball probably wouldn't have slipped through the keeper's hands if it were dry though.
Why the hell Brazil? :confused: Spain or Argentina are the top bets IMO (even though Spain got beaten my Switzerland they remain an incredible team with tremendous skill). Netherlands and Brazil are a second-rate be.

Because Brazil have a well organised defence whilst having a number of extremely talented players that can create something from nothing. They were my pick before the tournament and still are.

Here's to hoping for another comeback.
Ghana are taking a lot of risks for a team with a lead. Playing far up the pitch too ... they must think they are fast.
Goal for the US! Landon Donovan scores, making it 1-1 in the second half.
Donovan! Donovan! Donovan!

Link to video.

We really need to stop giving away early goals...
The Ghaneans are a bunch of unsportsmanly wimps. This is why Americans don't like soccer.
The Ghaneans are a bunch of unsportsmanly wimps. This is why Americans don't like soccer.
One defensive lapse too many...
The Ghaneans are a bunch of unsportsmanly wimps. This is why Americans don't like soccer.

what's the matter? bad loser? I didn't see any specifically unsportmanlike stuff from them?
USA lost :sad:
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